• 该类型泵特别适合比重介质的工况, 在这种情况下背对背设计中间衬套可以产生自然平衡附加的支撑

    They are particularly suited to low specific gravity applications where the back-to-back design and center bush provide natural axial balance and additional shaft support.


  • 月球重力意味着普通氢气氧气组成将会比重更快消失,可能导致月球上水含量

    The moon's low gravity also means that water composed of regular hydrogen and oxygen will escape quicker than heavy water, perhaps leading to a concentration of deuterium in the water of the moon.


  • 在2005年个人储蓄率——税后收入储蓄比重——至1个百分点。

    The personal savings rate - the share of after-tax income saved - reached a low of about 1 percent in 2005.


  • 基于空间的云量观测显示武汉天晴的可能性稍微些,但是基于地表的观测给出了肯定的结论,武汉中国最有希望内陆地区。

    Spacebased cloud observations show that Wuhan has sunshine prospects slightly lower than Chongqing, but surface-based observations give it the nod as the most promising inland site in China.


  • 镀液比重基本上比重药水导电电镀效率差。

    Solution: basically, the proportion of lower proportion potion is poor, poor efficiency conductive plating.


  • 社区大学的申请门槛大学很多

    The threshold for entering a community college is much lower than for a major university.


  • 我们发现弱势群体教育人群健康情况比较糟糕并且证实比重严重的睡眠问题

    What we find is that disadvantaged populations or lower-education populations have worse health outcomes and it turns out they have worse sleep problems.


  • 过共晶铝硅合金比重热膨胀系数耐磨性体积稳定性好,理想活塞材料

    Hypereutectic Al-Si alloy which has small proportion, low coefficient of thermal expansion, good wear resistance and dimensional stability is an ideal piston material.


  • 我国保险业近年飞速但是保险资金存在运用比重结构不合理诸多问题

    Insurance industry of China has developed rapidly in recent years. However, there are many issues about the insurance funds, such as operating in low proportion, irrational structures and so on.


  • 充气泡沫泥浆由于比重液柱压力,实现了负压钻进大幅度提高机械钻进,延长钻头寿命

    The aerated foam mud fluids can used in negative drilling, and enlarge the life of drilling bits for its low density, and low sap pressure.


  • 尽管如此还有不足之处函件产品收入邮政产品总收入比重

    For all that, the place returned to have shortage: One is mail product the income has a postal service product gross earnings of the specific weight be low.


  • 而重工业效益则主要是因为比重大的加工工业效益

    The reason for the smaller benefits in heavy industry is that high-proportioned process industry has too low benefit.


  • 粒级铁矿品位粒度分布不均匀,并且钛铁矿脉石中的普通磁性比重相差不大。

    The ultrafine grained titanium iron ore grade is low, particle size distribution and The Ilmenite ore and gangue titanium and titanium ordinary pyroxene magnetic proportion.


  • 我们下降税率负债占gdp比重世界上有利外国投资环境之一必要资源,满足中国不断增长需求

    We have falling tax rates, a low debt-to-GDP ratio, one of the most welcoming environments for foreign investment in the world and the resources necessary to meet China's ever-growing needs.


  • 打包具有超长超薄比重单位成本弹性、韧性拉力好、粘贴力强的特点

    The binding straps for mechanical use feature super length and super slimness, light specific weight, low unit cost, good elasticity, flexibility and tensile strength and strong adhesion.


  • 目前,我国农业人口很大比重文盲半文盲贫困人口占一定比重尤其是云南边远贫困少数民族地区,随着经济结构的不断升级,人口素质压力日益显现,甚至会超过人口数量多压力。

    Now the proportion of people from countryside has been the most part of the whole population and so as to the percentage of the illiterate and half-illiterate people, especially in YunNan Province.


  • 水力压裂油气藏增产措施中占有相当大比重而且提高油气采收率主要方法

    Hydraudic Fracturing plays an important role in increasing production of with Low permeability reservoir and it also is the prime approach to raising the rate of oil-gas extraction.


  • 部分导致了,消费部门占gdp比重罕见

    Partly as a result, consumption accounts for an unusually low share of GDP.


  • 管理机房维护全校计算机反而成了日常主要的工作教学其工作所占比重相当

    Work, teaching that calculator that management engine room, maintenance the whole school is on the contrary its usual most is in its work the specific weight for sharing of is very low.


  • 径级个体占比重极小,、高径级个体占的比重极大;

    M. P. R. stand; trees of small and big DBH are less than trees of middle DBH in A. R. stand.


  • 径级个体占比重极小,、高径级个体占的比重极大;

    M. P. R. stand; trees of small and big DBH are less than trees of middle DBH in A. R. stand.


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