• 委员会主要律师组成。

    The committee is composed mainly of lawyers.


  • 上世纪90年代以来委员会成千上万编织钩针编织者进行了调查他们定期缓解压力和创造力作为活动主要收益

    Since the 1990s, the council has surveyed hundreds of thousands of knitters and crochets, who routinely list stress relief and creative fulfillment as the activities' main benefits.


  • 大多数公司董事会薪酬委员会主要关注同侪比较

    Most corporate boards' compensation committees focus primarily on peer-group comparisons.


  • 建设更好橡树委员会主要职能如何充分利用城市有限预算市政府提出建议

    The primary function of the Committee for a better Oak City is to advise the city government on how to make the best use of the city's limited budget.


  • 哈佛大学公共卫生学院生物统计学家、SBORE 小组成员乔瓦尼·帕尔米贾尼表示希望委员会主要发挥咨询作用”。

    Giovanni Parmigiani, a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health, a member of the SBORE group, says he expects the board to "play primarily an advisory role".


  • 委员会特别小组主要任务分享方式

    Committees and task forces are the main way jobs are Shared.


  • 可能会变成一个监管委员会但是主要金融监管保持国家水平

    It could become a committee of oversight, but the main financial regulation will stay at the national level.


  • 超级委员会失败被解释两党之间冲突主要绊脚石其实和往常别无二致——税收。

    Conflicting explanations for the failure of the committee, which met in private, have emerged, but the main stumbling block, as usual, was taxes.


  • 伊斯坦布尔新闻发布会发言人加里叙利亚反对派而言,委员会主要的一点益处可以提供一个别国可以协调单独机构

    Istanbul conference spokesman Ghalioun said one major benefit of the council to the Syrian opposition would be to provide a single body with which other countries could coordinate.


  • 美国主要市场监督机构证券交易委员会这些天来日子太好过。备受责难,有人批评它举措过于强硬同时又有人说它不够强硬。

    THESE are trying times for America's chief markets watchdog, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is being blamed for acting too tough and not tough enough both at the same time.


  • 执行委员会主要职能执行大会决定政策大会提供意见整体促进工作

    The main functions of the Executive Board are to give effect to the decisions and policies of the WHA, to advise it and generally facilitate its work.


  • 负责主要决策机构——经济财政政策委员会

    She will steer the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, the main policymaking body.


  • 班加西全国过渡委员会他们现在已经控制的黎波里南部主要管道网络也被称为人工河关键部分

    The National Transitional Council in Benghazi says that it has now taken control of key parts of a major pipeline network south of Tripoli, known as the Great Man-Made River.


  • 上周个由欧洲部分主要企业组成财团发布了一个公告反对委员会提出的任何没有通过美国协商而单方面确立减排30%CO2的提案。

    Last week a consortium of major European industries issued a statement opposing any plans from the Commission to adopt a 30% CO2 cut without reciprocal agreements from the us.


  • 他说:“就像已经清楚地表明那样,这个委员会主要目标不是指明所得到的教训。”

    As I have made clear the primary objective of the committee will be to identify lessons learned.


  • 利比亚委员会赢得了国际社会承认现在已经成为运行该国主要行政机构

    The Libyan council won international recognition and has now become the main governing body that runs the country.


  • 鉴于癌症公共卫生影响正在一问题召集个由主要专家组成咨询委员会以便制定全球癌症控制战略

    Given the impact of cancer on public health, I am convening an advisory committee of leading experts on this issue to develop a global cancer control strategy.


  • 组织一个“改善家庭委员会”,男人便成了注意的主要焦点

    She forms the Home Improvement Committee, and he becomes her primary focus.


  • 108年来挪威诺贝尔委员会一直致力于促进正是这种国际政策姿态现在奥巴马世界主要代表

    For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman.


  • 证券交易委员会简称证交会担心宽松的条款可能对冲基金这样主要衍生物交易者漏网

    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) frets that looser rules will let key derivative traders, such as hedge funds, off the hook.


  • 体系结构原则首席架构制定,首席架构师要企业CIO、体系结构委员会其他主要业务涉众进行合作

    Architecture principles are formulated by the chief architect, who works with the enterprise CIO, the architecture board, and other key business stakeholders.


  • 根据商业机构纽约城委员会一份报告显示纽约市外国投资者主要涉足金融保险信息产业

    In new York foreign investors mainly help to fuel the finance, insurance and information sectors, according to a new report by the Partnership for new York City, a business group.


  • 人们嘘声可能有些不公平,因为至少美国通信委员会明白网速慢收费主要原因在于缺乏有效竞争

    That raspberry may be a little unfair. At least, the FCC recognises that the main reason why prices have remained so high and speeds so low in America is the lack of effective competition.


  • G20那些国家巴塞尔委员会银行监事会财政部金融服务局主要依靠更加广阔的资金支持保障系统安全

    Like the Group of 20 big countries and the Basel Committee of bank supervisors, the Treasury and the FSA want to rely mainly on heavier capital requirements to keep the system safe.


  • 委员会提到主要问题在于Scheme不是真正意义上的编程语言而是

    The main problem the committee noticed was the fact that Scheme is not really a programming language but.


  • 委员会发言人唐斯尚未这份建议做出决定主要目标收回纳税人投入资金

    A spokeswoman for the committee said that Mr. Towns hasn't made a determination on the proposal but that 'his main goal is getting the taxpayers their money back.'


  • 委员会发言人唐斯尚未这份建议做出决定主要目标收回纳税人投入资金

    A spokeswoman for the committee said that Mr. Towns hasn't made a determination on the proposal but that 'his main goal is getting the taxpayers their money back.'


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