• 塑造城市环境城市规模性质功能,自然特征等,注意创建自己风格韵味

    The urban environmental beauty with oneself style and charm should be constructed according to the scope, performance and function as well as their natural characteristic.


  • 描述城市:“欧洲城市,被另他将其描述为两座城市:“一个欧洲城市被一个赖汽车的城市包围着。”

    He describes it as two cities: "A European city surrounded by a car-dependent one."


  • 阿勒颇德拉德勒胡姆斯等其它城市也有大量人员受伤报道

    Elsewhere, scores of wounded were reported in the cities of Aleppo, Deraa, Idleb and Homs.


  • 城市以水渠岩石雕刻工程而闻名其中包括“代尔”修道院座未完工的陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂

    The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, "the Monastery," an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times.


  • 城市以水渠岩石雕刻工程而闻名其中包括“代尔”修道院座未完工的陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂

    The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, “the Monastery,” an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times.


  • 去年,那姆教授自诩为“得不可能怨恨城市亚特兰大参与组织了一次学术会议。 该会议极具渲染力地致力于异端欢庆”。

    Last year, he co-organised a conference (in Atlanta, a city that calls itself “too busy to hate”) that was provocatively devoted to the “Celebration of Heresy”.


  • 中国改变了额尔齐斯河(由南至北流经俄罗斯鄂毕湾最终汇入北极)的部分流向以便开凿出补给新兴石油城市克拉玛运河

    The Chinese have diverted part of the Irtysh river, which feeds Russia's Ob river and ends up in the Arctic, to a canal supplying the booming oil town of Karamai.


  • 法国一个矿泉水品牌云矿泉水源自日内瓦湖南岸的水源,水源靠近法国城市埃维昂莱班。

    Evian is a French brand of mineral water coming from several sources near Évian-les-Bains, on the south shore of Lac Léman.


  • 英国使巴士底成为一个更好城市所做最后努力懒于拉提将军任务成功

    The final verdict on the British effort to make Basra a better place will depend as much as anything on whether General Latif succeeds in his mission.


  • 许多欧洲城市仍然古老运输模式设计

    In Europe most cities are still designed for the old modes of transport.


  • 贝德福德是个的港口城市

    NEW BEDFORD has always looked to the sea.


  • 班戈大学成立于1884年,位于英国北威尔士。 班戈山傍,景色壮美,英国最为安全城市之一

    Founded in 1884, Bangor University is one of the oldest and most prestigious degree awarding bodies in the UK


  • 曼彻斯特城市大学主任斯蒂芬妮·波戴尔解释说:“当时的圣诞卡片便宜令人愉悦,互赠卡片相互问候那时是一种风尚。”

    As Stephanie Boydell, curator at Manchester Metropolitan University explains, the cards were "cheap and cheerful, leading to a real fad" of sending greetings in such a way.


  • 美国北卡罗来纳州东南城市位于特维尔东部加工棉花烟草的中心。人口20,268。

    A city of southeast North Carolina east of Fayettesville. It processes cotton and tobacco. Population, 20,268.


  • 城市沿江开发建设基本特性一般具有水而水而兴、拥水而特性。

    The basic figure that the construction of the riverine development of cities has often proves to be residing along rivers, flourishing due to rivers and obtaining superiority because of rivers.


  • 热能摄入农村郊区县城城市顺序递减

    The energy intake decreases successively in the order of rural, suburb, county seat and city.


  • 当地居民刚刚挨过密西西比河汛期,然而伊力诺Cedar Rapids这个城市图书馆遭受了严重的损失

    It's here where residents are still days away from the crest on the Mississippi River. Meanwhile, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this city library is a total loss.


  • 城市以水渠岩石雕刻工程而闻名其中包括“代尔”修道院座未完工的陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂

    The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, "the Monastery, " an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times.


  • 青岛著名海滨旅游城市

    Against the mountain and overlooking the sea, Qingdao is a famous seaside tourist city.


  • 米哈伊尔·顾有着很深中国情结,90年代以来中国的很多城市创作、讲学举办多次展览

    Mykhailo Guida has deep love of China. Since 1990s, he has traveled around many cities in China, and held many lectures and exhibitions at the same time.


  • 法新社里斯本葡萄牙媒体报导英国轻型飞机在距离里斯本十五公里外的海边城市斯卡起飞不久坠毁,机上四名人员全数丧生

    AFP, Lisbon According to the Portuguese media, a British light plane crashed shortly after taking off from Cascais, a coastal city 15 kilometers from Lisbon. All four people on board were killed.


  • 城市综合防灾规划编制主体不同,可分为城市规划体系()的城市综合防灾规划两种。

    By different agencies of developing plan, urban comprehensive disaster prevention plans are classified as one inside urban planning system or one outside system.


  • 无锡太湖,是长三角城市综合竞争力三甲城市之一

    Wuxi is built along Taihu Lake, and one of top three cities in the Yangtze River Delta city's comprehensive competitiveness.


  • 1872年建城小道之上,不久成为野蛮嘈杂的牛仔城市居民有如怀亚特·尔普及巴特·马斯特尔森这样传奇人物

    Laid out on the Santa Fe Trail in 1872, it soon became a wild and rowdy cow town whose residents included such legendary figures as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. Population, 21,129.


  • 1872年建城小道之上,不久成为野蛮嘈杂的牛仔城市居民有如怀亚特·尔普及巴特·马斯特尔森这样传奇人物

    Laid out on the Santa Fe Trail in 1872, it soon became a wild and rowdy cow town whose residents included such legendary figures as Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson. Population, 21,129.


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