• 的头发上系着丝带蓝的绿的、的。

    In her hair, she wore three silk ribbons, blue, green, and white.


  • 喜不喜欢明治绿洋葱

    Do you like green onion in sandwiches?


  • 为什么交通灯绿种颜色的?

    Why traffic lights are red, yellow and green


  • 粽子角形外面绿的,尖尖的硬硬的,但是里面又软很像是一个婴儿绿毯子

    Zongzi is a triangle, the outside green, sharp and hard, but also the inside soft and white, like a green blanket wrapped a baby.


  • 准备庆祝活动时桌子一张草席还有一个蜡烛,上面支蜡烛——一支的,的,还有绿的。

    In preparation for the celebration, a straw mat is placed on the table, along with a candle holder with seven candles, one black, three red, and three green.


  • 任何标准图片中,像素个相关联成员序列个成员指示像素红、绿(RGB)通道混合度(因而能指定颜色)。

    In any standard image, a pixel has a sequence of three Numbers associated with it that dictate the mixture of the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels for the pixel (and therefore the color displayed).


  • 我们可以企业服务注册信息分成以下黄页绿页。

    Registry information for businesses and services can be thought of in three groups: white, yellow, and green pages.


  • 佛瑞斯特周前自己家人一起去威斯康辛的绿度假一直未能成行。

    He had been trying for three weeks to take a vacation to Green Lake, Wisc., with his family.


  • 位于绿源头私人土地。那些能力拥有第二有钱人车道架子横杆围栏,和拱形通道将这里划分成几部分。

    It was private land, dissected by the driveways, the buck-and-rail fences, the arched gateways of people wealthy enough to have a second home, or a third, on the headwaters of the Green.


  • 标准天线卫星照片数据集其中包含绿

    Standard aerial or satellite photographs are three-band datasets consisting of red, green, and blue bands.


  • 研究中,他们使用马格利著名荒诞一个面前绿苹果投球的绅士

    In the third study they used Magritte's famous absurdist painting of a bowler-hatted gentleman with a big green apple in front of his face.


  • 由于四月份降雨冲走海浪带来的盐分农田迅速恢复了生机角洲一带已经绿农田

    Agricultural lands have recovered quickly as the good rains in April washed away the salt deposited by the waves, and fields along the delta are now green with new paddy.


  • 只较短高脚杯冬青或者其他鲜嫩绿植中,俨然在鸣唱快乐重唱

    With a merry trio of chunky goblets swaddled in sprigs of holly or other fresh greens.


  • 西数目前正逐渐将其桌面硬盘产品规整系列高端的系列,主流盘系列以及省电节能型绿盘系列。

    Western Digital has slowly massaged its desktop hard drives into three categories: high-performance Black drives, mainstream Blue models, and energy-efficient Greens.


  • 屏幕上显示图像计算机必须给每个像素分配相应绿颜色比例的数值

    To generate the picture on a computer screen, the computer assigns every pixel three numeric values that correspond to the amount of red, green or blue in the color the pixel displays.


  • 9月15日,全墨西哥都沉浸绿色交汇的欢乐气氛中,准备迎接双重纪念日试图摆脱阴暗

    On September 15th Mexico lit itself up in green, white and red for a double anniversary, and to try to shrug off its gloom.


  • 拍摄这些照片神经生物学家JeffLichtman利用这个发现发明了种能够产生绿荧光基因标记神经细胞的方法。

    Jeff Lichtman, the neurobiologist who created those pictures, had used the discovery to invent a way to tag nerve cells with genes whose products fluoresce green, red and blue.


  • 寻找一下博文下面ShareThis按钮(连线的绿),选择文本”选项,iPhone移动浏览器使得阅读文本信息发送链接非常容易

    Look out for the ShareThis button (three green dots connected by lines) under blog posts and select the "text" option. iPhones and mobile browsers have made it easy to read links sent by texts.


  • 屋子装饰着一面大号绿色叛军旗帜一张枪炮玫瑰乐队吉他手Slash的带照片

    The room was decorated with a large red, black and green rebel flag and a framed photo of the Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash.


  • 绿(Greenpage),详细说明了技术信息比如描述提供服务以及如何调用这些服务。

    The third category is the Green Pages, which specifies technical information, such as, a description of services offered and how to invoke these services.


  • 龙目岛在我们眼前展开,连绵不断一片绿,眺望过去海滨,那里有个小山似的轮廓突出水面是两个吉利小岛aireMeno,更远地方,个朦胧的影子黑色角形,那是巴厘岛的阿贡(agung)火山。

    Beyond it's shores there are two dark silhouettes in the water, the islands Gilli Aire and Gilli Meno. Far off in the distance, looking like a shadow, rises the dark triangle of Mt. Bromo in Bali.


  • 张太空照片为我们展示了位于亚利桑那州绿镇(GreenValley,位置见文末图)西部及西北部的露天矿

    This astronaut photograph illustrates three open-pit mines located west-northwest of the town of Green Valley, Arizona.


  • 请注意绿色的过滤器用于去除没有问题对象(这些DB 2V8.1.3的新增特性)。

    Also note the red, yellow, and green filters that you can use to remove objects without issues (these were new in DB2 V8.1.2).


  • 日式便当时必须学会绿种颜色食品组合在一起

    During bento making, you must learn to combine the food colours of red, yellow, and green.


  • 请给六个西红柿四个绿辣椒根黄瓜

    Linda: Six tomatoes, four green peppers, and three cucumbers please.


  • 绿裙子条裙子里面最长

    The green dress is the longest of the three.


  • 我们期望变成现实独特奥运会。“北京,新奥运”将会由绿绚丽颜色共同编织而成。

    When our aspiration becomes reality, it will be a unique Olympics. New Beijing, Great Olympics will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green.


  • 标志主体绿色组成,黄色代表阳光沙滩蓝色象征海洋绿代表生机与绿树。

    The logo by the yellow, blue, green, yellow represents the sun and the beach, blue symbolizes the sea, green represents vitality and green trees.


  • 标志主体绿色组成,黄色代表阳光沙滩蓝色象征海洋绿代表生机与绿树。

    The logo by the yellow, blue, green, yellow represents the sun and the beach, blue symbolizes the sea, green represents vitality and green trees.


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