• 公司的研究人员应用的原理是,可见光照光电二极管可以产生信号(数码相机中研发了该项技术)。

    Its researchers used photodiodes (the technology found in digital cameras) that generate an electrical signal when light strikes them.


  • 由于两个二极管反向并联,所以此电路能够任何极性信号进行保护

    With two diodes in parallel back to back, the circuit will provide protection regardless of the signal polarity.


  • 公司的研究人员应用的原理是,可见光照光电二极管可以产生信号(数码相机中研发了该项技术)。

    Its researchers used photodiodes (the technology found in digital cameras) that generate an electrical signal when light strikes the m.


  • 它们特点发光二极管剪辑独唱控制开关调节信号个别位置立体图像推子。

    They feature individual faders with CLIP LEDs, SOLO switches and PAN controls to adjust the signal's position in the stereo image.


  • 放大器输入电压信号,与光敏二极管产生光电流信号成比例调制光柱断路器同样频率照射光敏二极管

    The amplifier input is a voltage proportional to the photocurrent signal produced by a photodiode, which is irradiated by a modulated light beam at the same chopper frequency.


  • 脉冲宽度发生器404接收来自二极管405韵信号选择信号

    The pulse width generator 404 receives a signal from diode 405 and a select signal.


  • 脉冲宽度发生器404提供信号VIN延迟响应来自二极管405的信号选择信号的变化而改变。

    The delay that pulse width generator 404 provides to signal VIN varies in response to variations in the signal from diode 405 and the select signal.


  • 方法:电路利用二极管电压温度变化特性实现呼吸信号检测

    Methods the respiratory signal is detected by the characteristics of diode junction voltage with temperature changes.


  • 考虑工作信号躁声,感光光电二极管嵌入硅片芯片表面产生噪声元件相隔离。

    Operating signal noise was also considered, and the sensor photodiodes were deeply embedded in silicon to isolate them from noise-causing elements on the chip surface.


  • 基于PIN二极管开关电路射频信号切换方面特性设计了种应用滤波器切换的PIN电子开关电路。

    Based on characteristics of PIN diode switch circuit in rf signal switching, a PIN electronic switch circuit is designed to perform filter switching.


  • 本文介绍了使用肖特基二极管(LBSD)作为检测微波信号功率元件的微波毫微瓦功率传感器

    Microwave nW power sensor USES low barrier schottky diode (LBSD) as a component for testing the power of microwave signals.


  • 只要28那样在阈值检测器使用性能匹配稳压二极管,那么这个信号发生器电路可以做到温度变化电源电压变化无关

    The generator may be made independent of temperature and supply voltage if the detector is clamped with matched zener diodes as shown in Figure 28.


  • 回到剪辑二极管现在二极管没有影响信号输出大于电压二极管

    Going back to the clipping diodes now, the diodes have no effect until the signal at the output is greater than the threshold voltage of the diode.


  • 前置放大器均衡器滤波器雪崩二极管检测器的后面以获得增益,线性信号处理噪声宽带抑制

    The avalanche photodiode detector is followed by a front-end amplifier and equalizer or filter to provide gain as well as linear signal processing and noise bandwidth redution.


  • 不同控制信号使发光二极管不同方式花样显示。

    The different control signal makes LBD to give out light with the pattern in different way.


  • GJ-4型测头的光电接收器件使用响应度的雪崩光电二极管能够对一些弱反射表面获取到较好的测量信号

    Furthermore, the GJ-4 confocal probe uses an avalanche diode with high responsivity. Therefore, it can get better measuring signals from low-reflective surfaces.


  • 对静态位移测量,二极管检波乘法检波后分别得到的是一或单频交流成分脉动直流信号乘除检波信号含交流成分。

    The DC signals after demodulation still contain AC component of one or several frequencies respectively for multiplication or diode methods, but no AC component for multiplication-Division one.


  • 另外指示发光二极管提供不间断信号强度信息提供快速简单故障排除-提供安装维修双向成本节约

    Plus, the indication LEDs provide continuous signal strength information, offering quick and simple troubleshooting - providing cost savings both during installation and maintenance.


  • 基于4400系统通过引入光电二极管列阵作为传感器,构造了具有光学多道分析功能的信号处理系统。

    By introducing a photodiode array as photoelectric sensor, a new scheme of optical multichannel analyzer is developed based on 4400 signal detection and analysis system.


  • 运用平均开关建模,建立理想PWM开关的非线性信号平均模型,包含全部寄生电阻二极管的正向降。

    Using the averaged switch modeling approach, a non-linear large-signal averaged model of non-ideal PWM switch is derived, taking into account all parasitic resistances and threshold voltage of diode.


  • 分析设计了基于共振隧穿二极管振荡电路、矢量水声传感器物理结构以及制作工艺讨论了传感器信号处理方法

    The RTD oscillator, physical structures and fabrication process of vector hydrophone are designed, and the signal processing has been discussed.


  • 设计研制了一种集成光电探测器系统光电二极管阵列信号读出电路集成在同一硅芯片上。

    An integrated photodetector system is designed and manufactured, in which the photodetector array and the read-out circuits are integrated on the same silicon chip.


  • 校准电路首先断开使输入光敏二极管变暗以便A 1 A转换交流信号

    To calibrate the circuit, first disconnect or obscure the input photodiode so that A1A converts no ac signal.


  • 可以D1使用几乎任何一个小信号二极管

    You can use almost any small-signal diode for D1.


  • 提出了一种基于双向触发二极管电容定时的,用于信号的脉冲序列发生器

    A pulse-train generator using DIAC and single capacitance timing applied to the burst flashing signal lamp is proposed.


  • 迪维纳自动开始搜索无线热点发光二极管生活检测信号

    Divina automatically starts searching for a wireless hotspot and the LEDs on it come to life when they detect the signals.


  • 系统采取调制光源作为探测信号采用光敏二极管作为接收组件大大提高了系统灵敏度抗干扰能力

    Modulated light is used as detecting signal in this system, photodiode area array is used as receiving module, which greatly improves the sensitivity and anti-interference ability of the system.


  • 论文二极管传统建模方法入手,建立它的小信号模型优化方法提取了小信号模型参数。

    We started with the traditional modeling methods for Schottky diode and the small-signal model had been extracted by using optimization method.


  • 信号光电二极管集成一起的互放大电路放大,通过限幅放大电路进一步放大。

    The electrical signal is amplified by a transimpedance amplifier which is integrated with the photodiode, and is amplified further by a limiting amplifier.


  • 信号光电二极管集成一起的互放大电路放大,通过限幅放大电路进一步放大。

    The electrical signal is amplified by a transimpedance amplifier which is integrated with the photodiode, and is amplified further by a limiting amplifier.


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