• 冲着法官高声骂了一连串脏话

    She screamed a string of obscenities at the judge.


  • 他们一连串奇妙巧合相遇

    They met through a series of strange coincidences.


  • 环绕太平洋一连串火山

    A chain of volcanoes girdles the Pacific.


  • 那条杜宾犬发出一连串吼叫声

    The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks.


  • 事件一连串攻击最近一起。

    The incident was the latest in a string of attacks.


  • 首都发生一连串恐怖谋杀案

    There has been a series of gruesome murders in the capital.


  • 这个地区最近发生一连串劫持事件。

    There have been a series of hijackings recently in the area.


  • 一连串政治丑闻震惊全国

    The country was rocked by a series of political scandals.


  • 一事件引发一连串谁都没有料到

    The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen.


  • 经过一连串充满敌意争吵,该交易泡汤了

    The deal ended after a series of rancorous disputes.


  • 支乐队专辑繁衍一连串走红单曲唱片。

    The band's album spawned a string of hit singles.


  • 歇业一连串痛苦预算措施刚刚实施的一项

    The shutdown is the latest in a series of painful budget measures.


  • 朋友丈夫私通,故意激起了一连串危机

    When she had an affair with her friend's husband, she wittingly set off a chain of crises.


  • 拉斯维加斯警局出了一连串差错,他们为此付出了昂贵的代价。

    Las Vegas police committed a string of costly missteps.


  • 詹森提供一连串贷款帮他摆脱困境直到能够重新稳定下来。

    Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.


  • 有关一连串战役的叙述常常加以美化

    Accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified.


  • 就是说每个生活一连串冲击组成的。

    This means that everyone's life is made up of a series of shocks.


  • 休息了一会儿,然后铆足了劲儿,发出一连串绝佳呻吟声。

    He took a rest and then swelled himself up and fetched a succession of admirable groans.


  • 贸易殖民地地中海-克里特岛中部一连串岛屿发展起来的。

    Trading colonies were developed on the string of islands in the centre of the Mediterranean-Crete.


  • 如果我们听到一连串鼓声,我们就会留下击的动作印象

    If we hear a series of drumbeats, we receive an impression of movement from one stroke to the next.


  • 一连串较小露台排列在广场东面西面,它们装饰本地花卉例如菊花和三色紫罗兰。

    A series of smaller terraces lining the east and west of the square will be adorned with local flowers such as Chrysanthemum and pansy.


  • 谷歌成功在很大程度上归功于 S. BrinL.Page才华同时也是一连串幸运事件的结果。

    Google owes much of its success to the brilliance of S. Brin and L. Page, but also to a series of fortunate events.


  • 随着一连串油桶跌落坠地。

    He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans.


  • 这个一连串低分所折磨。

    The team is haunted by a run of low scores.


  • 这个发现引来一连串读者来信

    The discovery triggered a stream of readers' letters.


  • 面临着听众一连串愤怒质问

    He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor.


  • 受到母亲一连串愤怒质问

    She faced a volley of angry questions from her mother.


  • 亚当斯做了一连串对他很有利工作

    Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead.


  • 张开发出一连串嗓音

    He opened his mouth and sent forth a stream of noise.


  • 一连串脏话

    He came out with a stream of abuse.


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