• 有的可能会参加一日最穷游,有的人甚至花钱街区体验世界最低生活水平

    Some people may take one-day poorest tour, and some even pay to stay in very poor neighborhoods to experience the lowest living standards in the world.


  • 这种开放度他们亲身体验世界作为一个神圣的现实

    This openness allows them to experience the world as a sacred reality.


  • 参与者们机会通过亲身体验世界贫困人口生活从而了解“贫困生活”。

    Participants will have the opportunity to live the Lives of the World Poor and experience for themselves "What Life is like to be Poor".


  • 两者方式-心理智力-接受了清楚,原始体验世界不同现代的文化

    Whichever approach - psychological or intellectual - is accepted, it is clear that primitives experience the world differently than do persons in modern cultures.


  • 现实主义油画不仅流派样式而且艺术家认识世界体验世界表现世界方式

    It is not only a kind of school or style, but also a kind of way for which the artists understand, experience and display the world.


  • 对于中国画家来说,至为丰富体验世界,一个彰显人的生命感受情绪意志对象

    For Chinese artists, Snow is a world of rich experience and a subject to demonstrate the artists' life feelings and emotions.


  • 过程中旅途永远没有终点体验世界方式新的想法可以尝试,新的挑战等待接受

    In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.


  • 也许仅凭借一点乐观想法好的希望就去体验世界听起来很可怕伴随着你自信的提升,真正的自由便开始了。

    It can be scary to venture into the world with nothing more than optimism and good-will, but personal freedom begins with a leap of faith.


  • 我们大多数生活在梦里,并没有真正地体验世界,我们处于一种浑浑噩噩的状态,着自以为

    Most of us all walk around as if we're sleep-walking. We really don't experience the world fully, but doing things we automatically think we have to do.


  • 正如不会找心脏病专家会诊受伤指望用户体验世界任何专业人士可以完成所需每一件事

    Just like you wouldn't go to a cardiologist to heal your broken foot, don't expect any professional in the realm of user experience to accomplish everything you need.


  • 通感表达作者人生体验瞬间情感沉淀的经验刹那间完美结合,从而建构一种超经验的个人体验世界

    Synaesthesia expresses just the personal experience of the writer. Perfectly integrating emotion and experience in an instant, it constructs a super-experiential world of personal experience.


  • 也许仅凭借一点乐观想法好的希望体验世界听起来很可怕伴随着自信的提升,真正的自由便开始了。

    They want your Credit Card number. It can be scary to venture into the world with nothing more than optimism and good-will, but personal freedom begins with a leap of faith.


  • 颠覆了所有这些思维习惯从根本上改变了我们世界体验影响政治宗教商业文化行为

    It overturned all of those habits of mind, fundamentally changing our experience of the world, affecting the conduct of politics, religion, business, and culture.


  • 四处旅行,看到我们周围世界正在发生的事情一种美妙的体验

    Traveling around and seeing so much happening in the world around us is a wonderful experience.


  • 过学习一门外语,我们不仅获得一个有用的交流工具,还能体验一种新的文化,更重要的是,学好一门外语将帮助我们向世界讲述自己的故事。

    By learning a foreign language, we not only have a useful tool of communicating, but experience a new culture, what's more important, learning a foreign language well will help us tell our own stories to the world.


  • 教程将介绍如何构建一种环境这种环境中,可以体验虚拟和现实两种世界妙处。

    This tutorial explains how to create an environment in which you can experience the best of both worlds.


  • 这类信仰纯粹地、也颇为恰当地来自我们世界体验

    Such beliefs simply - and quite properly - arise from our experience in the world.


  • 我们是否会通过潜意识心理建构,将我们图形界面看到的,我们在物理世界中所感知到的体验联系起来

    Do we subconsciously associate what we see in user interfaces with mental constructs that areassociated with what we’ve experienced from a sensory perspective in thephysical world?


  • 用户只是快速购买,就像他们真实世界中的体验一样。

    The user just wants to make a quick purchase that models their experience in the real world.


  • 现代世界正在萌芽之中,要亲身体验那个时代

    The modern world is starting, and I want to be there.


  • 这些方法认识生活不仅仅让那些无意义活动填满我们时间,生活就是体验身边人和世界

    These methods center me and remind me that there is more to life that filling our days with meaningless activities. Life is about experiencing the people and world around you.


  • 移动先行体验以一全新的方式把网络世界一起。

    It also connects the web and the world in ways that have never happened before.


  • 打算52时间,去往世界各地体验52不同工作,希望能以此发现该选择什么作为一生的职业。

    I am traveling anywhere in the world working 52 different jobs in 52 weeks trying to figure out what to do with my life.


  • 如果办法迎合商业用户屏幕上他们两个世界最好体验很难说只是一个噱头或者只是过眼云烟。

    It's hard to say if this is just a gimmick or if it comes to pass, if this is an approach that could appeal to business users giving them the best of both worlds on a large screen.


  • 鼓励每一个人体验一下广袤灵性世界

    My encouragement to you and everyone is to experience what the wide world of spirituality has to offer.


  • 哥本哈根阐释认为量子世界多种可能性坍塌瓦解为经典物理的唯一确定性之际,世界人民体验随之确定

    The "Copenhagen interpretation" says that the world people experience is decided upon when the many possibilities of the quantum world collapse to become the certainty of the classical one.


  • 建议人们离开安乐窝一个世界体验一下。

    I recommend people to get the hell out of your comfort zone and experience the other side.


  • 建议人们离开安乐窝一个世界体验一下。

    I recommend people to get the hell out of your comfort zone and experience the other side.


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