• 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划俄罗斯米尔号空间对接

    The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.


  • 中国乔治岛上翻修的长城岛上的俄罗斯基地智利基地显得过时

    China's newly renovated Great Wall Station on King George Island makes the Russian and Chilean bases here seem outdated.


  • 2005年,巴库-第比利斯-杰伊汉输油管道启用将阿塞拜疆石油输往土耳其一个终端,使其减少通过俄罗斯境内的石油管道的依赖

    In 2005 the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline opened to pump Azerbaijani oil to a terminal in Turkey to lessen dependence on piplines through Russia.


  • 太空旅馆的价格大约俄罗斯国际空间旅行定价的一半,而且俄罗斯的定价还有可能由于航天飞机在今年退役而水涨船高。

    That is about half what Russia charges for a trip to the international station, a price that is likely to go up after the space shuttle retires later this year.


  • 1997年亚特兰蒂斯号肯尼迪航天中心夜晚发射情景,使命俄罗斯和平号空间实现对接。

    The evening launch of space shuttle Atlantis from the Kennedy space Center precedes its mission to dock with the Russian space station Mir in 1997.


  • 俄罗斯城镇希基,我们被迫花了一点时间探究他们进入蒙古之前在俄罗斯最后一了。

    We got rather longer than we would like to study them at the Russian town of Naushki, the last stopping point before crossing into Mongolia proper.


  • 俄罗斯135和平号”空间2001年无预期地冲回大气层控制器引导下进入太平洋

    Russia's 135-ton Mir space station slammed through the atmosphere in 2001, but it was a controlled dive into the Pacific.


  • 完成建设国际空间的工作,需要美国航天飞机俄罗斯火箭进行超过80次太空飞行

    More than 80 flights of U.S. space shuttles and Russian rockets will be necessary to complete the International Space Station.


  • 整个空间紧固连接、俄罗斯部分美国部分连接处形成十字交叉状一个巨型的桁架结构载有16块太阳能电池板提供电力

    Bolted across the station, making a cross at the point where the Russian and us sections meet, is a huge truss that carries 16 solar panels to provide electrical power.


  • 预计空间将持续运转至少2020年,很可能会2028年,那时一些俄罗斯太空舱分离从而形成OPSEK空间

    The station is expected to remain in operation until at least 2020, and potentially to 2028, when some Russian modules will be separated to form the OPSEK space station.


  • 俄罗斯宇航员乘坐的联盟号飞船半年访问一次空间

    Russian cosmonauts also flew a new Soyuz spacecraft to the station every six months.


  • 周前焦立中在哈萨克斯坦送入太空之前俄罗斯长达六个月的空间任务接受培训

    He was living in Russia before his launch three weeks ago from Kazakhstan, training for this six-month space station mission.


  • 该公司利用俄罗斯运载火箭送入国际空间

    Space Adventures has already sent seven people to the space station, using Russian rockets.


  • 由于资金上困难美国俄罗斯1993年同意建立一个联合空间——国际空间

    But due to funding difficulties, the United States and Russia agreed in 1993 to build a combined stationthe International Space station.


  • 带着快乐释然微笑,两名宇航员名来自美国名来自俄罗斯国际宇宙空间安全返航

    Smiles of happiness andrelief , as a US astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut return safely to earth from the International Space Station.


  • 甫洛夫斯克试验俄罗斯几个试验中的一个

    The Pavlovsk experimental station is one of several such stations in Russia.


  • 使美国不得不依赖俄罗斯宇航员送往空间

    That leaves the United States dependent on Russia to fly astronauts to the station.


  • 炸弹可能安置奥克佳布里斯·卡娅月台上长凳下面是白俄罗斯忙的地铁之一,当时列火车正交汇此。

    The bomb seems to have exploded under a bench on the platform of the Oktyabrskaya station, one of the busiest on the network, as two trains were in the station.


  • 一名印度宇航员2013年登上俄罗斯国际空间进行拉练

    An Indian astronaut will also get a "trial run" abroad a Russian Soyuz spacecraft in 2013.


  • “与空间擦身而过的未确定太空垃圾引发了这个情况。”俄罗斯太空总数不久前解释道。

    "A situation arose linked to unidentified 'space trash' passing very close to the space station," the Russian space agency had earlier explained.


  • 1998年,空间的第一部分组件送入太空首批专职美国宇航员俄罗斯宇航员组成,他们2000年进驻空间

    The first part of the station was launched in 1998, and the first full-time crewone American astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts — occupied the station in 2000.


  • 今年夏天航天飞机项目即将结束时,美国宇航员不得不搭乘俄罗斯飞船前往国际空间

    When the shuttle programme comes to a close this summer, American astronauts will have to hitch a ride on Russian spacecraft to visit the International space Station.


  • 俄罗斯打算1990年代新建空间叫做和平2号

    Russia had intended to construct a station known as Mir 2 in the 1990's.


  • 后来,俄罗斯宇航员空间遇到重大故障,空间报废。

    Russian cosmonauts handled major breakdowns on the station, which was wearing out.


  • 6空间宇航员不得不暂用俄罗斯备用厕所,"奋进"号7名机组成员暂用航天飞机厕所。

    The 6 residents had to use a back-up toilet in the Russian part of the station and Endeavour's 7 astronauts were restricted to the craft's loo.


  • 这次失败由“进步号”联盟火箭问题引起的,和国际空间俄罗斯载人飞船相似--称为联盟号。

    The failure was caused by a problem with the Progress' Soyuz rocket, which is similar to the one Russia uses to launch its crew-carrying vehicle — also called Soyuz — to the station.


  • 这次失败由“进步号”联盟火箭问题引起的,和国际空间俄罗斯载人飞船相似--称为联盟号。

    The failure was caused by a problem with the Progress' Soyuz rocket, which is similar to the one Russia uses to launch its crew-carrying vehicle — also called Soyuz — to the station.


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