• 尽量庄重体面走了出去。

    She left the room with all the dignity she could muster.


  • 来自一个非常体面中产阶级家庭

    He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.


  • 做得体面辞职了

    He did the decent thing and resigned.


  • 自己体面点儿。

    Go and make yourself look respectable.


  • 大量痛苦经历已经教会了如何体面认输

    A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose gracefully.


  • 星期五庄重也不体面可是他少有的失礼。

    On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.


  • 过去那位摇滚狂人已经改变形象,成了一位体面爱家男人

    The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man.


  • 他们帮助作家们过上体面生活

    They help writers earn a decent living.


  • 他们穿这样的衣服显得体面

    They appear respectable in such clothes.


  • 什么样善良体面人?

    What is a good, decent human being?


  • 就是收养的,培养体面人的流浪儿!

    This is he whom I adopted and would make respectable!


  • 哈克要是体面我们就不能接受入伙

    Huck, we can't let you into the gang if you ain't respectable, you know.


  • 大学毕业希望有一份既体面收入又高的工作

    I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary after I graduate from college.


  • 不要太多英语它们不会找到体面工作

    Don't take many English courses; they won't help you get a decent job.


  • 千禧一代告知如果学业有成、学历体面人生保障。

    Millennials were told that if you did well in school, got a decent degree, you would be set up for life.


  • 毕竟还有哪里可以离开学校时拿到一个体面学位又不会背负一辈子债务呢?

    After all, where else can you leave school with a decent degreebut without a lifetime of debt?


  • 毕业甚至不能保证找到体面工作如今每10个毕业生中就有6个从事不需要大学文凭的工作

    Graduating doesn't even provide any guarantee of a decent job: six in ten graduates today are in non-graduate jobs.


  • 个人这种发展感到遗憾但是基础学士教育现在必须迎合那些真正需要一纸学位证书找到体面工作的人。

    I personally regret this development, but the basic bachelor's education now has to cater to people who really need a piece of paper to find a decent job.


  • 件事都是对美国卡诺人需求直接回应他们正在为获得充分的教育、政治权力体面工作条件权利而斗争。

    Both were a direct response to the needs of Chicanos in the United States, who were fighting for the right to sufficient education, political empowerment, and decent working conditions.


  • 觉得自己以前雇员工作有失体面

    He found it demeaning to work for his former employee.


  • 获准体面退伍

    He received an honourable discharge from the army.


  • 犯了一个错误事业就很不体面结束了。

    He made one mistake and his career came to an ignominious end.


  • 如果战局恶化,要么部队增援,要么不体面撤军

    If fighting worsens, the troops might be reinforced, or ingloriously withdrawn.


  • 而且不能穿得体面些吗?人们以为是个流浪汉

    And can't you dress more decently – people will think you're a tramp.


  • 如果托尼离婚,她将会失去作为托尼•塔特顿太太的体面

    If she divorced Tony, she would lose the respectability she had as Mrs. Tony Tatterton.


  • 纸上报道了他们所有可耻的罪行。跟他们竞选我真觉得不体面

    I really felt dirty to run against them for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers.


  • 年后一个穿着体面男人火车上打招呼。

    Several years later, a well-dressed man greeted me on a train.


  • 正是这个问题上土著来自国家当局最大反对

    It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities.


  • 过去制造业就是创新经济增长以及体面工作最大来源

    Manufacturing is the one system where you have got the biggest source of innovation, the biggest source of economic growth, and the biggest source of great jobs in the past.


  • 如果这个过度捕猎的问题,那么那些提早达到繁殖成熟个体主导地位。

    If the group faces excessive hunting, individuals that reach reproductive maturity earlier will come to predominate.


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