• 然而消耗较多功率功率应用中不合需要

    However, this consumes more power and is undesirable in low power applications.


  • 实际上这个步骤太多不合需要结果风险许多测试质量覆盖度不足

    In practice, this step has too many undesirable consequences and the risk that much of the testing is of insufficient quality and coverage.


  • 服务操作能够设计用作输入输出错误消息但是不是必须的而且导致不合需要邮戳数据耦合

    Service operations can be designed to use single input, output, and fault messages, but this is not necessary, and can result in undesirable stamp data coupling.


  • 一种模式答应使用图案产生器避免背景图像切割空洞某些切割信号不合需要部分

    A key mode which allows use of a wipe pattern generator to prevent some undesirable portions of the key cut signal from cutting holes in the background video.


  • 有限制因为需要文档的有关声明是怎么产生进行改动,这常常是不合需要的而且如果文档格式不是RDF则不可能发生改动。

    This is limiting as it requires the alteration of a document about which the claim is being made — often undesirable, and if the document format isn't RDF, impossible.


  • 有些情况下,脚本适,用户可能需要使用一些过的其他方法安装EAR表示必须记录安装程序完成的工作!

    For situations where the scripts are inappropriate, users may need to install your EARs using some other process that they already use - meaning you must document what your installer is doing!


  • 问题每个应用程序中需要定制编程,从而除去不合逻辑隐含排序信息保留重要的隐含的排序信息。

    The problem is that you need custom programming in every application to remove the implied ordering information everywhere it is spurious and keep it where it is important.


  • 还是需要真正在一起时间构建一个宏伟的清晰的蓝图:这个到底合我们

    It takes real time together to create a larger and clearer picture of this other person and their rightness or wrongness for us.


  • 这个参数默认10如果需要索引文档数非常多的话这个值将是非常的。

    The default value of this parameter is 10, which isn't suitable if you have a large number of documents.


  • 心理学家给了解答,答案听起来可能不合常理毕竟我们倾向于把品行不端看成心理疾病,需要治疗,我们认为没有品行恶劣只有需要治疗的病人

    My answer may sound heretical, coming from a psychiatrist. After all, our bent is to see misbehavior as psychopathology that needs treatment; there is no such thing as a bad person, just a sick one.


  • 他们认为这是不合逻辑的,一部书通过邓布利一段解释为什么不和逻辑,但是从来没有成功过,某种情况下我还需要继续解释。

    I had a speech by Dumbledore in the first book explaining why it's not illogical, but it never made it in. It will do at some point.


  • 虽然以上几点看起来繁杂但这并不需要坐下就要马上把所有事都写出来况且这么也是不合逻辑的。

    While the above may seem a bit hefty and overwhelming, there is no need for you to finish writing everything in one sitting; neither is it logical to expect that.


  • 例如如果每个软件更新要花费客户工作需要若干人员参与,则每隔发布一个版本的。

    For example, if each software update causes weeks of work for the customer and requires the work of several people, it isn't good to release a new version every three weeks.


  • 如果创建的表空间的页面大小不合或者应该一个缓冲区池访问,就可能需要执行这种数据转移。

    This may become necessary if the table was created in a tablespace with an inadequate page size or when a separate bufferpool should be used for accessing the table.


  • 个人认为不合的,他们需要更多勇气自信或者是对自己想法坚信程度。

    I, personally, think this is wrong. People don't need more courage, confidence, or trust in their ideas.


  • 如果SGMLXML方式DTD(用来描述需要创建文档类型)则它们没有多大用处

    SGML and XML modes aren't much use without incorporating the DTDs to describe the types of documents you need to create.


  • 虽然这种验证能捕获很多错误但是对于需要进行数据处理判断是否编写不合情理语法正确的内容这样的场景,这种验证就毫无帮助了。

    While this catches a lot of errors, it doesn't help with scenarios where data processing is required in order to determine that something nonsensical, yet syntactically valid, has been written.


  • 问题的旧车已经不合或者已经坏掉了,维护的话需要高昂的费用。

    The problem is that you've outgrown your old one or worse yet, it's just gotten too expensive to maintain.


  • XML消息处理开发需要了解每个基础服务组件因此这种结构方法不合的。

    Consequently, architectural approaches where the development of a XML message processing layer requires the understanding of each of the underlying service components are inappropriate.


  • 博斯特罗姆权衡利弊我们需要清楚哪些担心不合偏见哪些不是

    Bostrom: we need to figure out what concerns are based on irrational bias and which ones are not, while weighing those concerns against potential benefits.


  • 一个心理学家给了解答,答案听起来可能不合常理,毕竟我们倾向于把品行不端看成心理疾病,需要治疗,我们认为没有品行恶劣只有需要治疗的病人

    My answer may sound heretical, coming from a psychiatrist.After all, our bent is to see misbehavior as psychopathology that needs treatment; there is no such thing as a bad person, just a sick one.


  • 不合需要仅仅1美元(更多阻止一个小孩

    What’s unconscionable is that nearly every one of those deaths could be prevented for as little as $1 (or more) per child.


  • 许多雇主非常需要某些衡量标准以便可以尽快区分合格候选人

    Employers desperately want some standard measurement to quickly separate qualified from unqualified candidates.


  • 格陵兰岛之所以需要丹麦救济,其中一个原因社会问题(包括健康状况以及学校教育的不合格)使得更为贫穷地区土著居民保守折磨

    One of the reasons why Greenlanders need Danish subsidies is the social problems (including poor health and bad school results) that afflict so many indigenous groups in poorer places.


  • 这些情况下,参与者构建web前端不合适,客户端功能才是真正需要

    In cases like these, building a rich Web front-end for your stakeholders is not the answer when thick-client functionality is what you really need.


  • 卷毛比结构方面缺陷其他品种一样不合需要尽管这些可能该品种的标准没有详细描述出来。

    Structural faults common to all breeds are as undesirable in the Bichon Frise as in any other breed, even though such faults may not be specifically mentioned in the standard.


  • 每个汉堡需要2400升水每千克牛肉需要15500升水被两三引用数据,从他们得出一个结论奶牛一定不合的。

    The oft-quoted figures of 2,400 litres for a hamburger and 15,500 for a kilo of beef lead to the conclusion that eating cows must be unconscionable.


  • 每个汉堡需要2400升水每千克牛肉需要15500升水被两三引用数据,从他们得出一个结论奶牛一定不合的。

    The oft-quoted figures of 2, 400 litres for a hamburger and 15, 500 for a kilo of beef lead to the conclusion that eating cows must be unconscionable.


  • 我们要注意不要存在不合期望,希望只需要一些建模工作拥有几个模式然后可以生成完整的解决方案

    We’d also caution against unreasonable expectations of having a bit of modeling, a few patterns, and then being able to generate 100% of a solution.


  • 我们要注意不要存在不合期望,希望只需要一些建模工作拥有几个模式然后可以生成完整的解决方案

    We’d also caution against unreasonable expectations of having a bit of modeling, a few patterns, and then being able to generate 100% of a solution.


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