• 公司提供一个布袋保护高度镜子光洁度

    A cloth bag is provided to protect the high mirror finish.


  • 这些人造屏障将会确保几百高度保护

    These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection for several hundred years.


  • 进行户外活动时,如上所述,保护他们避免紫外线高度暴露婴儿始终阴凉处

    During outdoor activities, they should be protected from high UV exposure as above, and babies should always remain in the shade.


  • 工人经常是在没有保护设施的情况下做清除金属工作,高度有毒化学物质,这些化学物质被排放空气

    Workers who remove the metals often have no protective equipment and breathe in high levels of toxic chemicals, which are then released into the atmosphere.


  • 只金可是高度保护物种

    This golden goose is a highly protected species.


  • 草拟残疾人权利公约国际社会保护残疾人权利上重要举措,国际社会对此予以高度重视必要投入。

    It is an important step for the international community to draft the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and should be highly prioritized and appropriately funded.


  • 训练有素的伊耶雅利发言人准许受到高度保护CDT全息讯息记录盘《摩若多》文献原初书面译本直接转译资讯

    Eieyani Speakers are permitted and trained to translate information directly from the highly protected CDT-Plate holographic discs and from their original Maharata Texts written translations.


  • 举例说,法国德国投票者此次危机部分归咎于对冲基金以及税收保护尽管受到高度监管银行体系相比,这两者都只负有很小的责任。

    French and German voters, for example, lay part of the blame for the crisis on hedge funds and tax havens, even though both played minor roles compared with the highly regulated banking system.


  • 现在欧文斯夫妇除了架塞斯纳之外还有贝尔直升机。 借助于欧文斯夫妇的保护项目提供车辆巡防队也实现了高度机动化。

    The Owenses now had a Bell helicopter as well as the Cessna and the scouts were highly mobile thanks to trucks provided to them by the Owenses’ conservation project.


  • 绳子转盘下面只小铁盒里钥匙点灯工人保管,绳子在一定的高度内有一根金属管子保护着。

    The pulley over which this rope ran was fastened underneath the lantern in a little iron box, the key to which was kept by the lamp-lighter, and the rope itself was protected by a metal case.


  • 首先中央始终高度重视海外中国公民合法权益保护

    First, the central government always gives top priority to protecting the legitimate rights and interest of overseas Chinese citizens.


  • 同里现在历史遗迹保护区,同时也是一个受到高度赞扬旅游度假区越来越多旅游爱好者来到这里

    Tongli is now a highly praised historical site and tourist resort and enjoys increasing popularity with travel enthusiasts.


  • MOPV15个月研制成功,已经12个国家提供了针对1型脊灰病毒高度保护

    MOPV 1 - developed in only five months - has already provided high levels of protection against type 1 poliovirus in 12 countries.


  • 你们脊髓灰质炎卷土重来成功地保持高度警戒有助于出现人类流感大流行时我们提供保护

    The high level of vigilance you successfully maintain against the re-introduction of polio, will also help to protect us against the advent of a human flu pandemic.


  • 目前有数个伊耶雅利家族祭司各个不同地理位置守护着自前亚特兰蒂斯 (pre-Atlantean)时代起就处于高度安全保护下的12CDT讯息盘,590册《摩若多》文献书籍相关遗产

    Several families of Eieyani Priests in various geographical areas presently hold the 12CDT-Plates, 560 Maharata Text Books and related relics from pre-Atlantean times under high security protection.


  • 不过127个保护只有20个计划高度保护的,任何工业开发破坏行为被严厉禁止的。

    However, only 20 of the 127 sites are proposed to be highly protected "reference" sites where any exploitation or damage by industry will be banned.


  • 这种美国空军先进EHF系统可以海陆空作战的士兵们提供全球性的、高度安全的保护的、能力强通信

    The U.S. Air Force's Advanced EHF system will provide global, highly secure, protected, survivable communications for warfighters operating on ground, sea and air platforms.


  • 电缆属于格鲁吉亚铁路网所有。高度保护的,但是山体滑坡暴雨可能使其被拾荒者发现

    The cable is owned by the Georgian railway network. It is heavily protected, but landslides or heavy rain may have exposed it to scavengers.


  • 这种可靠公共经费支持架构以及一系列保护采编自由职业惯例产生一个受到高度尊重在全世界都很有影响力的新闻机构

    The reliable public funding structure, as well as a set of professional norms that protect editorial freedom, has yielded a highly respected and globally powerful journalistic institution.


  • 劳动力市场高度分化为保护、待遇好的圈内人士,以及未受保护临时工人——青年失业率,这就是原因之一。

    Its Labour market is sharply divided between protected, well-paid insiders and unprotected, temporary workers-one reason why youth unemployment is high.


  • 中国一贯高度重视知识产权保护保护知识产权提升为国家战略坚决打击各种违法侵权行为。

    As a part of our national strategy, China always takes the IPR protection seriously and has resolutely fought against illegal infringements.


  • 我们应该保护水资源如果我们什么也不最后我们眼泪因此高度重视我们的水资源。

    We should protect the water resources. If we do nothing, the last water will be our tears. So set a high value on our water resources.


  • 必须保护这些表面维持高度泄露完整性

    These surfaces must be protected to maintain high leak integrity.


  • 这些产品制造商资产包括人员设备环境,提供了高度保护

    These offerings provide manufacturers with a high degree of protection for their assets, including people, equipment and the environment.


  • 这些产品制造商资产包括人员设备环境,提供了高度保护

    These offerings provide manufacturers with a high degree of protection for their assets, including people, equipment and the environment.


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