• 一方面他们孩子一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活

    On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom.


  • 一方面如果身体没有足够胆固醇我们无法生存一方面,如果体内胆固醇过多多余胆固醇就开始动脉变厚

    On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.


  • 一方面百万富翁一方面,把孩子们学前班未免荒唐了

    On the one hand, it does not increase taxes for millionaires; on the other hand, drive children out of preschool. That's too ridiculous.


  • 一方面老师他们认为正确东西强加学生一方面青少年总是怀着叛逆违背老师要求

    On the one hand, teachers impose what they believe is right on students. On the other hand, the juveniles always go against the teacher's requirement with a rebellious heart.


  • 一方面参加课外活动可以让学生发展自己兴趣一方面太多的课外活动可能会增加学生负担

    On the one hand, participating in extra-curricular activities allows children to develop their hobbies while on the other hand, too many such activities can increase children's burden.


  • 应该牺牲生活中的一方面来成全一方面

    You shouldn't have to sacrifice one aspect of your life for another.


  • 一方面保护个人免受暴力,另一方面为了国家利益而使个人遭受暴力。

    While one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violence in the interests of the state.


  • 工作视为完整人生经历一部分时,会轻易发现一方面取得的成功往往一方面起着促进作用。

    When you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience, it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports another.


  • 想想类似手机这种看似无害东西吧——一方面,手机可以用来进行小额信贷基于文本社交但另一方面,它也可以成为临时制作的爆炸装置

    Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone—we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum, and improvised explosive devices at the other.


  • 一方面合适沙质土壤,另一方面,它是一个经济不断增长的富裕国家愿意很多购买新奇东西

    It had the right kind of sandy soil for one thing, but also, it was a wealthy nation with a growing economy, willing to spend lots of money on new exotic things.


  • 千禧似乎面临着这样一个矛盾一方面,他们代表着无拘无束一代,然而一方面,他们却注重风格个人品牌

    Millennials, it seems, face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding.


  • 一方面自己计谋落了空而难过,另一方面汤姆次居然能信从听话高兴

    She was half sorry that her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.


  • 一方面不同掩蔽一方面又不同于IUPAC定义掩蔽作用

    It differs from demasking on one hand and from the masking action defined by IUPAC on the other.


  • 一方面他们要赶上自己地位相仿人,一方面又存在虚荣效应

    On one hand, they want to keep up with the joneses and on the other hand, there's the snob effect.


  • 概念属于两个对立面 ——如果一方面更好那么一方面就会受到影响。

    These two concepts sit on opposite ends of a spectrum - if you do more of one, you do less of the other.


  • 一方面是恶臭,一方面一种淡远芬芳

    On the one hand, miasms; on the other, an ineffable perfume.


  • 一方面通过视觉,另一方面就是听觉充分利用这两点

    One is eyesight; the other is hearing. I take advantage of both.


  • 一方面食肉动物;一方面它们身材矮小很容易捕食

    On the one hand, cats are predators, but on the other, they're small enough to be prey.


  • 尔顿到了极其微妙分界线上,幅景象一方面极具美感一方面可能是对上帝不甚至荒诞的。

    Milton's treading an extraordinarily fine line between the tremendous beauty of this image, on the one hand, and its potential impiety or just grotesquery on the other.


  • 现在得清楚了,一方面,他敬佩一方面,他崇拜

    Now he saw, and on the one hand he admired, while on the other he adored.


  • 一方面受到批评,一方面受到鼓励。

    He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other.


  • 作为一个荷兰记者一方面很兴奋一方面我又很失望

    As a Dutch reporter, part of me was excited, and the other half was disappointed.


  • 他们同时希望共和党人描绘成伪君子,他们(共和党人)一方面抱怨赤字过高,另一方面却又极力维护富人税收政策

    At the same time, they hoped to paint the Republicans as hypocrites for moaning about the deficit while fighting to keep low taxes for the very rich.


  • 避免日本命运富裕国家需要两个角度入手促进增长一方面增加短期需求,另一方面助推长期供给

    To avoid Japan's fate, rich countries need to foster growth in two ways, by supporting short-term demand and by boosting long-term supply.


  • 麦凯恩希望抑制成本一方面通过鼓励竞争,另一方面结束提供保险雇主才减税的现有法律。

    Mr McCain wants to curb costs through greater competition and end the rule that says that only insurance provided by an employer enjoys a tax break.


  • 一方面恪守纪律,另一方面追求精神自由

    She was disciplined, but at the same time a free spirit.


  • 我们方面来研究过程一方面服务器,另一方面客户端

    Let's examine the process from two sides, the server side and the client side.


  • 事实上深度衰退才是主要原因一方面导致税收减少,另一方面导致布什奥巴马投入数千亿美元用于救市。

    In fact, the main reason is the deep recession, which slashed tax revenues and led to hundreds of billions of dollars in recession-fighting spending by both Bush and Obama.


  • 事实上深度衰退才是主要原因一方面导致税收减少,另一方面导致布什奥巴马投入数千亿美元用于救市。

    In fact, the main reason is the deep recession, which slashed tax revenues and led to hundreds of billions of dollars in recession-fighting spending by both Bush and Obama.


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