• 体育广告属于新型体育产业一种

    The sport advertisement is an important part of sport industry.


  • 网络视频已经成为体育广告载体

    More and more online video have been new carriers of sports advertising.


  • 提出通过体育服务体育广告体育品牌体育体验业务途径实现体验体育营销

    Furthermore, the article put forward experiential sports marketing can be realized through sports service, sports advertisement, sports brand and sports experience business, etc.


  • 运用文献资料、数理统计法、对比分析法等研究方法,对中国美国两国的体育广告市场进行对比研究。

    This paper uses analytical method, logic method, statistical method and analyses the American and Chinese sports advertisement markets.


  • 后者主要包括体育器材体育服装业、体育赞助业、体育广告体育保险业体育旅游业体育传媒业

    Sports related industry includes Sports advertising industry, Sports apparatus industry, Sports insurance industry, Sports tourist industry, Sports supporting and Sports broadcasting industry, etc.


  • 推动同质化力量还有大众媒体广告体育

    The mass media, advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization.


  • 比如可能体育器材广告你的大部分预算节日期间,因为在此期间人们会为彼此购买礼物

    Like, maybe you're advertising Sports equipment, and you have been spending most of your budget during the holiday season when people buy gifts for each other.


  • 他们允许体育周围广告牌。

    They don't allow signage around the stadium.


  • 周三世界无烟日,世界卫生组织发起了一名为吸烟不要”的活动,谴责烟草公司在电影、音乐体育赞助广告

    In a campaign entitled "tobacco Kills - Don't Be Duped" for World No tobacco day on Wednesday, the organisation criticised the sponsorship, and advertising of tobacco in films, music and sports.


  • 比方说一家小伙子目标公司,或许会雅虎这样的门户网站体育版块投放广告要为访问这个页面人们买单。

    Say a company wants to reach young men. It might buy ads on the sports section of a large portal such as Yahoo!. But it will also be paying for the women who visit that page.


  • 其他运输方式其他行业包括体育娱乐广告收入帮助抵消航空业面临成本

    As with other modes of transportation and other industries, including sports and entertainment, advertising revenue helps offset the high costs faced by the airline industry.


  • 肥胖增加,并不能完全归咎于饮食变化体育活动电视,食品广告

    The increase in obesity cannot be entirely explained by changes in diet, physical activity, television watching, and food advertisement.


  • 而且奥林匹克赛场也不像其他体育场馆一样被广告包围

    And Olympic venues are free of the advertisements that encircle other sporting arenas.


  • 摆在广播公司想获得投资收益面前一个障碍体育比赛中足球比赛不是广告友好的。

    One obstacle networks face in recouping their investment is that soccer is not the most ad-friendly of sports.


  • 广告内容包括全家披着麻袋片烤棉花糖或者全家一起为喜欢的体育比赛加油,这些广告很快走红

    The ads, which featured a Snuggie-clad family roasting marshmallows together and cheering at sports games, quickly became media sensations.


  • 主管雅虎日益衰落的展示广告业务以及热门新闻体育财经资产,这些都属于雅虎重要业务

    He's in charge of Yahoo's faltering display-ad business and its popular news, sports and finance properties — in other words, Yahoo's most important businesses.


  • 体育画报总监特瑞·迈克·多诺于开发充满未来感的视频,这个假设性议题充满了神奇的图片交际性的广告

    Terry McDonell, who oversees Sports Illustrated, helped create a futuristic-seeming video of a hypothetical issue filled with whizzy graphics and interactive ads.


  • 微博网站创立3以来最大改变电影体育主题搜索结果上方出现广告

    It is the biggest change since its creation three years ago for the micro-blogging site, which will place ads at the top of search results for some topics, such as films or sport.


  • 大多数体育八卦娱乐漫画分类广告优惠券等信息很兴趣相比之下,只有较少的读者喜欢新闻——而新闻才是报纸主要产品,不管是不是有很多人愿意读新闻,新闻我们的生活中都是必不可少的。

    Most people were interested in sports, gossip, entertainment features, comics, classified ads, coupons and the like; relatively few were interested in what was supposedly the main product: news.


  • 卫星广播主要卖点清晰语音,无广告干扰的丰富的内容选择——体育谈天到音乐。

    The main selling-points of satellite radio are its crystal-clear sound, near-universal coverage and a broad choice of advertising-free content, from sports to chat to music.


  • 广义上说,这种广告推广方式广告商们签约超级明星(凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯与T -Mobile)超级体育明星(如大卫·贝克·汉姆与摩托罗拉)作为广告活动或产品推广的代言人的做法没有什么不同。

    Catherine Zeta-Jones and T-Mobile or superstar athletes e.g. David Beckham and Motorola as spokespeople for AD campaigns or for product endorsement deals.


  • 这样你们可以体育赛事有关广告了?

    How does that ever allow you to advertise in connection with sports?


  • 广告继续涌入大型演出尤其是体育节目不能保证其他地方

    Advertising will continue to flow to the biggest shows, especially sport, but it cannot be guaranteed anywhere else.


  • 除了能够赛场广告牌上展示广告赞助商身份还允许英利在约翰内斯堡城市体育场内陈列生产的产品。

    In addition to the presence on the billboards, the sponsorship entitles Yingli to set up displays of its products at the Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg.


  • 公司陷入产品大杂烩思维定势主页电子邮件财经体育页面团队互相争抢广告客户用户困惑不已。

    The firm slipped into a mindset of product silos, with the teams for the home-page, E-mail, finance and sports pages competing with each other and for advertisers, and confusing users.


  • 其次体育赛事的电视转播具有现场感,不会有人比赛录下来然后广告进掉。

    Second, sport is nearly always watched live on television. There is little danger that people will record games and then fast-forward through the advertisements.


  • 其次体育赛事的电视转播具有现场感,不会有人比赛录下来然后广告进掉。

    Second, sport is nearly always watched live on television. There is little danger that people will record games and then fast-forward through the advertisements.


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