• 只有立足实践,才能合理地解释事实与价值的关系问题

    This paper proposes that the question should only be rationally explained on the basis of practice.


  • 事实价值断裂现代性中显现交往关系的异化生活意义的缺失。

    The appearance of the fracture of the fact and the value in modernization is the alienation of communication and the forfeiture of life meaning.


  • 由于传统思维方式的影响,西方哲学家一直走出事实与价值分离困境

    Influenced by this traditional thinking method, the western philosophers have not come out of the separated predicament between them.


  • 事实价值对立,在事实与价值之间确立严格区分鸿沟,一直西方文化传统

    It is a tradition of the western culture to contradict fact to value and establish distinguished gap between them.


  • 事实价值基础价值来源于事实价值高于事实事实价值统一实践活动中

    Value bases on fact and comes from it, fact is above value, fact and value are unified in the human practice.


  • 环境侵权因果关系判断标准事实价值判断法律整合其中涵盖各种复杂要素,使一标准立法和司法层面的操作变得日益困难。

    The judgment standard system on causality of environment tort is the legal integration of fact and value judgment, which consists of various complicated factors.


  • 诉讼法学界关于客观真实法律真实争论是针对法律事实认定标准所产生的分歧,但是,争论并没有跳出主观客观、事实与价值、形式实质这种二元对立的思维模式。

    The controversies on the option between objective truth and legal truth which prevail in the academia of procedural law are in essence the disputes on the criterion to cognize the legal facts.


  • 关注理工学科技能重要事实传统手艺创作活动相结合,理工学科技能才会得到加强更有价值

    Focusing on STEM skills is important, but the reality is that STEM skills are enhanced and more relevant when combined with traditional, hands-on creative activities.


  • 科学家不能认同一项科学假设取决于客观事实不取决这项假设是否某种道德观念宗教信仰相一致。从这种意义上来说,科学本身并不涉及价值判断。

    Science is value free in the sense that scientific hypotheses have to be accepted or rejected on the basis of facts and not on the basis of their consistency with any ethical or religious belief.


  • 事实证明中国历史悠久关系德国价值非凡。

    Long-standing relations with China have proved valuable for Germans.


  • 康德和黑格尔失败原因他们自然权利实在法权利之间价值关系错误地理解事实关系。

    The reason why both of them failed is that they mistook the value relationship between natural rights and positive rights for a fact one.


  • 事实模式经常所有其他模式组合一起,利用Web 2.0功能获得最大价值

    In fact, this pattern is often combined with all the other patterns to gain the most value from exploiting the new capabilities of Web 2.0.


  • 价值语言事实语言难以割舍联系事实语言带有价值倾向价值语言包含事实的内容。

    Value language contacts with fact language closely, and fact language has the value tendency, while value language also contains the fact.


  • 一般情况下新闻价值宣传价值新闻报道规模成正比新闻价值宣传价值越大的新闻事实媒体报道规模亦越大,反之亦然

    Generally speaking, the greater the value of news and that of publicity a news report has, the larger scale of news report will be used by the media, and vice versa.


  • 事实价值分立及其理论文本认识魅力”、“黑格尔式的论证等方面体现出来。

    This displays in the opposition between "facts" and "values", in the theory text of "cognitive charm" and "Hegelian demonstration", etc.


  • 政策目标确定主要取决于决策者规划政策时事实前提价值前提,即事关系拿捏

    Identify key policy objectives depend on the policy decision-makers in the planning of the premise of fact and value that the relationship is willing to do with the handle.


  • 集中代理信息以及部分证券价值有关历史事实有限强制披露制度可能有效率

    The limited mandated disclosure system focusing on agent information and some historical facts related to securities value may be more efficient.


  • 知识层面上就是价值事实关系学理。

    It is a Xue-Li about the relation between value and fact on the knowledge layer.


  • 很多时候我们总是不同程度被人贬低,我们越是感到被贬低,越是花费更多精力捍卫重塑我们的存在价值意义,事实上,我们反而越是乏力,能够创造新价值、意义的精力少,有心无力。

    The more we feel devaluedand we all do at various times, to varying degrees — the more energy we spend defending and restoring our value, and the less energy we have available to create value.


  • 新闻价值历来用作衡量新闻事实新闻本身社会利益需求之间满足关系的重要标准

    The news value has always been a kind of important standard who weigh the news fact and news itself between the social benefit and demand.


  • 文章正义秩序两个角度分析了事实婚姻制度重婚罪制度基本价值取向

    This article analyzes the basic value direction of practical marriage system and the system of crime of bigamy from justice and order angles.


  • 事实目前该类工具价值大多来自虚报医疗费用风险方面玩花样——防治并发症截然不同,这些工具只是针对更高回报调节系统

    In fact, most of the current value from these tools comes from upcoding and gaming the riskadjustment system for higher payment as opposed to complication avoidance.


  • 心理教育目标价值定位应当的自然性社会性统一个体取向社会取向的结合事实存在价值存在的融通。

    The value of the target of psycho-education should be the unification of human being′s natural character and sociality, the integration of individual orientation and social o.


  • 事实证明中国历史悠久关系德国价值非凡。

    Long-standing relations with China have proved valuable? For Germans.


  • 培里的价值理论属于自然主义价值论,主张价值事实统一价值判断能够通过事实方法理性的方法来确证

    In his axiology, which belongs to the naturalistic kind, Perry claims that value and Reality are unified, and value judgment can be corroborated by factual means or rational means.


  • 事实秩序并不必然其他法律价值冲突所谓自由秩序冲突,指自由法律秩序中的其他价值追求冲突,或者是指不合理的秩序自由的抵触。

    The so-called conflict between liberty and order is in fact the conflict between liberty and other legal value of order, or the conflict between liberty and illogical order.


  • 事实推定不仅根植经验常识逻辑规则,它受到价值因素制约,所以司法证明的法律真实标准有着契合之处

    Actually, Presumption not only results from the experience and logical rule, but also is restricted by the elements of value. So, it agrees with the real law standards of proof.


  • 造成这种挑战结果许多公司正在重组价值通过网络供应商进行交易模式获得额外价值事实

    This challenge is a result of the fact that many firms are reconfiguring the value chain to generate additional value by purchasing through suppliers' Web-based business models.


  • 事实价值现象具有物理现象完全不同特质,哲学真正生命绿地,是人之所以成为人而存在的精神基地

    Actually, different from physical phenomenon, value phenomenon is the living source of philosophy and the spiritual base of human being.


  • 事实价值现象具有物理现象完全不同特质,哲学真正生命绿地,是人之所以成为人而存在的精神基地

    Actually, different from physical phenomenon, value phenomenon is the living source of philosophy and the spiritual base of human being.


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