• 研究了极限条件下位几率分布函数动力学性质、位相涨落、粒子—位相的最小不定关系等问题。

    In the three kinds of limit conditions, the properties of the dynamics of the phase probability distribution, the phase fluctuation and the number - phase minimum uncertainty relation are studied.


  • 正说明了他们的关系不定的。

    It is just that their relations are unregulated.


  • 特别是非洲国家总是摇摆不定一会儿承认,一会儿又否认存在。取决于这些国家摩洛哥以及阿尔及利亚关系

    But African countries, especially, have blown hot and cold, sometimes granting recognition and then withdrawing it, often depending on their relations with Morocco and Algeria.


  • 尽管中日双边贸易强劲增长,但受领土争端历史问题的困扰,两国关系摇摆不定

    Despite booming bilateral trade, the relationship has regularly been shaken by disputes over territorial and historical issues.


  • 教授关系点,他们人脉,说不定能用上。

    Keep good relationships with your professors, they have a great deal of networks that can be of use to you one day.


  • 一方面,流动不定作者读者往来互动关系电子书概念空间赋予特色

    The conceptual space of electronic writing, on the other hand, is characterized by fluidity and an interactive relationship between writer and reader.


  • 哥本哈根会谈之所以充满不确定性,跟美国摇摆不定气候政策脱不了关系

    One reason for uncertainty about Copenhagen is that America's own climate policy hangs by a thread.


  • 他们捉摸不定伙伴关系因为欧元介入,让欧盟未来更加无法确定

    Their difficult partnership weaves yet another strand into the drama of the euro, adding to the uncertain future of the eu itself.


  • 因为不定哪天你们位置关系发生改变到时有些往事造成影响很难说了。

    Because maybe someday you will change the location and relationship to the past when some of the impact is hard to say.


  • 非常希望珍惜双边军事关系这种关系过去几年中总是起伏不定

    He urged both sides to treasure the bilateral military relationship, which has witnessed ups and downs in past years.


  • 由原函数反函数关系、分部积分公式以及变量代换得出利用反函数不定积分一系列积分公式。

    This paper give a series Integration formula of indefinite integral by inverse function method, which use the relationship of a function and its inverse function and the Integration by parts.


  • 中国经常被称为巴基斯坦全天候盟友,美国和巴基斯坦起伏不定关系形成鲜明对比,后者在巴基斯坦非常不受欢迎。

    China is often referred to as Pakistan's "all-weather friend," a contrast to the common depiction of its up-and-down relationship with the United States, which is deeply unpopular here.


  • 财富权力转眼成空,家庭关系淡薄如纸,名望地位飘忽不定

    Wealth and power can be fleeting, family bonds tenuous, status mercurial.


  • 两个极端之间摇摆不定的态度一直困扰西方这个亚洲巨人之间关系

    Sentiments veering between the two extremes have long confused the West's relations with the Asian giant.


  • 根据测量相位不定引起高度误差分析垂直基线地形高度灵敏度关系,并推导了垂直基线与高度模糊数的关系式。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between perpendicular baseline and terrain height sensitivity firstly, based on height error induced by uncertainty of phase.


  • 从中将可以获得问题准备一张自己问题清单)的答案;拥有招聘上的“关系你说不定能够领先别人。

    You'll get answers to your questions (prepare a list), and you might be able to put yourself in front of someone with hiring clout.


  • 确定逻辑主语的主要方法确定中哪名词代词不定式逻辑上主谓关系

    One desirable way is to ascertain which noun or pronoun is logically related to the infinitive phrase and ACTS as its logical subject.


  • 几年,有故事结尾不定主意,我喜欢里面的一个人物,一个罪犯,她我们主要侦探关系复杂

    A few years ago, I couldn't decide how to end one of my episodes. There was a character I was very fond of, a female criminal who had a very complex relationship with our main detective.


  • 不定期船费率随航运市场供求关系波动市场繁荣时期不定期船费率上升,在市场萧条时期,费率下降

    Tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand. In a boom period, the tramp rates rise; in a period of recession, they decline.


  • 语法规则一般感觉更加多变。罗伯特·雷恩·葛林将解释为什么拆开一个不定式也没关系……

    Grammar rules are far more fluid than most people think. Robert Lane Greene explains why it's okay to split an infinitive


  • 经常出远门所以我们就是维持着不定期的关系

    He goes out of town a lot, so we're just doing this casual thing.


  • 为何至今变为一个锥形不得而知与始皇陵被盗掘关系也说不定

    Why it has become an inverted cone is still unknown, which is not only imperial tombs of the excavation, or has a relationship eventually.


  • 培养这种关系付出努力越多自己职业创造机会也越多,不定对今后的几年甚至几十年都会产生影响。

    The more you do to cultivate these relationships, the more opportunities you 'll create for yourself in the world of work, perhaps for years or even decades to come.


  • 关系有所改善,起伏不定

    Although the relations between the two countries have improved, they are still subject to fluctuations.


  • 对当关系中的真假不定不能看作是简单命题用于假言三段论。

    Undefined truth-values in the square of opposition cannot be used as a simple proposition in hypothetical syllogisms vaguely.


  • 半个世纪以来,中印纷争不断,双边关系起伏不定其中1962年的边界战争使两国关系一度陷入僵局,1998年印度核试验导致两国关系前景低迷。

    Since half a century ago, continued fights and quarrels led an unstable connection between these two countries. Frontier battle in 1962 and India's nuclear test in 1998 even made it worse.


  • 半个世纪以来,中印纷争不断,双边关系起伏不定其中1962年的边界战争使两国关系一度陷入僵局,1998年印度核试验导致两国关系前景低迷。

    Since half a century ago, continued fights and quarrels led an unstable connection between these two countries. Frontier battle in 1962 and India's nuclear test in 1998 even made it worse.


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