• 本文主要我国二板市场上市条件进行分析

    In this article, the listed conditions of Chinese second board are mainly analyzed.


  • 第五十一国家鼓励符合产业政策符合上市条件公司股票上市交易

    Article 51 the State encourages the companies that conform to the industrial policies and meet the conditions for listing to have their shares listed for trading.


  • 被收购公司股权分布符合公司法规定上市条件的,上市地位影响;

    Where the equity structure of the acquired company meets the listing conditions provided for in the Company Law, its listing status shall not be affected;


  • 第四十九上市公司丧失公司法规定上市条件股票依法暂停上市或者终止上市

    Article 49. When a listing company loses its listing conditions stipulated by the regulations of the company law, the listing of its stocks shall be suspended or terminated.


  • 第四十九上市公司丧失公司法规定上市条件的,股票依法暂停上市或者终止上市

    When a listing company loses its listing conditions stipulated by the regulations of the company law, the listing of its stocks shall be suspended or terminated.


  • 将要设立的我国股票二板市场上市条件低、风险性较高需要监管制度上重新设计

    The second board will be established. Its requirement for new listing is lower and has higher risks, so new regulation system needs designing.


  • 上市公司退制度是指通过法定程序将已经不符合上市条件公司退出证券市场的法律行为

    Delisting system means the legal act de-listing the public corporation which has lost qualification in the stock market.


  • 第二十上市公司发行新股应当符合公司法有关发行新股条件可以社会公开募集,也可以向股东配售。

    When a listed company issues new stocks, it shall comply with the conditions required by the company Law on new stock issue. It may sell the new stocks to the public or to existing Stockholders.


  • 一旦这种武器顺利上市与英国现有瞄准系统相结合,从而可以根据目标距离气象条件调节激光束强度

    This would allow it to adjust the intensity of the laser beam to account for the target's distance and atmospheric conditions, Mr Hore said.


  • 此外对于作为一个整体上市公司货币条件放宽不能好事。

    In addition, the loosening of monetary conditions for a listed company as a whole can not be a good thing.


  • 英国《金融时报》表示:“经过一段时间逾1万家中国公司达到迪拜上市条件

    He told the Financial Times: “There are over 10,000 Chinese companies that would, over time, qualify to list in Dubai.


  • 公司申请债券上市符合法定公司债券发行条件

    It continues to meet the statutory conditions for issuing corporate bonds at the time of applying for listing.


  • 对具备条件大中型企业实行规范公司制根据市场情况允许一些企业上市发行股票

    We shall corporatize large and medium-sized enterprises in a standard way where conditions permit, allowing some enterprises to be listed and issue stocks in accordance with market conditions.


  • 具备上市潜质条件企业创始人股东;创业企业的董事长、总经理。

    The founders or large shareholders of the enterprises with the potential and conditions are to be listed.


  • 此项意味着上市公司只有满足强制现金分红条件,才可以获得融资资格

    The new regulation means that listed companies only to meet a mandatory cash dividend of conditions in order to gain eligibility for refinancing.


  • 完善专业保险中介法人机构公司治理支持条件的专业保险中介法人机构三板上市

    Improve the professional insurance intermediary corporate governance Institutional Firms to support qualified professional insurance intermediaries in the new three board listed companies.


  • 此外上市公司能提升银行可信度从而获得更多优惠借款条件

    Furthermore, listed company status enhances the company's credibility among Banks and generally enables more favourable borrowing terms.


  • 然后分析促使审计合谋行为发生均衡条件并且检验间接委托模式模型我国上市公司审计适用性

    Then it analyses the equilibrium condition when the manager and the CPA colluded, and also checks up if the model is fit for the audit process of the listed company in our country.


  • 信息披露上市公司公众进行交流基本形式,对防止关联交易滥用具有重要作用,不仅是投资者进行科学投资决策的前提条件而且是防止证券欺诈的重要手段。

    Information disclosure is the basic form for a listed company to communicate with the public and also the most effective means to protect investors' legitimate rights and interests.


  • 如果外国企业尚无条件采取这种方式不要盲目急于纽约上市否则难免受到冷落

    If foreign enterprises still lack the conditions to apply these methods, they should not rush blindly to enter the New York market, lest they be left out in the cold.


  • 企业泛交易所二板市场挂牌后,必须遵守透明度指南”,以便根据财务报表来审核他们上市必要条件

    Companies listed on the NYSE Euronext regulated market must comply with the Transparency Directive, which sets out their requirements in terms of financial reporting.


  • 完全市场条件现阶段企业采用公允价值计量留下盈余管理空间上市公司可能利用公允价值计量进行操纵利润

    Not entirely to the market conditions at this stage enterprises to adopt the fair value measurement of earnings management has left a space, a listed company may use fair value to profit manipulation.


  • 第八上市公司申请发行新股应当符合公司法》、《证券法规定条件

    Article 8 the conditions specified in the corporation law and the securities law shall be met when the listed company applies for issuing new shares.


  • 佛山加快企业股份制步伐,按国际惯例建立股份公司股票上市创造有利条件

    Foshan should speed up the pace of the share holding system in enterprises, establish stock corporations in international customs and practices, and create favourable conditions for stock listing.


  • 对具备条件大中型企业实行规范公司制根据市场情况答应一些企业上市发行股票

    We shall corporatize large and medium-sized enterprises in a standard way where conditions permit, allowing some enterprises to be listed and issue stocks in accordance with market conditions.


  • 对具备条件大中型企业实行规范公司制,根据市场情况允许一些企业上市发行股票

    We shall corporatize large and medium-sized enterprises in a criterion way where conditions allow, granting some enterprises to be listed and issue stocks in agreement with market conditions.


  • 对具备条件大中型企业实行规范公司制,根据市场情况允许一些企业上市发行股票

    We shall corporatize large and medium-sized enterprises in a criterion way where conditions allow, granting some enterprises to be listed and issue stocks in agreement with market conditions.


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