• 中关会计准则制定机制存在很大差异

    There is great difference between China's and American norm - formulating mechanism.


  • 文章中关百万册数字图书馆项目必要性以及主要建设内容进行综述。

    This paper addresses the necessity of the China-America Digital Academic Library (CADAL) project and introduces the CADAL project's major development goals.


  • 周围商场当代商城、新中关购物中心、双安商场、华宇时尚购物、家乐福、超市发。

    Department Stores and Supermarkets: Modern Plaza, The Gate, Shuang'an Market, Huayu Fashion, Carrefour, Chaoshifa Supermarket.


  • 酒店临近新的中关购物中心,位于三环北四环之间对面中关地区最大生活广场

    The hotel is adjacent to the new ZhongGuan CITY MALL, it's between the north third ring road and north forth ring road, the largest life square in the ZhongGuanCun areas is just across the street.


  • 关原之战中照本处于失利

    Terumoto was on the losing side at the Battle of Sekigahara.


  • 四个引擎中的个关车(eco),燃料箱液氢燃料区的一个传感器给出错误读数

    One of the four-engine cutoff, or ECO, sensors inside the liquid hydrogen section of the tank gave a false reading.


  • 本月参议院开始考虑一份议案,这份议案不仅可能阻止关闭备受争议关塔那摩监狱,而且也阻止关押民事案件中的囚犯。

    This month, the Senate began consideration of a bill that would block the closure of the controversial facility as will as civilian trials for its detainees.


  • 其他政令中,禁止所有美国囚犯用刑开始复查那些被扣押关塔那摩案件

    In two other executive orders, he is to ban torture by all US personnel and initiate a review of the cases of all those still held at guantanamo.


  • 我们身体许多基因控制蛋白质编码基因不同地方时间的开和关,就让基因序列更加复杂了。

    Many genes control when protein-coding genes are turned on and off at different places and times in the body, adding a whole new layer of complexity to the genome.


  • 讨论这些并不十分确定实现日常饮食中只关3更少天然食物,通常我们的健康显著地改善

    I am not sure when I discussed this, but implementing a diet that is focused on each item having 3 natural ingredients or less usually improves your health dramatically.


  • 那次事故中,有一半反应堆芯在事故发生后小时内便融化了,直到工作人员应急冷却系统开关重新打开,反应堆芯才停止了融化

    There, half the reactor core melted in the first two hours of the accident. The melting stopped when an operator turned on emergency cooling, which had mistakenly been turned off.


  • 但是军事法庭希望审判现今超过380名关塔那摩囚犯中的60- 80名。

    But the tribunals are expected to try only 60-80 of the more than 380 prisoners currently in guantanamo.


  • 事务管理中的进程执行一个DB 2相关的事务。

    A process in the transaction manager executes a DB2-related transaction.


  • 我们认为问题的关健在于蕴藏祈祷中的思想多少。

    In our opinion the whole question lies in the amount of thought that is mingled with prayer.


  • 孩子们端粒长短确实与其父母相关只是父母中的相关

    Children's telomeres did, indeed, correlate in length with those of their parents-but they correlated only with one parent, the father.


  • 拱手相送看起来简单,而现实中,却是最难恢复一道关

    Offering something for nothing seems so easy, when in reality it can be one of the hardest things to recover from.


  • ,将山莓放入精细尼龙滤网中轻挤至碗内称量挤出,放入干净的平底

    Remove from the heat and push the fruit through a fine nylon sieve into a bowl. Weigh the resulting puree and return it to a clean pan.


  • 关火,将山莓放入精细尼龙滤网中轻挤至碗内,称量挤出的浆,放入干净的平底

    Remove from the heat and push the fruit through a fine nylon sieve into a bowl.Weigh the resulting puree and return it to a clean pan.


  • 新的WSDL 2.0规范已经接近完成JAX - WS 2.0相关工作结束其工作进行中。

    A new WSDL 2.0 specification is nearing completion, but it was still in the works at the time that JAX-WS 2.0 was finalized.


  • WSDL 2.0规范已经接近完成JAX - WS 2.0相关工作结束其工作进行中。

    A WSDL 2.0 specification is nearing completion, but it was still in the works at the time that JAX-WS 2.0 was finalized.


  • 但是祭司察看,没有没有,乃是暗,就要关锁

    But if the priest examines it and there is no white hair in the spot and if it is not more than skin deep and has faded, then the priest is to put him in isolation for seven days.


  • 如果文章中的某一点让感兴趣的话今天就是“关电视一周”活动开始

    Well, if that idea interested you, today is the beginning of Turn Off the TV Week. Check out these sites.


  • :“一直做噩梦,梦到关塔那摩的那段日子,我把年中最好的光阴用来喝酒仅仅是为了在记忆遗忘关塔那摩。”

    "I was having nightmares about my time in guantanamo," he says, "and I spent the best part of three years just trying to drink guantanamo out of my mind."


  • 海牙皇家图书馆800万相关纪录只有2条记录是有雪人图像

    Of the some eight million pieces of art on record at the Royal Library in the Hague, only two contain images of a snowman.


  • 令人惊讶的是,“xoxo落款,表达拥抱亲吻成为普遍甚至出现断然非爱情的关系中

    Surprisingly, the sign-off xoxo, offering hugs and kisses, has become common even for those in decidedly nonamorous relationships.


  • 那些9月份延期中情局秘密监狱关塔那摩,受到高度重视14囚犯中获得的证据相比,Hicks的杰哈迪履历非常可怜的。

    His jihadi CV is pitiful compared with the evidence being given by some of the 14 "high value detainees" belatedly brought to guantanamo from CIA secret prisons in September.


  • 6显示响应文件cfgdbcmd . rspdb 2相关参数以及db 2与图1描述两个子系统之间关系

    Figure 6 shows the response file cfgdbcmd.rsp and a set of parameters pertaining to DB2, and its relationship with the two subsystems described in Figure 1.


  • 可以通过项目浏览器中手工选择原型,并且在属性视图下转Stereotypes标签页,并且在关健列表输入关健字。

    This keyword can be set by selecting the stereotype in the Project Explorer, then going to the Stereotypes TAB in the Properties view and entering the keyword in the keywords list.


  • 可以通过项目浏览器中手工选择原型,并且在属性视图下转Stereotypes标签页,并且在关健列表输入关健字。

    This keyword can be set by selecting the stereotype in the Project Explorer, then going to the Stereotypes TAB in the Properties view and entering the keyword in the keywords list.


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