• 本文共分为引论和五个部分:第一部分,当代人类困境生产力

    The first part of the thesis is about contemporary human plight and productivity.


  • 本文旨在阐明怎样通过一系列意象揭示人类困境一主题并体现艺术观。

    This article aims at showing how Hardy represents the human predicament vividly by the use of numerous images.


  • 一旦人类拥有了这样头脑他们能够找到一个富有想象力解决方案应对严重经济危机比如前面所描述农业困境

    Once humans possessed such a mind, they were able to find an imaginative solution to a situation of severe economic crisis such as the farming dilemma described earlier.


  • 人类面临的困境事实上我们生活场恶梦当中每个人都在自我欺骗,每个人都在自我粉饰

    The human predicament: the fact that we're living in a nightmare that everyone is making excuses for and having to find ways to sugarcoat.


  • 所有上述的困境变量一个共同主题人类本质以及事物关系

    Allof the dilemmas mentioned above are variations on a common theme: the nature ofa human being and his or her relation to a larger scheme of things.


  • 觉得我们什么理由对政客们有更高期望,认为他们不会别的人群一样经受人类共有心理上困境,”阿珀斯托利迪斯教授,“经常自我毁灭,做理性的事。”

    I don’t see why we would expect politics to be more free of the psychological contradictions of other humans beings, ” said Mr. Apostolidis. “People do self-destructive things that are not rational.”


  • 人类忤逆所处困境原因

    Man's disobedience is the cause of the human predicament.


  • 围着我们垃圾好似一个象征,它象征21世纪人类所面临巨大的两难困境

    This wall of garbage orbiting us all seems like a symbol of the great dilemmas facing humanity in the twenty-first century.


  • 他们希望哲学人类困境,提供事无巨细的完整画面。

    They expect it to provide them with a complete and detailed picture of the human predicament.


  • 正视我们人类多层面的困境就是正视我们饮食习惯我们造成的压抑心态

    To come to terms with our multifaceted human dilemma is to come to terms with the mentality of oppression that our meals demand.


  • 法律真正核心这个世界里,总有无法解决问题不可逾越的困境残酷选择努力做到最好不完美人类

    At its core, law is about living in a world where there are problems with no solutions, impossible dilemmas, cruel choices, and imperfect human beings who are just trying to do the best they can.


  • 事实上人类面临困境时,内心深处都会有同一种渴望:喝一杯香醇热气腾腾的咖啡

    Actually, this seems to be the basic need of the human heart in nearly every great crisis - a good hot cup of coffee.


  • 一方面,作品关注人类生存困境思考人类终极问题表现出现代主义文学的特征

    On the other hand, his novels also paid attention to the plight of people 's life and thought about the ultimate problem of human beings, which manifested the character of modernism.


  • 卓越远见自然生态观,使返璞归真自然对等和谐一切当下摆脱人类困境具有重要现实实践意义

    His forward-looking vision of natural ecology made him return to and be in harmony with nature, and has important practical significance to the predicament of mankind.


  • 承认人生现实不可避免永恒悲剧性敢于正视、勇于暴露人类生存困境

    It acknowledges the life reality inevitable eternal the tragedy, but actually dares to face up to and expose humanity's survival troubles.


  • 人类本能陷入困境我们需要朋友我们提供帮助支持鼓励

    It is a human instinct to make friends. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement.


  • 许多西方学者对科技所造成人类生存困境进行了分析批判根本原因在于合理的科技观所致。

    A lot of western scholars have analyzed and criticized the human survival predicament that science and technology caused, and its basic reason lies in unreasonable scientific and technological view.


  • 挽救生命一直科学研究重要使命如今,科学研究,其实是整个社会面临着新的困境是否要设法通过克隆人类挽救更多的生命。

    Saving lives has always been an important mission of science. Now science, and indeed all society, is facing a new dilemma: whether save more lives through human cloning.


  • 雅斯贝斯通过对现时代社会状况批判揭示出体育运动克服超越人类存在悲剧困境所具有积极意义

    Jaspers has revealed the significance of sports in overcoming and surpassing the tragic predicament of human being by criticizing the modern society.


  • 东西小说创作体现出一种边缘化叙事姿态,故事荒诞化的背后实际上人类生存困境存在本质的关注。

    A marginal narrative style is embodied in the creation of eastern and western novels and at back of incredible plot is the essence of the difficult position of human existence.


  • 美国人民面临高失业率十足人类灾难,其程度高于当年日本经历困境

    And Americans face a level of unemployment, and sheer human misery, far worse than anything Japan went through.


  • 意志决策问题出现人类科学便立即陷入困境

    As soon as questions of will or decision arise, human science is at a loss.


  • 固体生物质燃料一种高效清洁能源可以替代化石燃料,缓解人类面临的能源危机环境困境

    As a substitution for fossil fuel, solid biomass fuel is a kind of clean and efficient energy which can alleviate human energy crisis and environment problems.


  • 面对文化中心主义与文化虚无主义,人们试图找到普世价值解决人类面临困境。本文就是在方面的一个尝试。

    Faced with the ehtnocentrism and the cultural nihilism, people try to find a universal value to address the plight facing humanity.


  • 生态危机实质人类文化的危机,人类生存方式危机,人类应当而且必须寻求新文化以期化解人类生存困境

    The essence of ecological crisis is the crisis of human culture and living styles, so the mankind should and must seek a new kind of culture in order to dissolve the existence predicament.


  • 生态危机实质人类文化的危机,人类生存方式危机,人类应当而且必须寻求新文化以期化解人类生存困境

    The essence of ecological crisis is the crisis of human culture and living styles, so the mankind should and must seek a new kind of culture in order to dissolve the existence predicament.


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