• 分析了高速气流吹造成人体损伤论述了人体动力学模型物理模型的作用

    Injury results from windblast were analysed, and the role of dynamic model and physical model of human body in research of windblast injuries and its protection were discussed.


  • 本文法律身体内涵人体植入物、移植物损害人体损伤程度鉴定原则予以讨论

    In this article we mainly talk about the concept of body in law and principles of the assessment of injury severity in the living body after the implant and transplant in body are damaged.


  • 本文介绍了利用生物力学原理,自制人体损伤撞击设备的研制过程工作原理,结构特点

    This article describes how to design the impact test machine and its working principle, architecture characteristics.


  • 目的研究人体损伤鉴定标准在操作方面一致性问题,找出操作方面可能产生鉴定失真的因素

    Objective to explore the consistency of assessed results according to Standard of Evaluated Injured Severity, finding out some factors that influenced appraisal conclusion.


  • 简述人体损伤机理损伤指标介绍了按照亚洲身材特点研制出的汽车正面碰撞工艺实验假人的结构特点。

    The humans body damnification mechanism and index are briefly reported in this paper, and the automobile obverse impacting technics experiment dummy according to Asian stature is explained.


  • 每日科学(2011年525日)- - -一种用于人体损伤组织修复生物材料在拉伸没有产生褶皱

    ScienceDaily (May 25, 2011) - a new biomaterial designed for repairing damaged human tissue doesn't wrinkle up when it is stretched.


  • 2003年欧洲发生的那种热浪(导致70,000“额外死亡)更加频繁地出现,导致洪水人体损伤飓风旋风暴风雨也将频繁出现。

    Heatwaves such as occurred in Europe in 2003, which caused up to 70,000 "excess" deaths, will become more common, as will hurricanes, cyclones and storms, causing flooding and injuries.


  • 众所周知人体机能损伤是会累积的。”补充道

    "It was always known that the body accumulates damage," he added.


  • 通过模拟有助人体、自然存在金属元素诸如结合相同分子蛋白质铅会导致大脑损伤

    Lead causes brain damage by mimicking helpful metals found naturally in the body, such as calcium, iron and zinc, and binding with the same molecules and proteins.


  • 人体本身也会自然产生很少量硫化氢,但剂量硫化氢就成了一种广谱的毒剂。它会同时影响身体的各个系统尤其会对神经系统带来损伤

    While the gas is produced naturally by the body in low doses, in high doses it acts as a broad-spectrum poison, affecting many of the body’s systems simultaneously, particularly the nervous system.


  • 等离子能够通过破坏微生物dna表面结构杀灭细菌,并不会人体组织造成损伤

    Cold plasmas are able to kill bacteria by damaging microbial DNA and surface structures without being harmful to human tissues.


  • 他把衰老形容人体各处多种分子细胞损伤终生累积过程

    Dr DE Grey describes aging as the life-long accumulation of various types of molecular and cellular damage throughout the body.


  • 正在进行人体前期试验干细胞疗法,可以通过干细胞替代的方式治疗脊髓损伤眼盲其他疾病

    Stem cell therapy, which is entering early-stage human trials, turns stem cells into other cell types, like healthy nerve cells, to treat spinal cord injury, blindness and other ailments.


  • 其中一部分穿透人体损伤细胞从而人体构成威胁

    Some of these can travel through the human body, damaging cells and posing a hazard for humans.


  • 几乎任何人体大脑造成损害的因素——基因突变脑部损伤——都容易使人们变得自私不那么友善。

    Almost anything that messes up your body or your brain-10 mutations, brain damage, brain injury-tends to make people more selfish and less kind.


  • 尽管医疗队一直在给工人们输送膳食补充剂,他们还是很可能缺乏维生素D(人体一般通过阳光制造维生素D),时间一长可能导致骨头肌肉衰弱但是个月的时间似乎不足以造成长期损伤

    (Your body normally manufactures Vitamin D with the help of sunlight.) Prolonged deficiency can cause bone and muscle weakness, but two months probably isn't enough to do long-term damage.


  • 第一个应急预案地带发电厂周围10英里区域,此范围内人体可能暴露于直接辐射受到损伤

    One zone covers an area within a 10-mile radius of the plant, where it is possible that people could be harmed by direct radiation exposure.


  • 获得性免疫缺陷(AIDS)HIV(人体免疫缺陷病毒,艾滋病病毒)导致疾病最终严重阶段,通常会导致人体免疫系统严重损伤

    AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the final and most serious stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system.


  • 最大的优点利用生物阻抗所携带丰富信息进行人体组织器官的无损伤功能评价

    Its greatest advantage is that we can evaluate tissue and organs of body function applying the rich information of bio-impedance.


  • 优化结果表明新的参数组合能够有效提高侧面安全气囊保护效果降低人体损伤风险

    The results show that the optimized design can improve the performance of the side airbag and the passenger injury risk can be reduced greatly.


  • 微小的艾滋病病毒容易透过人体轻微损伤皮肤黏膜使感染

    Tiny AIDS virus more easily through a slight injury in human skin and mucous membrane infected people.


  • 不幸的是,人类进化进程直到最近人体知道致命性损伤生还怎么办

    Unfortunately, the body does not know what to do when it survives an injury that would have been fatal until recently in human evolution.


  • 目的探讨穿盖弹射人体头部、膝部损伤程度提出适宜的生理参数工程部门使用

    Objective To explore the injury degree of human head induced by through the canopy ejection, and find out a proper physiological parameter for engineering use.


  • 方法详尽驾驶员-乘客位置上的人体有限元(fe)模型用于研究颈椎伸展过度性损伤

    Methods. A detailed finite element (FE) model of the human body in the driver-occupant position was used to investigate cervical hyperextension injury.


  • 结论引起人体染色体损伤

    Conclusion: Lead would cause human chromosome damage.


  • 莱霉素一种肿瘤药物,普遍认为在人体动物模型内产生剂量依赖型损伤纤维化

    Bleomyin, an anti - neoplastic agent, is well known to induce- dose - dependent lung injury and pulmonary fibrosis in both humans and animals.


  • 目的探讨单细胞微量凝胶电泳测试方法(MGE)检测氯乙烯人体外周血淋巴细胞DNA损伤

    Objective To detect DNA damage in human peripheral lymphocytes of workers exposed to vinyl chloride with microgel single cell electrophoresis(MGE).


  • 采用人体动物实验观察延迟肌肉损伤连续运动适应性变化

    Experiments on humans and rats were conducted to observe the adaptation of exercise-induced muscle injury to repeated exercise.


  • 采用人体动物实验观察延迟肌肉损伤连续运动适应性变化

    Experiments on humans and rats were conducted to observe the adaptation of exercise-induced muscle injury to repeated exercise.


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