• 当时奶农生活比较贫困因此他们的奶牛也很瘦弱,三分之二小牛出生前后就会死去

    The farmers were poor, so their beasts were weak—nearly two-thirds of calves died around the time of birth.


  • 《俄瑞斯斯》埃斯库罗斯众多作品唯一完整保存下来的三部曲其中包含戏剧《阿门农》、《奠酒人》、《善好者》。

    The Oresteia of Aeschylus is the author's only complete surviving trilogy, and includes the plays "Agamemnon," "the Libation Bearers," and "the Eumenides."


  • 闺名杰奎琳鲍威尔约翰弗农鲍威尔三世妻子珍妮特李的女儿

    She was born Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, daughter of John Vernon Bouvier III and his wife, Janet Lee.


  • 摘要论述了2005年转基因农产品细菌毒素微生物残、兽农产品品质安全三个方面快速检测技术进展

    The new advances in fast detection techniques of transgenic farm produce bacilli toxin microbe residual pesticide and antibiotic quality and security control of farm produce in2005are put forward.


  • 现在有三个美国空军F-16中队在按照航空航天远征军的指派承担战斗搜寻与救援任务——位于意大利的阿维农空军基地510中队555中队,以及位于阿拉斯加埃尔森空军基地的18中队。

    Three USAF F-16 squadrons now perform CSAR as part of their regular AEF assignments—the 510th and 555th at Aviano Air Base in Italy and the 18th at Eielson AFB in Alaska.


  • 硫酸再经过水蒸气蒸馏处理使其中三氯乙醛含量降低一定标准后用于农生产

    The remained waste sulfuric acid was vapor distilled to reduce the chloral content so that it could be utilized in fertilizers product.


  • 农业产业化、农村城市化、农民非农化知识化高度,提出农村义务教育服务具体体现三个方面,农村青年升学服务;

    Serving for farming means that education should serve for the young people of country to enter a higher school, work in city and become quality peasants.


  • 方法分别用A4LBA9402C58C1三种发根杆菌菌株转化莨菪子叶受体,获得发根

    Methods Hairy root of H. niger was obtained from cotyledon explants after infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains A4, LBA9402, and C58C1, respectively.


  • 今天农们树上大约英尺地方钻一个小孔不会对树木造成伤害

    Today, tree farmers bore a small hole into each tree, about three feet above the ground, and this does no harm.


  • 聚氰胺可能是在奶农收集鲜牛奶出售添加

    He said the melamine may have been added at so-called "milk stations," which collect fresh milk from local farmers and sell it.


  • 土地流转”政策可以高强度、低收益的体力劳动解放出来,使他们投身第三产业

    Land Circulation Policy can liberate dairy farmers from inefficient and profitless manual labor to tertiary industry.


  • 的学农生活理解了“谁知盘中餐,粒粒辛苦道理。

    The three-day life on the farm work training site helped me understand the Chinese saying "Every grain comes from hard working".


  • 石家庄很多依靠三鹿的奶农他们怀疑公司能否幸存下来。

    Many farmers in Shijiazhuang who relied on Sanlu said they doubt the company will survive.


  • 第三研究新村农乐舞承传方式、新村农乐舞保存现状,论证了保护新村农乐舞必要性提出了保护新村农乐舞的相关对策

    Focusing on the study of the various ways of its passing-down, the extant forms, the third chapter presents the reasons of the necessity of its preservation and suggests some preservation measures.


  • 阿基里斯一心一意要为朋友报仇不再阿伽门农斗气。披上赫斐斯塔司为他赶制的盔甲,他出征了。他杀死了海克特,拖着尸体绕特洛伊城了三圈。

    Bent on revenge, Achilles no longer fought with Agamemnon, and putting on his new armour made by Hephaestus, went out to avenge his friend.


  • 中国农村治理中县乡、三者之间关系存在着诸多不足。

    There is still much room to make up for in the relationships among county level governments, township level governments and the peasants in the context of rural governance in China.


  • 14和合25耕作方式处理产量差异达到1%显著水平农7819处理间产量差异达到5%的显著水平。

    The yield differences of Suinong 14 and Hefeng 25 treated by three different farming ways attained a very significant level of 1%, and Dongnong 7819 attained a significant level of 5%.


  • 第三部分推进农业生产强化观念两个方面论述了鬼神经济方面联系

    In the third part, the contacts of economy and the concept of ghost was illustrated from two aspects-pushing the agricultural production and strengthening the concept of the basis of agriculture.


  • 为了弥补现有研究不足本文重点历史机制价值三个层次基础研究。

    In order to make up the existing research the insufficiency, this article key from the history, the mechanism and the value three levels does the basic research which the new agriculture gathers.


  • 饲料价格上涨三分之一可以解释一些国家奶农为什么不恢复畜群

    The rise in feed costs, which account for one-third of cash costs may "temper" plans by dairy farmers to rebuild herds in those countries.


  • 三聚氰胺并不是石家庄农们面临唯一问题

    Nor is melamine the only problem facing farmers near Shijiazhuang.


  • 论文建议从新保险基金运行三个环节来提高基金运行效率

    In this paper, improving the operating efficiency of the NCMS insurance fund from its three sections is proposed.


  • 本文首先概述了新疆农三师新建58农田供水项目区基本情况分析地下水系统盐碱地形成原因

    The paper summarizes the basic situation of the project area for supplying water to farm in 58 group of Nongsanshi, Xinjiang. And analyze the groundwater system and causes of saline formation.


  • 三亚北方农村可以看到山坡长满了芒果树稻田里一队队的岷和水牛们正在辛勤地劳作着。

    In the countryside north of Sanya you can see the hillsides heavy with mango trees and rice paddies worked by teams of farmers and water buffalo.


  • 三亚北方农村可以看到山坡长满了芒果树稻田里一队队的岷和水牛们正在辛勤地劳作着。

    In the countryside north of Sanya you can see the hillsides heavy with mango trees and rice paddies worked by teams of farmers and water buffalo.


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