• 感谢不远万里专程造访本市

    Thank you for coming all the way to our city.


  • 怎么会不远万里来到这里

    Why did she travel thousands of miles to come here?


  • 不远万里中国暑假

    He has come over to China for the summer.


  • 不远万里从大洋彼岸而来光临我们公司

    You visit our company by travelling a long distance.


  • 我们一起传道学习尽管不远万里),我们来到一起如同个人

    When we are working together preaching and studying God's word (even if we are many miles apart) when we come together we will be as one man.


  • 举例来说,如果不远万里欧洲旅行,那你会满足于只一个国家停留吗?

    If you make the long journey to Europe, for example, will you be satisfied with staying in one country?


  • 你们可能不远万里来到新西兰,可能会发现在这里生活非常不同的自己国家

    Many of you have travelled thousands of kilometres to get here, and most of you will find that the way of life here in New Zealand is very different to that in your own country.


  • 白求恩以近50的年龄,护士·彻组成两人医疗小分队,温哥华不远万里来到中国

    Bethune, then nearly 50 years old, came to China from Vancouver with Joan Fletcher, anurse, as a two-person medical team.


  • 白求恩以近50的年龄,护士·彻组成两人医疗小分队,温哥华不远万里来到中国

    Bethune, then nearly 50 years old, came to China from Vancouver with Joan Fletcher, a nurse, as a two-person medical team.


  • 白求恩以近50的年龄,护士·彻组成两人医疗小分队温哥华不远万里来到中国

    Bethune, then nearly 50 years old, came to China from Vancouver with Joan Fletcher, nurse, as a two-person medical team.


  • 综观全球不少食物的毒性它们的美味同样驰名。许多美食家会不远万里品尝这些致命美味。

    Around the world there are many foods with deadliness equaling their deliciousness — and many diners who travel far and wide to just to consume them.


  • 正是因为你们中国信心,才不远万里来到中国,中国自己行动表现增强大家的信心。

    You traveled thousands of miles to China just because you have confidence in this country. China will make you to strengthen such confidence with its own actions and performance.


  • 年来许多中国学者不远万里剑桥求学访问,中国杰出数学家华罗庚就是其中著名的代表

    For 100 years, many Chinese scholars, best represented by Mr. Hua Luogeng, an outstanding Chinese mathematician, have traveled long distances to study in Cambridge.


  • 人们不远万里前来请教神谕殿仍然希望告知如何通过指路人精神导师获知该如何思考

    People travelled long distances to consult oracles, and we still want to be told what to do and how to think by problem-solvers and gurus.


  • 的大智慧耳闻学生不远万里四面八方赶来他求学,孔子创办了中国第一所私立学校

    Students who had heard of his great wisdom came from far and wide4 to learn from him, and Confucius founded the first private school in China.


  • 带着东方思维心,我们不远万里来到这方热土。通过中医药针灸结识很多的当地和国际朋友

    I am doctor if TCM from China. I know a lot of friends, local people and other countries by TCM.


  • 中国昆明:云南滇池男子正在喂红嘴鸥每年冬天都有数万红嘴鸥不远万里西伯利亚南迁至昆明越冬。

    Kunming, China: A man feeds blackheaded gulls at Dianchi lake. Tens of thousands of blackheaded gulls fly to Kunming from Siberia to spend the winter each year.


  • 差点没头的尼克曾经告诉我们Wailing Widow肯特不远万里来到霍格沃茨参加祭日典礼。

    Nearly Headless Nick tells us that the Wailing Widow travelled all the way to Hogwarts from Kent to attend his Deathday Party in.


  • 谷歌同学美国共济会成员,了,为了帮助中国搜索事业,受美国共济会的派遣,不远万里来到中国

    Classmate Google is the freemasons, ten years old. In order to help Chinese search, and the cause of the freemasons dispatch, it came to China without any hesitation miles.


  • 然而就算是伊拉克牛排果汁饮料生菜都会从不远万里危险沙漠地带被运送过来,保证军人得放心健康

    Nevertheless, even in Iraq steaks, squash and fresh romaine lettuce are brought miles across the dangerous desert so that the troops can eat hearty, healthy food.


  • 这个大个子英语,又是不远万里中国同场打球,来说种疯狂体验,对他来说,也一定是这样的。

    Being on the court with this huge man, someone who didn't know English and came all the way from China, was just a crazy experience for me, so it had to be a crazy experience for him.


  • 西班牙人(指哥伦布)兴奋不已记录下整个仪式无疑希望酋长昏昏沉沉中能揭示哪里可以找到他们不远万里前来追寻黄金

    The Spaniards, fascinated, recorded the entire ceremony, hoping no doubt that in his trance the chief might also reveal where they might find the gold they had come to seek.


  • 还有那些退伍老兵孩提时朋友,以及纽约阿肯色地区人们,感谢他们不远万里来到这里,是他们告诉那些愿意聆听的人们为什么支持

    To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled across the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.


  • 还有那些退伍老兵孩提时朋友,以及纽约阿肯色地区人们,感谢他们不远万里来到这里,是他们告诉那些愿意聆听的人们为什么支持

    To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled across the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.


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