• 虽然CheckScript正常运作,但我们不能保证发行始终如一正当使用。

    While the check script works, we cannot guaranteed that it has been applied properly and consistently by vendors.


  • 虽然CheckScript正常运作,但我们不能保证发行始终如一正当使用。

    While the check script works, we cannot guarantee that it has been applied properly and consistently by vendors.


  • 模型认为发行抑价保证发行成功前提下使得发行承销商能最大化自身利益均衡状态;

    The model had reached an inclusion that with the assurance of the issuing success, underpricing is equilibrium when both of the issuer and the underwriter maximize their interests.


  • 软件库中很多最近版本apt需要经过GPG签名版本文件,这样可以保证发行集成度所以我们一步就是创建一个GPGKey

    More recent versions of apt require GPG signed release files in a repository to ensure the integrity of the distribution, so our first step is to create a GPG key.


  • 然而发行本币债券的国家,却能够保证一直充足现金因为它们总是能够迫使中央银行创造货币

    States which issue their own bonds, however, can guarantee that the cash will always be available, because they can always force the central bank to create the money.


  • 其中普遍讨论的一种选择欧洲金融稳定基金保证那些国家及不乐意发行任何国债第一次20%的损失

    One widely discussed option is for the EFSF to guarantee the first 20% loss on any new bonds issued by countries under pressure.


  • 不能保证不同产品发行版具有相同CAMID内容格式

    There is no guarantee that the format or content of CAMID will remain the same across product releases.


  • 同时也是蒂姆伯尔尼-李所提出的万维网(与互联网是不同的)的精神所在。欧洲粒子物理研究所以免版税的方式发行万维网保证所有可以免费使用

    It is also a spirit that informed Tim Berners-Lee's later World Wide Web (not the same as the Internet) when the Cern European particle physics laboratory released it royalty-free for anyone to use.


  • 普通债务债券发行信用保证

    General Obligation bonds are backed by the "full faith and credit" of the issuer.


  • 德意志银行Richard Parkus认为如果商业地产借款人不能大幅增加偿还资金美国发行的所有商业抵押担保证券的70%无法用于再融资。

    Richard Parkus, of Deutsche Bank, thinks that 70% of all CMBS issued recently in America will not be able to refinance without a big increase in the capital that borrowers stump up.


  • 如果市场他们逆向而行,发行就会借入更多资金卖出更多安全保证

    If the markets move against them, the issuer borrows more money to sell more insurance.


  • 英国很多银行它们吸入金子并且发行纸币但是它们英格兰银行强迫英格兰银行付保证金。

    You have lots of Banks; the Banks are taking in gold and issuing notes but they are forced by the bank of England to keep a deposit at the bank of England.


  • 几家新闻机构已经接受这种方式,并广告商承诺他们发行保证这样一定会导致截然不同的更高统计量

    Several news organizations have embraced this way of selling their circulation story to advertisers, and it does result in a substantially higher total.


  • 住房抵押贷款担保证依据不同投资者风险承受程度许多投资者发行

    These were sold to a wide range of investors, depending on their tolerance for risk.


  • 具有知识产权保证Linux发行版本从一个变为个,然而正如JBoss一篇文章提到的,RedHat依旧没有得到这样的保证

    This brings the number of Linux distributions with IP assurance to two and while JBoss is mentioned in the press release, noticeably still missing is Red Hat.


  • 对于包含了GPL代码两个主要Linux发行版本,他们间隐含的知识产权什么呢? 是什么来提供知识产权保证呢?

    What are the Intellectual Property implications if two of the major Linux distributions, which contain GPL code, are now provided Intellectual Property assurance?


  • 然而花旗今年以来已经发行了150亿美元无担保证券,最近一次九月份坚信能力轻而易举的赚偿债资金

    The bank has, however, been able to issue $15 billion of non-guaranteed paper this year, most recently in September, and insists it will be able to meet its funding needs comfortably.


  • 我们支付账单我们债权人不仅接受而且极其热心地用它来购买美国发行的各种证劵,包括如今无人问津的抵押(mortgage-backedsecurities)。

    We pay our bills with it. And our creditors not only accept it, they also obligingly invest it in American securities, including our slightly shop-soiled mortgage-backed securities.


  • 华尔街上众银行将大量次优贷款打包重组,以此发行住房抵押贷款担保证券(MBS),贪图高收益投资者(下图)。

    Wall Street Banks did a roaring trade packaging bunches of subprime loans into mortgage-backed securities, and selling them on to investors, greedy for yields (see chart).


  • 除此之外一些软件发行收购小点游戏开发商以便增加他们的技能并且这样能保证产品稳定生产分销

    Additionally, some software publishers have been acquiring smaller game developers to round out their skills and ensure a steady flow of production and distribution.


  • 但是由于拉丁货币联盟没有规定发行货币共同规则,没有规定保证体系稳定需要黄金储备,也没有控制住信用货币的流通

    But the LCA didn't make common rules on circulating currency and the gold store which is essential for ensuring the stability of the system and control the distribution of the credit money.


  • 对于一家公司来说,投资银行往往同意保证规定价格购买发行股票

    For a large company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock issue at a set price.


  • 数字签名不一定保证安全所以必须决定是否相信签署发行

    A digital signature does not necessarily guarantee the safety of a macro, so you must decide whether you trust the publisher that signed the macro.


  • 电影发行国际性一直保证任何重大发现都能得到迅速传播

    The internationalism if film distribution has always guaranteed the rapid dispersal of any significant discovery.


  • 文章认为可供书目加强出版社图书馆信息沟通桥梁,是提高图书发行质量和效益保证

    The paper believe the offer booklist is the bridge of the library information and enhance the publishing house, is improve the book publish quality and efficiency assurance.


  • 委员会研究双向兑换保证理论上好处也获悉多个其他货币发行制度也有这种承诺

    Members examined the possible theoretical advantages of a two-way Convertibility undertaking and noted that a number of other Currency Board systems had such an undertaking in place.


  • 国内知名企业发行价值股息保证普通股高价收益

    A common stock of a nationally known company whose value and dividends are reliable; typically have high price and low yield.


  • 银行保证发行13个月后来一般承认卖方

    The bank guaranties are issued for 13 months with the subsequent accepted for the seller.


  • 重要的是股票发行必须实行公开公平公正的原则,保证、同股同

    Most importantly, issuance of shares must exercise openness, fairness and impartiality, with equal shares enjoying equal rights and profits.


  • 重要的是股票发行必须实行公开公平公正的原则,保证、同股同

    Most importantly, issuance of shares must exercise openness, fairness and impartiality, with equal shares enjoying equal rights and profits.


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