• 中国互联网信息中心这份报告中这个数字去年年初1亿1千1百万的基础上增加的。

    The figure is up from 111 million at the beginning of last year, the China Internet Network Information Center said in the report.


  • 根据中国互联网信息中心信息,2010年前半年中国4亿两千万网名2009年底3600万。

    According to the China Internet Network Information Center, China had 420 million netizens by the first half of 2010, up 36 million Internet users over year-end 2009.


  • 中国互联网信息中心统计报告显示目前网上交易存在最大问题仍然诚信相关产品质量服务安全问题。

    The statistic report from CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) says that the most serious problems are related with trust such as quality of goods, service and security.


  • 而且这个群体数量过去的6个月中增加了45%——中国互联网信息中心远远超过笔记本上网用户增长率

    And the number of people doing so grew by 45% in the six months to june-far higher than the rate of access growth using laptops, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre.


  • 中国互联网信息中心估计中国网民人数(已经世界最多)今年增长了6%达到四亿八千五百万,但仍几乎三分之二没有上网

    The China Internet Network Information Centre reckons that the online population, already the world's biggest, has risen by 6% to 485m this year. And almost two-thirds of people are not yet online.


  • 中国互联网信息中心(China Internet net work Information Center)本月份报告显示,2011年上半年新浪微博用户数增长了208.9%,达到了1.95亿。

    Users of Sina's weibo platform rose by 208.9% to 195 million by the end of the second half of 2011, the China Internet Network Information Center said in a report earlier this month.


  • 亚太互联信息中心潘广亮说:“对于中国电信中国联通中国移动电信运营商来说目前他们一些IP地址但是非常有限。”

    Pan Guangliang, Asia-Pacific Network Information Center, said, "for the major three telecom operators, China telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile, currently, they have some IPs, but very limited."


  • 中国互联信息中心统计,中国目前互联网普及率16%左右世界水平为19.1%,美国为69.7%。

    For now, China has only about a 16% Internet penetration rate compared to the world standard 19.1% and the U.S. 's 69.7%, according to China Internet Network Information Center.


  • 中国互联信息中心公布最新数据中国目前有5,550万网络游戏玩家

    China is currently home to 55.5 million online game players, according to the latest stats by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC).


  • 中国互联信息中心介绍,截至今年8月底中国注册博客实际人数3400万,远远大于以上数字

    The actual number of people who have signed up with accounts at blogging services in China is even higher than these figures, reaching almost 34 million by the end of August this year, the CNNIC says.


  • 中国互联网信息中心报告指出互联网使用农村增长速度要高于城市

    The report by Cinic also noted that internet use in the countryside was increasing faster than in the cities.


  • 中国互联信息中心CN域名注册管理机构。

    China Internet Network Information Center is the National Internet Registry of. CN domain names in China.


  • 中国互联信息中心称,中国互联网普及率任然很低,仅有22.6%,还留有更多增长空间

    China's Internet penetration is still low at just 22.6%, leaving more room for rapid growth, Cinic said.


  • 本月早些时候中国互联信息中心发布份报告显示目前中国大约有7亿互联网用户

    A report released earlier this month by China Internet Network Information Center shows that the country has around 700 million Internet users.


  • 第三域名争议中国互联网信息中心认可争议解决机构受理解决

    Article 3 the Domain name disputes shall be resolved with the dispute Resolution Service Providers recognized by CNNIC.


  • 域名注册服务机构中国互联网信息中心授权负责受理域名注册申请完成注册机构。

    Registrar refers to the entity authorized by CNNIC and responsible for acceptance of the domain name registration applications and completion of domain name registrations.


  • 中国互联信息中心称,2007年,有1亿5千5百万中国网民依赖网络阅读新闻网民总数73.6%。

    In 2007, 155 million Chinese Internet users relied on the Web to read news, accounting for 73.6% of the total Internet population, according to Cinic.


  • 信息产业部批准,中国互联网信息中心我国中文域名注册管理机构

    The China Net Information Center is the domain name registration administration of China approved by the Ministry of Information Industry.


  • 第六中国互联信息中心提供互联网地址、络资源目录管理有关信息服务。

    Article6 China Internet information Center is responsible for the management of Internet addresses, domain names and catalogues of network resources and shall provide relevant information services.


  • 第三域名争议中国互联网信息中心认可争议解决机构受理解决

    Article 3 the disputes regarding domain names shall be accepted and solved by the dispute resolution institution as verified by the CNNIC.


  • 中国互联网信息中心负责人表示注册域名全面实施书面审核制度。

    A CNNIC official said that newly registered domain names should go through application auditing in written form.


  • 中国互联信息中心指出2010年,全国最少有1.42亿人曾在网上购物

    The China Internet Network Information Centre notes that the total number of online shoppers in 2010 exceeds 142 million.


  • 第十一条任何机构或者个人均可以依据解决办法》程序规则》的规定中国互联网信息中心授权域名争议解决机构提出投诉启动域名争议解决程序。

    Article 11 any person or entity may initiate a domain name dispute resolution proceedings by submitting a complaint in accordance with CNDRP and these Rules to any Provider approved by CNNIC.


  • 第十六条域名争议解决机构应当将争议解决程序开始日期及时通知各方当事人和域名注册服务机构以及中国互联网信息中心

    Article 16 the Provider shall immediately notify the parties, the concerned Registrar and CNNIC of the date of commencement of the domain name dispute resolution proceedings.


  • 第十六条域名争议解决机构应当将争议解决程序开始日期及时通知各方当事人和域名注册服务机构以及中国互联网信息中心

    Article 16 the Provider shall immediately notify the parties, the concerned Registrar and CNNIC of the date of commencement of the domain name dispute resolution proceedings.


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