• 新的仪器能够使生物学家辨别鸟类昆虫蝙蝠的身体部分还有一些目前不能区分东西。

    The new equipment may allow biologists to tell birds, insects, and bats apart, something they can't do right now.


  • 然而隐藏用户不能查看数据选项

    However, I want to distinguish this from hiding data options that a user cannot see.


  • 规则基本原理不能立刻直接工作区分继承的工作项。

    The rationale for this rule is that you cannot distinguish an inherited work item from a direct one at first sight.


  • 首领保证,赌咒发誓,他做了一家记号,知道标记了剩下的,因此不能区分皮匠在门口停下间房子。

    He assured the captain, with an oath, that he had marked but one, and could not tell who had chalked the rest, so that he could not distinguish the house which the cobbler had stopped at.


  • 这些方法也许不能区分免疫接种动物染病动物,因此目前更倾向于使用能够检测出特定DNA序列分子生物学方法

    These methods may not allow the distinguishing of vaccinated from infected animals, so molecular biology approaches that detect specific DNA sequences are now preferred.


  • 另外cookie不能区分共用台计算机多个用户因此危险

    Furthermore, cookies don't distinguish between multiple users of a Shared computer, making them even more dangerous.


  • Python变量区分大小写的,并且不能使用特定的 Python关键字比如ifelsewhiledeforandnotinis 开始作为变量名。

    Python variable names are case-sensitive, and you can't use certain Python keywords (such as if, else, while, def, or, and, not, in, and is, for starters) as variable names.


  • 代码所有权中,严格区分的代码的代码,不能改动你的代码。

    In strong code ownership, there's my code and your code. I can't change your code.


  • 创建其他角色不能区分匿名用户通过身份验证的用户,因此有必要审计这些关键角色的权限

    Other roles you create cannot differentiate between anonymous users and authenticated users, so some auditing of permissions for these essential roles is likely warranted.


  • 我们经常不能区分确定性低确定性的情况

    Often we fail to distinguish between high - and low-certainty situations.


  • 话说,这种简单方法不能区分不同用户类型,因此不能用于需要细粒度访问控制应用程序。

    In other words, this simple approach fails to distinguish between different types of users, making it unsuitable for applications that require granular access control.


  • 达到目标最大障碍就是永远都不能我们的内里和外部环境区分开来。

    The biggest obstacle in the achievement of our goals is never outside it is within us.


  • 然而不幸的是,他们的方法不能使研究小组正确区分正在变化中的阿尔法常数值。

    Unfortunately, their method does not allow the team to tell which of the constants that goes into alpha might be changing.


  • 没有客观标准因为痛苦本身是意识感觉反应,因此痛苦不能作为外部刺激或者局部机体疼痛来加以衡量这个观点出发,任何等级区分都是不可能的。

    There is no objective standard because suffering cannot be measured according to the external stimulation or local irritation of the organism, but only as it is felt and reflected in consciousness.


  • 一生都会发生作用并且回报或是利益不能通过计分式的行为甚至特别关系来准确区分

    It works across ones whole life and so the payback or benefit can't be recognized by looking at any scorecard with an individual or even in a specific relationship.


  • 很多情况下,基于日期简单命名方案不能满足需要因为随着创建备份越来越多这些名称变得十分模糊,令人难以区分

    More than likely, a simple date-based naming scheme will not be sufficient, as these names will become too vague and unclear as more backups are created.


  • 然而不能三角形波浪形圆柱形的桨中区分出来。

    He was, though, unable to separate the triangular paddle from the undulating and cylindrical ones.


  • 其他方法通常依赖于特定的反应这些技术不能很好的区分某些分子或者浓度的分别率也很低。

    Other approaches typically rely on less-specific reactions, Suslick says. Those techniques have a harder time distinguishing among some molecules and nosing out chemicals at low concentrations.


  • 我们这里关注件事,,不能区分拍子拍子,,你能不能识别一些简单的基本节奏形式

    We're interested only really in two things: One, can you differentiate between duple and triple meter; and two, can you recognize some very basic rhythmic patterns?


  • 如果不再这个表格任何一个域激活不能区分大小写查询程序,您可以使整个表格的索引功能失效

    If you no longer want to enable case-insensitive queries on any field in the table, you can disable indexes for the entire table.


  • 很显然老鼠大脑不能区分细微差别,忘记地板上一发馊的干酪或许值得庆祝没有那么简单。

    The mouse brain, clearly, does not deal in nuances-a sliver of moldy cheese forgotten on the floor might make for a festive occasion, but it's no Madeleine.


  • 老师不能忘记父母他们教会工作道德重要性如何区分对错

    Speaking of teachers, I can't forget my parents, who taught me the importance of work ethic and how to tell right from wrong.


  • 2009年今天,我们仍然不能区分事实谎言,这令人难以置信。

    "The fact that in 2009 we're still unable to separate facts from fiction is mind-boggling," she said.


  • 雷舍夫斯基的神经缺陷大脑难以区分优先次序、综合控制自己记忆。 由于不能控制记忆,不能确切阐述自我世界理解

    Shereshevskii had a neural defect that prohibited his brain from prioritizing, synthesizing, and controlling his memories to permit him to formulate an understanding of self and the world.


  • 另外地面望远镜分光镜观察结果进一步揭示出它们其中的一颗恒星实际上一对紧密双星组成的,它们距离近以至于哈勃望远镜不能区分出来。

    In addition, spectroscopic observations with ground-based telescopes further reveal that one of the stars is actually a tight binary that is too compact to be resolved even by Hubble.


  • 但是医生不能有效地区分这些患者所以为了防止癌症复发许多患者遭受了不必要化疗花销巨大还有严重副作用

    But doctors cannot identify those patients, so many needlessly undergo chemotherapy, with its costs and side effects, in hopes of keeping the cancer from coming back.


  • 我们可以分出属性特殊性,可以这个概念上区分不能关系一个真正区分

    We can distinguish the particularity from its properties, we can make this conceptual distinction, but we can't really speak of a relation, a real distinction between them.


  • 多次进行测试结果始终相同的——人们不能区分他们什么。

    I have used this testing protocol on numerous occasions. The results have always been the same - people can't tell which water they are drinking.


  • 业务不能区分需求优先次序并且坚持他们作为一个完整的,不可分割的集合而对待

    The business cannot prioritize the requirements and insists on treating them as a complete, indivisible set.


  • 业务不能区分需求优先次序并且坚持他们作为一个完整的,不可分割的集合而对待

    The business cannot prioritize the requirements and insists on treating them as a complete, indivisible set.


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