• 概述了1998年,人群控制其他应用的最先进的技术

    It gives an overview of what in 1998 was state-of-the-art technology for crowd control and other applications.


  • 被保险人是否书面火灾灾难发生时人群控制疏散计划

    Does Insured have a written crowd control and evacuation plan in event of fire, or other catastrophe?


  • 破碎太阳吊坠可能不再突破人群控制效果随意引发效应

    Shattered Sun Pendant of Might will no longer break crowd control effects such as Scattershot with its triggered effect.


  • 结论营养健康教育高血压人群控制高血压、提高高血压患者生活质量适宜途径之一

    Conclusion Nutritional health education on hypertension patients is one of suitable ways to control hypertension and promote life quality of patients.


  • 但是爆破有人下来人群控制受害者非常有限决定他们能够真正避免死亡仅仅有趣无赖

    But bursting someone down who is crowd-controlled while the victim has very limited decisions they can actually make to avoid death is only fun for the rogue.


  • 款软件方案适用于入侵警报,人群控制运动静止车辆禁止行驶方向道路摄像机触发设备利用

    The seven solutions address intrusion detection, crowd control, loitering, standing vehicles, forbidden direction or path of motion, camera triggering, and facility utilization.


  • 其次安全容纳量计算连续人群流动模型为基础,总体局部进行人群控制角度探讨了事故发生机理

    Secondly, it is discussed that the mechanism of the accidents based on not only safe capacity and continuum crowd flow model, but also from overall and local perspective for crowd control.


  • 正在另外抽调警察控制人群

    Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds.


  • 控制交通灯确保获得进出体育场馆人群安全

    It controls the traffic lights and ensures the safety of the people getting in and out of the stadium.


  • 极端密集人群很多推搡拥挤人们行动不是完全根据自己控制的。

    In extremely dense crowds, there is so much shoving and jostling that people's movements are no longer entirely under their own control.


  • 我们还是知道某些人群中这样控制机理失效原因知道这样的疾病治疗

    It is still not known why the control mechanism breaks down in some people, but the results are very difficult to treat.


  • 控制交通灯确保获得进出体育场馆人群安全我们眼镜镜片设计

    It controls traffic lights, gets crowds safely into and out of sports stadiums, designs the lenses in our spectacles.


  • 右利手(约占人群的91%):右侧大脑控制音乐才能幻想想象制图绘画

    In right-handed individuals (which comprise 91% of people) : the right side of the brain controls: musical talent, fantasy, imagination, dreams, drawing, and painting.


  • 使用针对生活高风险地区弱势人群开展免疫接种并不应对提供控制预防霍乱流行其他干预措施造成影响。

    When used, vaccination should target vulnerable populations living in high risk areas and should not disrupt the provision of other interventions to control or prevent cholera epidemics.


  • :目前,结核病控制处于停滞状态,特别是病例发现方面,主要是因为我们目前仍然不能触及那些脆弱的、处于社会边缘的高危人群

    A: TB control is reaching a plateau, especially in case detection due to the fact that we are still not reaching the most vulnerable, marginalized, high-risk populations.


  • 通过免疫接种控制社区的疫情。如果及早开展接种运动并且多个年龄人群实现覆盖率社区取得成功的几率极大。

    Vaccination to control community-wide outbreaks is most successful in small communities, when the campaign is started early and when high coverage of multiple age groups is achieved.


  • 精算工作他们结合发达分析技巧业务知识通晓人群行为设计管理用来控制风险程序

    Their work requires a combination of strong analytical skills, business knowledge and understanding of human behavior to design and manage programs that control risk.


  • NDM - 1的活性至关重要高温拥挤人群大规模的抗生素过度使用,不足量使用误用以及落后的感染控制手段都加剧了该基因的传播。

    High temperatures, which are important for NDM-1 mobility, a crowded population, massive antibiotic over-use, under-use and misuse and poor infection control also contribute.


  • 警方动用骑警人墙全力控制人群,同时,柏林所有消防队投入了灭火工作。

    Police in full force on horseback and on foot kept the crowd back, while all the fire brigades in Berlin poured water on to the flames.


  • 并且人群4.4%的患者视网膜病变已经威胁到他们的视力,”位于亚特兰大美国疾病控制预防中心流行病学家,同时也是研究报告主要作者的张新志博士这样描述道。

    And, 4.4 percent had vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy, ” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Xinzhi Zhang, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.


  • 说的明确一些尽管历史上,品牌广告商对于消费者具有信任,但对于同样的人群,把他们作为广告制作者他们并不信任(例如对内容无法控制)。

    To be more explicit, while brand advertisers have historically trusted people as consumers, they do not trust them in the new role of producer (e.g. uncontrollable content).


  • 国际足联秘书长杰罗姆·瓦尔克(JérômeValcke出现这个问题进行道歉同时要求南非警察对约翰内斯堡的骚动人群进行控制

    The Fifa secretary general, Jérôme Valcke, issued an apology over the problems as police were required to control the crowds in Johannesburg.


  • 从前担任警员,为伍尔弗汉普大学人群秩序控制方面专家彼得•沃丁顿(Peter Waddington)马丁塑料子弹警察为防暴子弹)持怀疑态度。

    Both he and Peter Waddington, a former policeman and now an authority on crowd control at Wolverhampton University, are sceptical about plastic bullets (or baton rounds as the police call them).


  • 美国有着超过7000万肥胖人群对于体重控制疗法有着极其强烈需求

    With more than 70 million obese people in the United States, the need for weight-control treatments is acute.


  • 担当脆弱人群预防控制糖尿病倡导者

    To act as an advocate for the prevention and control of diabetes in vulnerable populations.


  • 因为极其密集人群很多推搡拥挤人们自身的行动并不自己控制,因此会发生混乱。

    These happen because in extremely dense crowds there is so much shoving and jostling that people's movements are no longer entirely under their own control.


  • 虽然一些商业人士认为墨西哥经济被一小部分的富裕人群控制,但是,多数感觉缺乏竞争一个严重的问题。

    Although some business people are content that the Mexican economy is dominated by a small, powerful clique, many feel that the lack of competition is a serious problem.


  • 根据法国周四发布一项研究显示,尽管本国艾滋病感染人群总数下降,但感染艾滋病的男同性恋人群数字一直飙升,似乎"失去控制"。

    Transmission of the AIDS virus seems to be "out of control" among gay men in France despite an overall fall in the number of new HIV cases in the country, according to a study published on Thursday.


  • 控制传播感染对于防止高危人群以及一般人群传播艾滋病毒也很重要

    Controlling STIs is important for preventing HIV in people at high risk, as well as in the general population.


  • 控制传播感染对于防止高危人群以及一般人群传播艾滋病毒也很重要

    Controlling STIs is important for preventing HIV in people at high risk, as well as in the general population.


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