• 最好我们尽可能多地提供事实证据

    You'd better give us as much factual evidence as possible.


  • 事实证据中的作用提升一个假设更高地位

    It is true that evidence plays a role in elevating a hypothesis to a higher status.


  • 事实证据表明大量饮用柑橘谷粒或许会触发口腔溃疡

    Anecdotal evidence suggests that diets high in sugar, citrus, and cereal grains may trigger canker sores.


  • 作为一个实证经济学家不能忽略十年间堆积事实证据

    As an empirical economist, however, I cannot neglect the evidence that has accumulated in that decade.


  • 在接受每日邮报》采访时说:“事实证据表明口红的销量近年来首次上升。”

    She told the Daily Mail: “Anecdotal evidence shows that lipsticks are up for the first time in years.


  • 环保人士的无知和理想主义,愿意基于事实证据改变想法行为造成了伤害。

    Environmentalists did harm by being ignorant and ideological and unwilling to change their mind based on actual evidence.


  • 这种事实证据观点正好一拍即合——只有一些特别人才引领潮流

    Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends.


  • 证据是否经过思维活动推论角度可以分为事实证据意见证据

    Evidence, from the aspect of man's reasoning or not, can be classified as fact evidence and opinion evidence, which can also be called expert opinion or expert testimony.


  • 然而事实证据表明机票价格往往是随着时间增加戏票总是上演当日打折出售

    However, there is empirical evidence which shows that airline ticket prices typically increase over time while theatre tickets are often sold at a discount on the day.


  • 该法实际上法律手段督促用人单位拿出事实证据维护劳动者权益

    The law is actually use legal means to urge to unit of choose and employ persons out facts, maintaining the rights and interests of labourers.


  • 在接受每日邮报》采访时说:“事实证据表明口红的销量近年来首次上升。”

    She told the Daily Mail: "Anecdotal evidence shows that lipsticks are up for the first time in years."


  • 可能因为你先入为主思想信念——主要是宗教信仰——允许接受展现你面前事实证据

    You may do so because your prior ideological convictions, mostly to do with religious belief, simply don't allow you to accept the evidence that is presented to you.


  • 以前学理研究往往偏重于证据客观性注重事实证据对意见证据研究关注不够。

    Former studies normally focused on the objectivity of evidence, they are more concerned about the study of fact evidence, other than opinion evidence.


  • 我们这份研究中对于机会风险的评估,以及实征的事实证据根据项研究所做出结果。

    This assessment of the opportunities, threats, and empirical facts about what works is based on two rounds of research.


  • 这个两部分文章中讨论GangliaNagios因为一些事实证据表明这些工具常用的

    In this two-part article, I will discuss Ganglia and Nagios since there is some anecdotal evidence that these are the most popular.


  • 本文事实证据法律依据适用程序酌定情节方面较系统地辩护理由涉及问题进行了探讨

    Form such aspects as the factual evidence, legal basis, applicable procedure and consideration of circumstance, the author discusses the main problems related to the excuses of defending words.


  • 环保人士无知理想主义愿意基于事实证据改变想法的行为造成伤害。对我们做出的伤害,我感到很后悔。

    Environmentalists did harm by being ignorant and ideological and unwilling to change their mind based on actual evidence. As a result we have done harm and I regret it.


  • 当然有些事实证据有效的,比如玛雅人的确有一个记历的历法地磁反转理论的确存在太阳活动的确在减弱等等

    Certainly, some of the facts at hand are valid; for example, the Maya did have a Long Count calendar, pole-shift theory does exist, and solar activity does wax and wane.


  • 话说,这些命题——就好像宗教信仰里面认为上帝创造世界一样——必须事实证据做为支撑,并且可以通过讨论现实世界中做实验方式来加以证明。

    In other words, they are claims - like the claim that God created the world - that are supported by evidence, that are proved by arguments and tested against our experience of the world.


  • 发现尽管他们试图新闻报导提供平衡事实证据,但他们最终找到证据往往那些有助于支持他们自身观点证据或者是那些迎合观众观点的证据

    You will find even they try to provide balanced evidence on news coverage, the evidence they found will always support the position they wanted the audience to stand, or the audience wish to stand.


  • 丹尼斯埃克哈特培养了杰瑞·帕克这样新手教他们如何几百万之后,课程就结束了,但这些年有很多人在口口相传这个传奇实验,也有一些事实证据

    After Dennis and Eckhardt taught novices like Jerry Parker how to make millions and the "school" closed, the experiment morphed into word-of-mouth legend over the years supported by few hard facts.


  • 由于受到证据来源证明方法等限制,事实证明具有一定程度不确定性

    Affected by the sources of evidence and approaches of proof, the proof of facts is to a certain degree uncertain.


  • 除非证明文件并非经历司签署否则文件作为确实证据内载事实无可争议。

    Such document shall be conclusive evidence of the facts contaIned In it unless it is proved that the document was not signed by the Registrar.


  • 除非证明文件并非经历司签署否则文件作为确实证据内载事实无可争议。

    Such document shall be conclusive evidence of the facts contaIned In it unless it is proved that the document was not signed by the Registrar.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定