• 无论是保留个人债权人账户还是进行各种各样债权人调整都可能耗费过多行政会计时间

    Either keeping personal creditors accounts or making sundry creditors adjustments can consume inordinate amounts of administrative and accounting time.


  • 然而作为公司主要供货商阿布拉莫夫这一次扮演了债权人角色,他选择了以股票的方式抹了两家公司的债务,并且其它债权人收购回了两家公司的其它债务,因此,阿布拉莫夫名正言顺地成为了公司的大股东。

    Abramov, a major supplier and therefore a creditor, chose to swap their debt for equity, buying additional debt from other creditors.


  • 很明显已经直抵债权人纳税人承受上限了,债权人愿意再以此利率提供资金了,纳税人也不愿意再为亏空买单,收拾残局了。

    But it has clearly reached a limit in creditors' willingness to supply funding at a reasonable yield, and may have reached the limit of taxpayers' willingness to pay the eventual bill.


  • 马歇尔先生:“计划还给债权人也是的钱。”指出,他债权人同盟,目标是一致的。

    The money that's going to the creditors is my money,” he says, pointing out that he's aligned with the creditors' goals.


  • 债务人法定代表人必须列席债权人会议回答债权人的询问。

    The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries.


  • 债权人可以组成债权人会议讨论通过破产财产处理分配方案或者和解协议

    Creditors may organize a creditors' meeting to discuss and approve of a formula for the disposition and distribution of bankrupt property, or for a composition agreement.


  • 原因简单,申请破产企业行使职能也是需要资金的;这些资金通常只能向受保护债权人取,贷款条约理所当然也只能由受保护的债权人决定

    One reason is simply that insolvent companies still need money to function; usually, they can borrow only from secured creditors, who will inevitably dictate the terms of such loans.


  • 由于所有改组方案必须获得多数债权人支持,所以债权人对改组的影响力得到加强。

    Because any restructuring plan has to be approved by a majority of creditors, the ability of a group of lenders to hold out for a better deal has grown.


  • 因为任何债务拖欠重组意味着债务量的减少——债权人不能追回所有(至少不是想追回追回)这样所有债权人遭受损失

    Any default or restructuring implies a reduction in debt: creditors do not get all their money back (at least when they expected to). All creditors would be hit.


  • 第二个进行破产管理,既把杰斐逊公司分成两部分,一部分是有着最良好资产的”过渡银行保障债权人,另一部分则是满是资产的”坏账银行“和不受保护的债权人

    Second was receivership: New Jefferson would be split into a goodbridge bankwith the soundest assets and secured creditors, and a “bad bank” with impaired assets and unsecured creditors.


  • 报道,GeneralGrowth的无担保债权人倾向于选择西蒙公司的收购资金这些资金可以用来全部偿还这些债权人,余下的可以分给股东们

    General Growth's unsecured creditors are reportedly inclined to accept Simon Property's offer, which would repay them in full, with money left over for shareholders.


  • Meridian[font=宋体]最大债权人一些对冲基金持有大量、二级抵押债务能够代表这两个级别债权人进行投票

    Some of Meridian's biggest creditors were hedge funds which held a lot of first- and second-lien debt and in effect had a blocking vote in both classes.


  • 美国管理者正在索赔之中还有索赔的方法(全面但是繁琐)所有债权人一视同仁的方法(较快但是一些债权人来说不公平)之间开辟第三种方法

    The American administrators are taking a third way between a claim-by-claim approach (thorough but laborious) and treating all creditors alike (quicker but unfair to some).


  • 债权人行使债权人代位权行使主体债权人本人并且债权人自己名义债务人之行使

    Subrogation right of subrogation exercising creditor subrogation, are the subject of creditors himself, and in its own name by the obligee and obligor position exercise.


  • 如果债务人没有债权人的抗辩债务人也就没有对债权人抗辩。

    If the original debtor does not enjoy the demur, the new debtor does not enjoy the demur, either.


  • 本文分析了债权人财务控制必要性此基础上论述了债权人财务控制的具体措施

    The paper analyses the necessity of creditors' financial control and upon that, puts forward the way of creditors' financial control.


  • 前款规定债权人只有其他同顺位债权人自己所受清偿达到同一比例才能继续接受分配

    The creditors as specified in the preceding paragraph may continue to join the distribution, only when the other creditors in the same sequential order receive the same proportion of repayment.


  • 同时赋予债权人遗产分立请求权使债权人能够主动采取法律措施保护自己合法权益

    At the same time, the creditor shall be granted the right of claim for the division of the legacy so that he can resort to legal measures to protect his own benefits.


  • 债务人能够债权人主张债务人可以向债权人主张抵销权

    The new obligor may not exercise against the obligee any right of set-off available to the original obligor against the obligee.


  • 债权人会议程序清算委员会债权人协商确定

    The procedures for the creditors' meeting shall be determined by the liquidation committee and the creditors through negotiation.


  • 债务人引用原债务人对抗债权人所有抗辩,对抗债权人

    The new obligor may advance afreshst the obligee all defences which the aboriginal obligor could assert aassetst the obligee.


  • 最后由于第一债权人侵犯第二债权人应得的利益,重组受到很大影响。

    In the end, a deal was struck which essentially handed more to second-lien lenders than they might otherwise have been entitled to.


  • 任何抵押债权人债权人一般利益破产管理署署长受托人交出抵押品,则就其全部债权提出债权证明

    If a secured creditor surrenders his security to the official receiver or trustee for the general benefit of the creditors he may prove for his whole debt.


  • 债权人损害救济问题破产法债权人利益保护原则重要内容

    Problems about damage relief to bankrupt creditors are important principle contents of protecting their interests in bankruptcy.


  • 债务人剩余财产交由债权人管理债权人之间分配

    The debtor's remaining property is then administered for the creditors or is distributed among them.


  • 辩证法角度观察破产制度涉及债权人债务人债权人之间以及破产与社会效益三大矛盾

    From the philosophy dialectic point of view, bankruptcy system relates to three contradictions amongst obligee and obligor, obligee apiece, bankruptcy and social benefit.


  • 实际操作中,往往诉讼在先债权人能够得到优先受偿权,其他债权人的利益可能得不到保证。

    In actual operation, litigation is often the first right of first refusal of creditors to be, the interests of other creditors may not be guaranteed.


  • 实际操作中,往往诉讼在先债权人能够得到优先受偿权,其他债权人的利益可能得不到保证。

    In actual operation, litigation is often the first right of first refusal of creditors to be, the interests of other creditors may not be guaranteed.


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