• 因特销售业绩下滑,3%的工厂员工下岗

    Intel's sales were down and 3% of the staff at the factories had been laid off.


  • 我们现在讨论希望找出业绩下滑原因

    Let's talk about it now, then. I'd like to know why the sales figures have fallen.


  • 公司可能逃脱萨博车迷通用汽车管理不善导致公司业绩下滑愤怒

    The firm may also escape the fury of Saab’s many fans who rightly blamed GM’s mismanagement for the firm’s decline.


  • 公司可能逃脱萨博车迷通用汽车管理不善导致公司业绩下滑愤怒

    The firm may also escape the fury of Saab's many fans who rightly blamed GM's mismanagement for the firm's decline.


  • 福特1月29日宣布2008年销售业绩下滑18%,糟糕的数字已是底线

    With sales for 2008 down 18%, the bottom line made grim reading when Ford announced its results on January 29th.


  • 银行一种很奇怪存在,除了它以外,没有别的什么公司由于外部监管的介入反而导致业绩下滑的。

    Banks are odd creatures; there is no sign that external monitoring has produced the same perverse results for other companies.


  • 一个公司业绩下滑时,管理者必须做出反应——可能意味着白天黑夜或者周末任何时候都得上班。

    When a company goes down, the administrator must respond —and this could easily mean any time of day, night, or week.


  • 然而由于缺乏现代市场营销观念,缺乏明确经营战略市场营销策略,导致经营业绩下滑

    But owing to lack of clear and definite management strategy and marketing tactics, the managerial achievement of the company has been decreased.


  • 然而惠普批评者阿波台克在遏制销售业绩下滑做出的努力不够从而使惠普的股价一路下跌。

    HP's critics, however, claim that its boss has not done enough to arrest the sales slide, which has dented its share price.


  • 而且因为情况涉及当地实际财政事件不仅发现必须提出要求或者指出那些业绩下滑的项目。

    And because the situations involved accent practical or financial matters, either you could find you must make demands or point the finger at those whose performance is falling short.


  • 桩著名故意隐瞒交易损失的事例,它们的最终爆发导致了整个商业机构整个公司业绩下滑

    There were some infamous cases of deliberate cover-up on trading losses that eventually blew up and brought down the entire business unit or the entire firm.


  • 面对华为取得业务胜利这些公司更加强有力维持现有合同间接造成诺基亚的业绩下滑。 诺基亚亚太地区当季收入较去年同期下滑37%,拉美地区收入下滑27%。

    These losses could be collateral damage as those companies fight even more strongly to keep existing contracts in the face of business wins by Huawei.


  • 约翰·刘易斯公司拖累旗下百货公司业绩不佳公司利润过去个月内出现第五次下滑

    Profits at John Lewis fell by a fifth in the last six months, dragged down by a poor performance from its department stores.


  • 惠普的核心业务PC打印机业绩第四财季出现下滑

    In the fourth quarter, it suffered declines in core businesses like PCs and printers.


  • 美国工业巨头通用电气公司旗下的金融部门业绩同样悲惨。受累于不良信用卡债务商业贷款,通用电气公司第三季利润下滑42%。

    It was matched by a dire performance from the finance arm of the us industrial behemoth General Electric, whose profits dipped 42% thanks to bad credit card debts and business loans.


  • 竞争者报道了业绩剧烈下滑世界最大家具装修零售商给出了利润少有下跌报告

    The world's largest home improvement retailer reports a slide in profits a day after its rival reported an either steeper decline. Edgar Treiguts of Georgia Public Broadcasting reports.


  • 虽然净利润经营利润下滑,但投资者亚马逊当季的业绩感到满意。

    Investors were pleased with Amazon's performance, despite falling net and operating income.


  • 然而,2006年下半年以来企业的销售业绩开始停滞不前,虽然销量绝对数字依然相当可观效益却不见增长甚至有所下滑

    However, since the second half of 2006, its sales have stagnated. Although its sales absolute figure is still considerable, the benefit is not increased but even declining.


  • 里扎·森汀卡亚说道:“整个事情就是丑闻。”24岁的父亲位于柏林夏洛滕堡区的杂货店工作店内的销售业绩下滑70%。

    "The whole thing is a big scandal," said Riza Cetinkaya, 24, who works in her father's grocery store in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, where, she said, sales had dropped about 70 percent.


  • 英国业绩由于主流图书连锁店超市价格竞争下滑更为严重,销售数量同期下降了4%,销售金额同期下降了6%。

    In Britain the drop was more pronounced, with the volume of books down 4% and value down 6%, spurred lower by aggressive price competition in the major book chains and supermarkets.


  • 四月六月国内销售业绩提高了80%,其他地方下滑

    Between April and June domestic sales increased by 80% in volume, while sales elsewhere slumped.


  • 由于PC价格迅速下滑分析师们现在预期戴尔惠普本月晚些时候公布季度业绩时会宣布PC利润下滑

    Since PC prices dropped so quickly, analysts now expect Dell and H-P to announce slimmer PC profit margins when they report quarterly results later this month.


  • 信集团声明中表示,消费疲软是否影响企业业绩表示怀疑,对个人电脑销量全面下滑是否影响其他终端市场抱有疑虑

    In a note, Credit Suisse also raised questions on whether the "consumer weakness" will "bleed into enterprise" and whether the overall PC slump will "bleed into other end markets.


  • 济认为,银行业绩将会下滑,并至少持续

    Bank 'performance will decline, and the decline will last two years minimum,' Mr. Bugie said.


  • 一家咨询公司波士顿(BCG)发现,58%各行业三名的公司08年业绩增长仅有30%出现下滑

    BCG, another consultancy, notes that 58% of companies that were among the top three in their industry had rising profits in 2008 and only 30% saw their profits decline.


  • 一家咨询公司波士顿(BCG)发现,58%各行业三名的公司08年业绩增长仅有30%出现下滑

    BCG, another consultancy, notes that 58% of companies that were among the top three in their industry had rising profits in 2008 and only 30% saw their profits decline.


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