• 深入开展联创”,市区成功创建国家卫生获得全国创建文明市工作先进称号

    Carry out the "five cities together create" urban successfully created the national Health city, won the national advanced city to create a civilized city title.


  • 我们游览了老街街上许多房子爸爸网友们许多照片他们觉得非常有意义但是觉得一点好玩

    Let's tour of five city streets, streets there are many old houses, father and netizens take a lot of photos, they feel very meaningful, but I do not think that a little fun.


  • 周前飞机工程师发现他们没有完全了解金属疲劳——四月一日,西北航空公司812航班使用的波音737-300型客机在从凤凰飞往萨克拉门托的途中发现在机身的上半部有一个英尺的裂纹,不得不紧急迫降

    Over the past few weeks, aircraft engineers have found they do not know quite as much about metal fatigue as they thought.


  • 每家条街、每个的每一位以下儿童名字

    Every child under five, in every home, in every street, city, town, and village has a name.


  • 这座商贸现在拥有恐怖购物中心每层面积都机库两倍

    That city now comprises five monstrous interconnected malls (the newest opened Monday). Each has four floors, and is twice the size of an aircraft hangar.


  • 堪萨斯联邦储备银行行长赫尼希是名反对者之一今年投票中,今天已是连续第七次投反对票,是1955年以来在常规会议坚持的反对者。

    The one of the five who has a vote this year, Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig, today cast his seventh straight dissent, the most at consecutive regular policy sessions since 1955.


  • 足总杯比赛结束,切尔西顺利晋级,并且晋级四分之一决赛对手,将是第重赛后获胜的或斯托克中的一支。

    An away tie in the last eight against Chelsea awaits the winner of the Blues fifth round FA Cup replay at Stoke following the draw for the quarter finals.


  • 来自爱丽森·斯托姆她们童年好友分别州和四个时区

    Alison Storm and four childhood friends from Sioux City, Iowa, live in five states in four time zones.


  • 1969到1975年间,每天3小时演出过后,其余时间录歌这些歌组成了杰克逊兄弟在13专辑

    After three hours' daily tutoring, he spent the rest of the day recording the 13 albums the Jacksons released for Motown between 1969 and 1975.


  • 将要经历一个困难时期,接下来的个月中曼奇尼管理能力会受到严格的考验

    City are starting to look a formidable force but Mancini's powers of man-management will be tested to the extreme in the five months to come.


  • 晚上梵蒂冈圣伯多禄大殿里的长凳上挤满了天主教徒,他们此望教宗十六世主持的子夜弥撒

    At Vatican City on Friday night, Catholic worshippers packed pews inside St. Peter's Basilica to hear Pope Benedict XVI deliver Midnight Mass.


  • 分定地业二万千肘,挨着供地,要归以色列全家。

    And ye shall appoint the possession of the city five thousand broad, and five and twenty thousand long, over against the oblation of the holy portion: it shall be for the whole house of Israel.


  • 我们掳之后十二十月初,有人从耶路撒冷这里,攻破。

    And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth month, in the fifth day of the month, that one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, the city is smitten.


  • 北面四千百肘。之处如下。

    And these are the goings out of the city on the north side, four thousand and five hundred measures.


  • 开普敦交通出行将近温室气体排放,因此减少这种排放付出的努力重要

    In the City of Cape Town transport accounts for almost 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, and efforts to reduce this are important.


  • 温斯洛普总督,船上,面对清教徒发表演讲时,在花上,他说,我们应该建造山上

    Governor Winthrop when he gave his speech to the puritans on the ship, on the Mayflower, he said: "we shall be a city upon a hill."


  • 2010为止年里,国家发行了将近3500亿债券

    The country issued almost 350 billion yuan of urban construction investment bonds in the five years to 2010.


  • 梅西,是位于Dothan的“横跨乡村赌场的说客,法庭上承认了自己犯有项串谋罪,和项行贿罪

    Massey, the lobbyist for the Country Crossing casino in Dothan, pleaded guilty in court to one count of conspiracy and five counts of bribery.


  • 让我这样来看吧:如果分之一独自驾车者朋友或者邻居商业院或者是摩尔系上安全带,那我们每天都可以在快乐公路(Happy Highway)上航行了。

    Look at it this way: If one-fifth of solo drivers hitched a ride with neighbors or friends to the business park or mall, we'd be sailing along Happy Highway every day.


  • 星期大约九万名球迷涌入约翰内斯堡新近整修足球体育场,他们当中大多身穿代表着南非国家队绿相间的衣着。

    About 90,000 fans mostly dressed in South Africa's team colors of yellow and green, packed into the newly refurbished Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg on Friday.


  • 1915年的10月23日,美国纽约,约有两个万千到三万三千的妇女大道汇合,要求投票权

    On October 23rd, 1915, Woman's suffrage: In New York City, 25,000-33,000 women march up Fifth Avenue to demand the right to vote.


  • 尽管6之后纽约,但是那一刻,她已经迷上光十色巿生活

    Though she did not live in New York until six years later, she had fallen in love with the complexity of city life.


  • 据一家名为“搜房”的物业顾问公司发布的“百房价指数显示今年截至月份,房产价格上涨幅度为5.1%。

    A 100-city index published by Soufun, a property consultancy, shows prices rising by 5.1% in the year to May.


  • 丹斯电影节犹他州帕克举行,届时YouTube高管出席电影制作者进行交流和洽谈。

    The Sundance Festival opens Friday in Park City, Utah, where YouTube execs will be visiting and networking with filmmakers.


  • 到了星期,总部设在日内瓦世界卫生组织份文告中指出,在墨西哥墨西哥其他两个先后发现大约900个流感疑似病例,其中怀疑大约有60死亡,而死亡病例有18例已确认是H 1 N 1猪流感病毒引起的。

    Then on Friday the WHO in Geneva said in a statement there have been around 900 suspected cases of swine flu in Mexico City and two other regions of Mexico, with around 60 suspected deaths.


  • 到了星期,总部设在日内瓦世界卫生组织份文告中指出,在墨西哥墨西哥其他两个先后发现大约900个流感疑似病例,其中怀疑大约有60死亡,而死亡病例有18例已确认是H 1 N 1猪流感病毒引起的。

    Then on Friday the WHO in Geneva said in a statement there have been around 900 suspected cases of swine flu in Mexico City and two other regions of Mexico, with around 60 suspected deaths.


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