• 服务质量作为衡量图书馆作用效能管理水平重要标准,越来越得到图书馆界重视

    Service quality, as an important standard to measure the performance and management ot the library, draws a great attention of the library.


  • 此次阿尔巴尼亚的任务雇用意大利GioiadelColle空军基地的欧洲“台风”战斗机,“台风”最初正是以满足德国、意大利、西班牙个英国空军多操作性要求以及其他异常空中效能而设计的多用途/回旋作用战机平台,可以完美满足国际领空保卫的使命要求。

    The mission over Albania will see Italy employ its Eurofighter Typhoon jets from the 36th Wing operating from the Gioia del Colle air base.


  • 团队之所以成为一个团队,人们很多老套描述方法,比如:“团队没有自我”,“整体作用大于局部作用之和”。

    There are many cliches people use to describe what makes a team a high-performance team: "There's no 'I' in team" and "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts," for example.


  • 多数愿意付出发挥作用但是时间就是金钱因此需要能发挥最大效能方式对待善良的愿望。

    Most people want to give and make a difference, but time is money, and so goodwill needs to be optimized in the most efficient possible way.


  • 自我效能人类行为操作活动一种强大力量控制调节行为方面有着极其重要作用

    The ego effect is a strong power in the behaviors and operations of mankind. It has very important function in the control and regulation of behaviors.


  • 如何最大限度发挥应有的正向促进效能特别是创造和谐城市环境方面积极作用一个值得理论到实践探索的课题

    So how to play the extreme positive role, especially the positive role in creating the harmonious city environment is a problem deserving to be dealt with theoretical and practically.


  • 由于自我效能理论能够这一最终目标实现中发挥重要作用,因而一经提出运用教育情境中

    Due to the theory of self-efficacy in a final goal plays an important role, and it was applied to any education context.


  • 作战飞机效能分析作战飞机设计及其作战运用中发挥重要作用

    Military aircraft combat effectiveness analysis plays an important role in the aircraft design and its combat operations.


  • 效能监察对企业具有监察保证预防反馈作用

    Efficiency supervising has the functions of monitoring, guaranteeing, preventing and feedback.


  • 通过对29所高中阶段学校763名教师问卷调查主要研究教师应对效能工作压力教师职业枯竭的预测作用

    In the current study, which investigated 763 teachers from 29 senior middle schools, mainly researched the predictive effect of teacher coping efficacy and work stress on the teacher job-burnout.


  • 影响高职生深层策略成就策略直接因素学业自我效能掌握目标其中前者作用大。

    The direct factors, which influence on deep strategy and achievement strategy, are self efficacy and mastery goals, and the former's effect is greater.


  • 数据融合军事c3i系统重要组成部分C3I系统效能发挥起决定性作用

    Data fusion is the important composition part of modern C3I system, and plays a decisive role on the performance of C3I system.


  • 加强医疗设备优化配置科学管理充分发挥医疗设备作用效能

    Optimal allocation and scientific management is strengthened in order to give full play to the role and effect of medical equipments.


  • 合理桥涵勘察设计降低工程造价方便施工竣工充分发挥公路使用效能具有重要作用

    Rational small bridge and culvert investigation, design takes important role in reducing construction cost, easy construction and giving a full play to highway usage performance after completion.


  • 目标激励成就目标导向要通过个体感知管理能力创业行动效能驱动作用

    Mediating role of management ability perceptions was found on the driving effect of goal incentive and achievement goal orientation on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial action.


  • 当前电子政务作为一种有效手段降低行政成本提高行政效能增强服务能力等方面必将发挥重要的积极作用

    As an effective way currently, e-Government exert important effect in reducing government cost and improving administration efficiency and increasing service ability.


  • 行政职能、功能效能、效率与效益是行政内容相关又有所区别范畴行政职能指行政组织社会进步应起的作用

    The concept about administrative function, action, effect, efficiency, benefit belongs to relevant and discriminating categories in the science of public administration.


  • 因此重视执行管理效能重要作用

    Thus, the execution component should be the focus of administration efficiency.


  • 研究英语学习探讨虚拟社区对于学习自我效能影响作用进行了实证

    This research has discussed the influence on learning self-efficacy by virtual community and verified it, for the example of English study.


  • 紫外光只能某几种细菌作用而且没有接触光线地方不能发挥任何抗菌效能

    UV-light UV-light only have few function to some of the bacteria. And don't have any effective to some place where could touch the light.


  • 政策制定方面看,差别存款准备金制度不是一项短期权宜之计可能成为长久作用发挥效能机制设计

    Viewed from policy stipulating, difference reserve ratio system is not a short run expedient measure but may be a mechanism design of having a long run effect or efficacy.


  • 目的探讨神经质自我效能考试焦虑关系自我效能感的调节作用

    Objective: To explore the relationship amongst neuroticism, self-efficacy and test anxiety, and the moderating effect of self-efficacy.


  • 探讨时间管理效能对时间监控行为自尊自我效能学习满意度中介作用

    In other words time efficacy mediated partially the relation between time control behaviors and self-esteem, self-efficacy, and learning satisfaction.


  • 论文中学生研究对象全面考察家庭因素中学生自我效能影响作用

    This thesis takes the middle school students as subjects and discusses the family factors' influence on the self-efficacy of middle school students.


  • 信息时代技术空袭空袭对抗作战行动中,防空c 4isr系统作为战斗效能倍增器作用不可替代

    In the high technologic air-raid and anti air-raid confronting of information period, the importance of air defense C4ISR system that multiplies the combat effect can not be instead by anything.


  • 结论增强大学生问题解决能力应当考虑不同作用机制采用效能增强策略提高问题解决能力关键

    Conclusion Different functional mechanism should be considered to improve college students' problem solving ability. Using proactive coping is the key to improve problem solving ability.


  • 结论增强大学生问题解决能力应当考虑不同作用机制采用效能增强策略提高问题解决能力关键

    Conclusion Different functional mechanism should be considered to improve college students' problem solving ability. Using proactive coping is the key to improve problem solving ability.


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