• 话说,花旗集团认为方兴未艾的市场能为投资带来利润,又全世界减少主要温室气体的排放。

    In other words, Citi believes that the growing carbon market could offer both profits for investors and major greenhouse gas reductions for the world.


  • 也许利率正是市场回暖主要原因,因为它鼓励投资现金投入市场寻求回报

    Those low interest rates have probably been the main driver of the rally, encouraging investors to put their cash to work in search of higher returns.


  • 文特创建者基金经理保罗·哈丁,说“投资已经接受市场其实人们的情绪所左右的,主要害怕贪心。”

    Paul Hawtin, Derwent's founder and fund manager, said: 'Investors have always accepted that markets are driven by sentiment, mainly fear and greed.


  • 投资对于股票嗜好今年上证指数上涨72%(全世界主要指标市场中的第二)以后得到恢复。

    Investor appetite for equities has been revived after the Shanghai Composite Index gained 72 percent this year, making it the world's second-best performing major benchmark.


  • 全球多数主要股市受到最严重影响仅仅小幅下跌,同时外汇市场投资风险规避倾向上升迹象也相当有限。

    Most leading stock markets suffered only modest falls at worst and there was limited evidence of rising risk aversion in currency markets.


  • 影响一国公司股权结构因素多方面,但证券市场监管水平的差异中小投资者的法律保护程度差异是主要的因素。

    The factors that impact the structure of company ownership are various, the major factors are the securities regulation level and legal environment for the protection of outside investors.


  • 尽管英国央行刺激流动性做出努力信贷市场仍旧资金紧张投资世界主要投行进一步的大幅亏损仍然保持着警惕

    In spite of the efforts of central Banks to boost liquidity, credit markets also remain extremely tight and investors are cautious about further heavy losses from the world's major investment Banks.


  • 不过维持这样平静局面主要取决于美联储接下来举措投资已经变得紧张不安,担心美联储开始市场抛售抵押贷款资产

    Maintaining that calm, however, depends critically on the Fed's next moves. Investors have become jittery the Fed will start dumping its mortgage assets into the market.


  • 证券公司我国投资银行体系中的主体业务主要从事证券发行承销二级市场交易业务。

    The securities firms is a subject in the system of investment banks of our country, their business is mainly engaged in securities issue and second marketing .


  • 中小型高新技术企业怎样激烈市场竞争中获得风险投资青睐正是文章主要研究课题

    The main research topic in this paper is how to gain venture capital' s favor in the fierce market competition for small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises.


  • 由于担心美国其它主要经济体增长将会大幅放缓,投资昨日纷纷涌入国债市场寻求避险,将英国德国和美国的国债收益率推低至创纪录低点

    Fears that the US and other major economies are slowing sharply sent investors piling into the safety of government debt yesterday , pushing UK, German and US bond yields down to record lows.


  • 股票发行市场发行人投资中介机构证券管理机构组成,主要的建设内容如何完善股票发行方式确定股票发行价格

    A securities offering market is made up of issuer, investor, broker and regulatory institution, and its major role is how to perfect securities offering formula and how to ascertain issuing price.


  • 作为一种兼具投机性投资高风险收益证券交易方式世界主要证券市场将其作为正式制度安排确立下来

    Both as a speculative and investment, high risk and high yield securities trading, major world security markets are as the establishment of formal institutional arrangement.


  • 产权多样化产权交易市场建立,使得信托机构必须转变的经营目标利润最大化必须成为信托投资机构所追求的主要目标之一

    With verification of property right and the setup of property right transaction market, trust institutions must change their goals, with maximizations of profit being one of their main goals.


  • 二板市场全球风险投资主要退出渠道

    But two board markets are the whole world venture capital most main withdrawal channels.


  • 分析权证市场面临重大风险认为风险的主要来源在于交易制度不合理、做形同虚设以及投资成熟进一步提出化解风险的建议。

    This paper analyze on the major risks faced by the warrant market, considers that the risks come mainly from the irrational trade system, the nominal market makers, and the immature investors, etc.


  • 分析人士能够压低油价主要因素全球石油需求骤减,或者国际投资大宗商品市场突然撤离等。

    The main factors that could send prices down, analysts say, would be a sharp downturn in global oil demand or some sudden flight from commodities among international investors.


  • 目前利用博弈模型均衡审计市场研究主要集中管理者注册会计师的博弈,投资与注册会计师的博弈却很少触及。

    Nowadays, researches on the equilibrium auditing market, still focus on the game between managers and CPAs, while few has been done on the game between investors and CPAs.


  • 羊群行为一种从众行为我国证券市场羊群行为如此明显主要制度缺陷导致,是投资现实的特定市场环境下的行为选择

    The obvious herding behavior in our securities market results from the institutional defects, and it is the behavior choice of investors in the specific market environment.


  • 法制健全的证券市场上,上市公司披露信息上市公司与投资市场监管者的主要交流渠道

    In those mature markets, the information disclosed by companies is the main channel for stakeholders to know the company.


  • 美元其他主要货币名义贬值一直有序,而且,期权市场表明投资现在也预期货币会出现剧烈变动

    The nominal depreciation of the U. s. dollar versus the other major currencies has been orderly, and options markets suggest that investors are not expecting sharp currency movements.


  • 投资再也无法指望经济形势公司收益成为驱动金融市场主要力量。

    Investors can no longer bank on the economy or company earnings as key drivers of financial markets.


  • 主要机构投资参与维持市场稳定性使得借款者更快取得信贷并且降低借贷失败的风险。

    The participation of major institutional investors adds stability to the market, allows borrowers to get credit more quickly, and decreases the likelihood of unfunded loans.


  • 主要机构投资参与维持市场稳定性使得借款者更快取得信贷并且降低借贷失败的风险。

    The participation of major institutional investors adds stability to the market, allows borrowers to get credit more quickly, and decreases the likelihood of unfunded loans.


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