• 股票质押目的主要在于保证债权债权的实现。

    The purpose of stock pledge lies in guaranteeing the rights of creditors.


  • 同时保证债权保证债务合同变动保证人所承担责任也随之发生变化

    Besides, because of the change of the guarantee creditor's rights, debts and main contract, the responsibility that the guarantor bears changes thereupon.


  • 这套系统最大特点是权责清晰法院保证债权按照资历获得还款,抵押贷款者优先补偿。

    The system has the great benefit of clarity, with the court ensuring that the creditors are paid in order of seniority, with secured lenders getting first cut.


  • 一般期限不同期限限定债权人主张保证债权期,一个含有始期终期期间。

    The difference of it from the normal additional term is that it has a beginning and an end, which makes it a closed period.


  • 认为,连带责任的制度价值在于最大限度地保证债权权利得到充分、及时实现连带责任制度的特性则在于共同责任、牵连责任。

    The author holds that its value lies in to make the creditor's rights be sufficiently and timely realized, and as to its characteristics, it is a kind of together and related responsibility.


  • 面对迫在眉睫的崩溃他们还是愿意银行债权保证损害他们的利益。

    Faced with a near collapse they are far more likely to give Banks' creditors a guarantee than to hurt them.


  • 但是HSG集团债权对于保证游骑兵队未来老板是否遵守这些规定没有兴趣

    But HSG's creditors have little interest in ensuring that future owners of the Rangers toe this line.


  • 通常情况下是这种方式债权保证银行公司信用衍生业务风险微乎其微

    Usually this takes the form of assuring creditors that the risks of a bank, a company or a dodgy credit derivative are really minimal.


  • 我们成功股票,买回了债权,然后卖出去,这么做的目的就是,保证公司拥有足够资金,能够成长壮大

    And we've bought our stock back, we've bought our bonds back, we sold them again, and it's all about trying to create enough capital to invest in the company and grow.


  • 2008年9月雷曼兄弟崩溃促使爱尔兰借贷机构的债权作出无限保证

    In September 2008 the collapse of Lehman Brothers prompted him to announce a blanket guarantee to creditors of Ireland's big lenders.


  • 我们支付账单我们债权不仅接受而且极其热心地用它来购买美国发行的各种证劵,包括如今无人问津的抵押(mortgage-backedsecurities)。

    We pay our bills with it. And our creditors not only accept it, they also obligingly invest it in American securities, including our slightly shop-soiled mortgage-backed securities.


  • 保证期间根据当事人约定或者法律规定债权应当债务人保证主张权利的期间。

    The Guaranty period is a period designated by parties or stipulated by law during which creditor Can claim his right to debtor of guarantor.


  • 债权债务人保证人和其他连带债务人所享有的权利,重整计划影响。

    The right enjoyed by a creditor against the debtor's guarantor and all the joint-and-several debtors shall not be affected by the reorganization plan.


  • 实际操作中,往往诉讼在先债权能够得到优先受偿权,其他债权人的利益可能得不到保证

    In actual operation, litigation is often the first right of first refusal of creditors to be, the interests of other creditors may not be guaranteed.


  • 抵押给予债权临时有条件财产抵押,以此作为履行责任偿还债务保证

    A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt.


  • 保证目的建立债务人不履行债务”时,保证履行债务”保证债权债权实现”上会造成一系列理论和实践上的问题

    Establishing the goal of guarantee on "if the debtor fails to pay a debt ', the guarantor shall 'perform the debt' or ensure 'the realization of creditors' rights'" can create a series of problems.


  • 除了保证人和受益人之间关系外,保函项保证付款保证受制于产生任何关系的债权抗辩。

    The undertaking of a guarantor to pay under the guarantee is not subject to claims or defences arising from any relationship other than a relationship between the guarantor and the beneficiary.


  • 正确认定保证合同效力并不影响依法合同债权利益保护

    To define the effect of the guarantee contract will not affect the protection for the creditor of the main contract.


  • 债权放弃担保保证债权人放弃权利的范围免除保证责任

    If the creditor waives the property security, the surety shall be relieved of his suretyship liability to the extent of the creditor 's waiver.


  • 合同保证除了具有从属性独立性、补充性之外,债权替代性也十分突出

    Besides subordinating to nature, independence and supplement, quality of creditor's rights and substituting is the outstanding characteristic of contract guarantee.


  • 借贷关系中,作为债权担保方式之一的权利质押,对贷款人实现权利可说是万无一失的保证

    In loan granting, pledged right, as a means of pledging the creditors rights, can guarantee the lenders rights with perfect safety.


  • 保证背书通常没有真实交易关系债权债务关系,背书人不得因此拒绝承担票据责任

    Hidden guaranty endorsement usually does not have true relation of business between creditor and debtor, but endorser cannot refuse to undertake the bill duty.


  • 会计监察人制度设计可以保证公司股东债权职工的根本利益

    The design of accounting supervisor system can confirm the interest of share holders, creditors and the employees.


  • 第八甲方保证按照合同规定所转让标准厂房以及标准厂房所占用范围内的土地没有权属纠纷债权纠纷。

    Article 8 According to the contract, Party a must ensure that there is no dispute over property ownership and creditor's right of the workshop and land occupied by it.


  • 当事人没有约定保证期间,自主债务履行期限届满之日起,一般保证保证人可以行使催告权,连带责任保证债权可以请求保证人承担保证责任。

    It is not the agreement of guarantee period where the parties have agreed that the guarantee period does not expire until the debtor repays the principal debts and its interest.


  • 当事人没有约定保证期间,自主债务履行期限届满之日起,一般保证保证人可以行使催告权,连带责任保证债权可以请求保证人承担保证责任。

    It is not the agreement of guarantee period where the parties have agreed that the guarantee period does not expire until the debtor repays the principal debts and its interest.


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