• 令人惊奇地可靠所以总是自己

    He's amazingly reliable, so I generally go fetch it myself.


  • 令人惊奇了。

    As if by magic, her face turned black.


  • 美国银行界首席财务所面临情形令人惊奇地相似

    The policy may sound strangely familiar to the chief financial officers of America’s banks.


  • 甚至那些自己缺乏信心乘客令人惊奇鼓起了勇气。

    Even those passengers who were most distrustful of themselves pluck up amazingly.


  • 曼联主教练弗格森令人惊奇地对手温格目前困境表示同情

    Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has surprisingly shown some sympathy to old foe Arsene Wenger's plight at Arsenal.


  • 它们为了保存提供信息存在的,而且它们可以令人惊奇地有用

    They exist forconversation and to provide information, and they can be amazingly valuable.


  • 遮阳篷不仅仅提供了荫凉而且微风产生令人惊奇地和谐声音

    Not only does the canopy provide colorful shade, but it creates a surprisingly peaceful background noise in the breeze.


  • 人类解释别人社交能量上会感到令人惊奇地擅长,可能获得一个相当清楚共识点

    Humans are astonishingly attuned to interpreting one another's social energy, and you'll likely end up with a pretty clear consensus.


  • 查阅照片男性明星照片之前,令人惊奇发现大部分男性脸型在看来都正方形

    After pouring through several pages of male celebrity photos on the photo wire services, I discovered to my amazement that the majority of the men's faces looked square to me.


  • 不久前我们检查了糖果类旁边那些包装果仁杂锦价格令人惊奇发现每磅价格高达10美元!

    We checked unit prices of those small bags of trail mix hanging in the candy aisle not that long ago and were shocked to find that they cost about $10 a pound!


  • 女人都会超级名模,然而令人惊奇地她们挤出时间飞驰回家准备丰盛晚餐时间清晰浸过衣服打扫屋子

    Women would all be supermodels, yet they would miraculously find the time to fly home every evening, make him a feast for dinner, put the washing in, and clean the house.


  • 发现大庆胜利两座油田之后中国不但石油供应方面成为自给自足,而且令人惊奇地变成一个主要的石油生产国出口国

    Following the discovery of Daqing and Shengli oilfields, China not only became self-sufficient in oil but also astonishingly emerged as a major oil producer and exporter.


  • foobar这样程序包令人惊奇显示覆盖率时,可以得到不小安慰如果相信至少部分代码可以保证“没有BUG”的,您会觉得很安心

    It can be a big comfort when packages like foo and bar show astonishingly high coverage, and it's tempting to rest easy when you believe that at least a portion of your code is certifiably "bug free."


  • 令人惊奇是,一个仅仅是可能兴趣领导人女人,却因为丈夫当官,自然而然成了主席。

    It is amazing how a woman who may have an interest in being a leader nevertheless automatically becomes a chairperson because of the official position of her husband.


  • 然而令人惊奇,黄哲伦这位美籍华人剧作家极其出色捕捉飞速变化中国以及转变中的全球秩序种种微妙之处

    But what is surprising is just how well Mr Hwang, a Chinese-American playwright, manages to capture the nuances of rapidly changing China and a shifting global order.


  • 令人惊奇是,这里缺少人类定居于此证据,因此研究人员争辩不可呢过人类的定居点或是宗族的聚集

    The surprising lack of evidence that people lived right there, researchers say, argues against its use as a settlement or even a place where, for instance, clan leaders gathered.


  • 甚至可能有点惊奇发现完成某些相当令人惊异事情只要几十代码可以了。

    You may even be a little surprised to see that it takes only a few dozen lines of code to do some fairly amazing things.


  • 这些年来有幸了解到了黑猩猩一些令人惊奇性格奥丽迈克、麦克格雷戈先生每个猩猩都独特的性格

    I had been privileged to know some amazing chimp characters over the years... Olly, Mike, Mr. McGregor, each with his or her unique personality.


  • 一个令人惊奇的发现是,玩家流行病学家的模型所考虑的要频繁自身置于危险

    One surprise was that players put themselves into risky situations more often than epidemiologists allow for in their models.


  • 但是令人惊奇每年都能发现有人宣称找到绕过第二定律方法还不知怎么说服了,一些非常聪明,让他们以为这个真的管用

    But it's amazing, that every year you find somebody coming up with a way of going around the second law and somehow convincing people who are very smart that this will work.


  • 这样人们不是观看令人惊奇画面,而是,毫不夸张说,一个朦胧东西

    So, instead of seeing eye-popping pictures, people were left with, quite literally, a dim view of things.


  • 成为无纸化会一项令人感兴趣的实验惊奇发现自己是多么重视那些数年来积累纸张。

    The move to paperless has been an interesting experiment and I've been amazed at just how attached I have become to the pieces of paper I have saved over the years.


  • 比如说科学家惊奇发现主要神经迷走神经(the vagus),其90%神经纤维,能准确信息肠道传递大脑非反道行之——“有一部分信息当然令人不快。”

    For example, scientists were shocked to learn that about 90 percent of the fibers in the primary visceral nerve, the vagus, carry information from the gut to the brain and not the other way around.


  • 可爱波浪令人惊奇不断更新永远迷人

    Wondrous waves of the sweetness of God, ever new and ever enchanting.


  • 之后令人惊奇的是,20%的人继续成功达到保持自己的目标

    And amazingly after that, 20 percent are continuously successful at reaching and maintaining their goal!


  • 非常感激所有在线表示令人惊奇支持

    I'm so grateful to all of my online friends for the amazing support you continue to show me.


  • 同样令人惊奇的是,欧元区按年计算的利息增长3.6%。

    Equally surprising was the euro area's annualized growth of 3.6%.


  • 葡萄牙语听上去并不那么生硬而且令人惊奇的是几乎不停每个场合用同样的话来应酬

    My Portuguese didn't sound so robotic, and surprisingly enough I was just saying the same words in the same situations over and over again.


  • 葡萄牙语听上去并不那么生硬而且令人惊奇的是几乎不停每个场合用同样的话来应酬

    My Portuguese didn't sound so robotic, and surprisingly enough I was just saying the same words in the same situations over and over again.


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