• 他们包括了视频以便让家长辅导孩子家庭作业可以想起数学知识

    They have also included videos so parents can refresh their knowledge of math when helping with homework.


  • 廖在派出所名为家庭爱心”的特殊房间在那里帮助留守儿童完成家庭作业业余时间教他们安全知识

    Liao has built a special room named "family love room" in the police station, where Liao helped these left-behind children with their homework and taught them about safety in his spare time.


  • 量的研究表明,按时完成家庭作业,孩子们可以更好地记住课堂上所学的知识,而家庭作业本身在培养孩子的学习能力,如独立思考和创造力方面发挥着重要作用。

    A great number of researches do show that kids can remember what they have learned in class better by finishing their homework on time and homework itself plays an important role in developing their learning shills, such as independent thinking and creativity.


  • 希望你们通过作业学到知识

    I want you to learn by studying the homework.


  • 这些作业忙碌不已他们帮助你扩展理解课程知识掌握,让你学以致用。

    These stuffs will really make you busy, but they’ll also help to broaden your understanding and knowledge of the lessons and it serves as an application of what you have learned.


  • 希望这些知识能够帮助充分使用Hadoop集群高效地完成作业

    Hopefully, this knowledge can help you make full use of your Hadoop cluster and result in finishing your jobs more efficiently.


  • 帮助家庭作业了解所有现在数学知识那时没有学过的。

    Helping with homework lets you learn all the math now that you never learned then.


  • 剩下就是纯粹文档教学大纲课堂笔记阅读书、课堂知识理解相关问题和课后作业

    The rest is simply text: syllabuses, class notes, reading lists, problem sets, homework assignments.


  • 这些告诉许多知识道理喜欢房间里作业读书

    These books tell me a lot of knowledge and truth, and I like do my homework and read in my room.


  • 家庭作业上学一个主要部分老师们用家庭作业衡量课堂上所学知识掌握程度,家庭作业能帮助你巩固重要概念

    Homework is a major part of going to school: it's your teachers' way of evaluating how much you understand of what's going on in class, and it helps reinforce5 important concepts.


  • 该文试图知识系统扩展网络资源对象中建立新的信息模型支持复杂网络管理作业所需智能操作

    This paper tries to extend knowledge into network resource objects and makes up new information modules to support intelligent handling needed by complex networks management tasks.


  • 不会他们太多家庭作业但是他们必须掌握好知识

    I won't give them too much homework, but they have to master the knowledge.


  • 家庭作业不仅可以帮助孩子掌握他们所学知识而且培养能力独自完成这项工作规划,时间做这些关税

    Doing homework not only can help children master the knowledge they have learned, but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone, planning the time and doing the duties.


  • 了解金属切削过程运用这些知识帮助改善与金属切削有关制造作业方面已经做了许多努力

    A number of attempts have been made in understanding the metal cutting process and using this knowledge to help improve manufacturing operations which involved metal cutting.


  • 的家庭作业可以帮助巩固一部分的知识即使没有家庭作业可以考虑将你的每晚任务作为复习当天课堂任务的对象。

    Your homework should help you in that area, but even if you don't have homework, consider it your nightly mission to go back through what you learned in class that day.


  • 同学们回家认真完成作业认为非常重要的,因为学过知识考试中涉及。

    At home, I think it is very important for students to complete all their homework because these are the things that will be on the tests.


  • 如果我们考虑一下他们漫长学习生涯所付出的代价,考虑一下每天化备课和批改作业时间他们付出时间知识和技能给予较好的报酬难道有不当之处吗?

    If we consider the cost and time of years of schooling they must deal with, and the long hours spent on paper work, is it not appropriate they be paid well for their time, knowledge and skill?


  • 同样一起上课作业考试为什么会出现有的知识广,有的人知识面窄现象应该怎样扩大知识面呢?

    The same class, homework, tests, why some people a wide range of knowledge, some narrow knowledge phenomenon, how should expand knowledge?


  • 作业既是衡量学生所学知识掌握程度,又是教师了解学生学习效果的重要依据

    Homework is the measurement of students' mastering of knowledge learned as well as the basis for teachers' understanding of the learning effect of students.


  • 用高斯消去法动态规划知识介绍运输问题作业另一种解法

    This paper is to introduce another solution to operation method expressed in tables of transportation problem with the knowledge of Gaussian elimination and dynamic programming.


  • 数学老师一个单元从来不及格初中同学竟然交上来作业用到高中知识

    The math teacher: a unit test never pass the junior high school students can use the knowledge of high school in the hand in the homework. I asked him this job is it right?


  • 民俗学知识基础田野作业

    Fieldwork is the basic knowledge of folklore.


  • 生产部培训作业指导书,并准备所有产品相关文件测试工具样品,给相关职员培训新产品知识

    Prepare all relative document, sample in advance for new product, prepare testing tools and train all related staff about new product.


  • 课堂作业关注的是技能而不是知识

    Class work focuses on skills, not knowledge.


  • 课堂作业关注的是技能而不是知识

    Class work focuses on skills, not knowledge.


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