• 产出缺口不确定央行任务更头疼。

    Uncertainty over the size of the output gap complicates the task of central Banks.


  • 货币产出缺口通货膨胀提供有用的信息吗?

    Can the Money Supply and Output Gap Provide Useful Information for Inflation?


  • 如果空前的货币财政刺激起作用的话产出缺口最终消失

    If the unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus works, output gaps will eventually close.


  • 劳伦斯宏观经济顾问认为明年美国产出缺口达到GDP的9%。

    Laurence Meyer of Macroeconomic Advisers, a consultancy, reckons America's output gap will reach 9% of GDP by next year.


  • 要估测产出缺口大小,及其可能引发通货紧缩威胁有多大并不容易

    Estimating how big the output gap is, and how much of a deflationary threat it still poses, is not easy.


  • 占GDP3%刺激——不算面对的是一个42%的产出缺口时。

    Net stimulus of around 3 percent of GDP — not much, when you’ve got a 42 percent output gap.


  • 但是只要巨大产出缺口持续存在,这种威胁一勾消的做法就显得不成熟

    Yet it seems premature to write off the threat as long as a large output gap persists.


  • 耶伦3月23日讲话中警告产出缺口可能直到2013年才能完全消除。

    In a March 23 speech, Ms. Yellen cautioned that the output gap may not be fully closed until 2013.


  • 经济潜力金融危机毁灭性经济影响丧失产出缺口因此依然庞大

    The output gap is still sizable due to the economic potential that was lost as a result of the financial crisis' devastating economic impact.


  • 两个估测数据之间的差距鲜明地体现了依赖产出缺口一个最大问题测量不可靠。

    This divergence in estimates highlights the biggest problem in relying on the output gap: it is a slippery thing to measure.


  • 即使通货膨胀下降0到1.5%水平,相比cbo估测产出缺口也是非常的。

    Even if inflation were to fall to between zero and 1.5%, say, that would be a small drop given the CBO's estimate of the output gap.


  • 不足以阻止产出缺口扩大(指经济能够完成最大产出实际产出)。

    But it would not be enough to prevent a sharp widening of the output gap (the difference between actual GDP and what the economy could produce at full capacity).


  • 1981- 83年一个类似水平的产出缺口(7%左右)引起通货膨胀率下降了6个百分点。

    A comparable gap in 1981-83 produced a drop in core inflation of six percentage points.


  • 产出缺口一国实际经济产出按照该国资本、专门技能和劳动力所能得到最大产出的差额。

    The output gap is the difference between actual economic output and the most the economy could produce given the capital, know-how and people available.


  • 他们不是按照传统根据产出缺口推测通货膨胀率,而是反过来通货膨胀走势来推测产出缺口

    Rather than follow the conventional route of deriving an inflation forecast from an estimate of potential output, they do the opposite: they infer the output gap from the behaviour of inflation.


  • 准确估计潜在产出、计算产出缺口对于政策制定者制定恰当宏观经济政策至关重要的。

    It is critical for the policy maker who is in charge of formulating appropriate macroeconomic policies to estimate potential output and output gap accurately.


  • 部分原因在于虽然自然生产率经济产出缺口一个很不错想法,但往往难以随时使两者数值匹配

    In part because, while the NAIRU and the output gap are nice ideas, it is often hard to agree, at any given moment, on the value of either number.


  • 特别要指出产出缺口(实际产出潜在产出差额)已经成为一个重要政策指标

    Specially as is pointed, the output gap (the difference of actual output and potential output) has already become a very important a signal of the policy.


  • 它们以为各种局面胸有成竹,包括任何特定真实活动情形下可以预期产出缺口通涨率

    They believe they can estimate phenomena such as the output gap or the rate of inflation to be expected for any specified behaviour of real activity.


  • 通过估计利率汇率产出缺口相关影响实际利率和实际汇率的权重可以估计货币状况指数

    The paper also estimate the optimal monetary index by estimating related effects of interest rate and exchange rate on output gap and weight of real interest rate and exchange rate.


  • 因为除了悉心呵护刚刚露头的复苏之外,政策制定者们不得不考虑已经产生巨大产出缺口,”表示

    "For as well as being cautious about choking off any fledgling recovery, policymakers will have to bear in mind the huge output gaps that have developed," he said.


  • 央行公布数据表明,3月份工业增加值产出缺口达到3.06%,为1998年以来最高水平,连续第七个上升

    The central bank says the output gap reached a positive 3.06% in March, the highest level since 1998 and the seventh straight month of increase.


  • 但是央行已经开始尝试评估产出缺口,”来确定制定利率政策经济增长是否高于发展趋势程度也是十分困难的。

    But central Banks already try to estimate the "output gap", the extent to which economic growth is above or below trend, when setting interest rates-and that's fiendishly difficult.


  • 但是央行已经开始尝试评估产出缺口,”来确定制定利率政策经济增长是否高于发展趋势程度也是十分困难的。

    But central Banks already try to estimate the "output gap", the extent to which economic growth is above or below trend, when setting interest rates-and that's fiendishly difficult.


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