• 给她缝合小姐。000号缝合针拿来。

    I'll have to put in a suture (stitch). Give me the black silk. 000 suture, Miss Jones.


  • 打开仿皮绒的酒里面还有软木制盒,盒中放有烫金

    Open the suede-covered case and there's another box inside, this one made of cork. That second box contains a black silk bag with gold decorations.


  • ES复合纤维生产过程中经过卷曲旋转侧面处时产生

    The reason causing black fiber during tow passing by the rotary side plate of a crimping machine was analyzed for ES composite staple fiber.


  • 宏观一条多条间断性长条缺陷,局部多条类似的缺陷平行组成。

    The macrostructure of black stripe is one or many discontinuous long strip defects, which is made up of parallel black silk.


  • 知道黑丝汀斯之战(BattleofHastings足够了必要记住发生的时间1066年。

    It is enough that they know about the Battle of Hastings, without having to memorize that it was in 1066.


  • 次,这个人走进屋子里来了,那拉,披着红色的围巾头上戴一顶胳臂上挎个柳条篮子

    It was Zillah; donned in her scarlet shawl, with a black silk bonnet on her head, and a willow basket swung to her arm.


  • 计算机模拟里,维的演变成为,并相连接

    Five-dimensional black strings evolve into black holes connected by black string filaments, in this computer simulation.


  • 引力就会拖住颈部使伸展直到这个对象变成连接起来球形

    Gravity would then tug at the neck, causing it to stretch out until the object becomes a set of spherical black holes connected by a filament of black string.


  • 但是如果人们对行为太大惊小怪的话,哈多克会很生气,然后那双眼睛,清柔的嗓音也变得尖锐起来。

    But Doris Haddock became annoyed if anyone made much of that. Her large, dark eyes narrowed then, and her gentle voice acquired an edge.


  • 重要的印象不仅漂亮卡车还有驾驶员穿着裤子绿夹克涤纶领带,夹克口袋flyingS”图案,打开车门出来

    And not only the lorries were smart. Open the door, and out would climb a driver in black trousers and a green jacket, with a "flying s" motif sewn on the pocket and a silk polyester tie.


  • 的眸子一味淡绿色杂一儿的茶褐,四周竖圈儿粗睫毛,眼角轻轻有点

    Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.


  • 蕴含珍稀纵横排肽,温和去除老化角质,纵向加速排除停滞在皮肤中的素,让肌肤天鹅绒般细白滑。

    It contains precious YAP which can help gently exfoliate stratum corneum and accelerate the removal of melanin, leaving your skin velvety soft, white and silky smooth.


  • 丹妮莉带给那些放逐者们苦钢无法给予东西——他们回家

    And Daenerys will give the exiles what Bittersteel and the Blackfyres never could. She will take them home.


  • 浓郁的树莓李子的芬芳雪松多香果香草气息交织融合。

    Intense black raspberry and plum aromatics are threaded with cedar, allspice and a touch of vanilla.


  • 外貌棱角分明脸颊火焰般的硬挺眉宇不见底的挺直鼻梁嘴角时带着一魅的笑容

    Appearance: angular cheeks, flame like hair, stiffness of the forehead, a bottomless black eyes, a straight nose, mouth not often with a touch of evil evil spirit smile.


  • 斯由于受到音乐感动于是决定释放尤丽黛

    Hades was so touched by the music that he decided to let Eurydice go.


  • 醋栗深色水果独特芬芳口味更加衬托出漫妙的香草摩卡咖啡香气肉桂与橡木清香。

    This wine starts with distinct flavors and aromas redolent of deep, dark fruit - blackberries and cassis - only to reveal subtle vanilla mocha notes and hints of spicy cinnamon and nutty oak.


  • 调好的椒汁烧开牛肉洋葱回锅翻炒1分钟左右即可盛盘

    Pour in the prepared sauce and the stock. Bring to a boil. Return the beef and onion to the skillet. Stir for about 1 minute until cooked. Dish off.


  • 最初味道香气复杂,带着一香味,并散发着略微的辣味

    Right from the first scent, the complex bouquet associates black fruit aromas with delicate spicy emanations.


  • 角落对比强烈截住,似乎无路可逃,一黄绒偷偷溢出,越过了霸道

    The yellow is cornered with a strong contrast of black blocking its dispersion, but the glimpse of yellow subtly seeps through the dominating shades of black and blue.


  • 蔚蓝色天空上鹅毛般的吹散了,干枯树木无限延伸呼呼的树枝一个梦游症的人那样打着各种手势

    Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt trees infinitely extended, their black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker.


  • 的色泽强劲构造的单宁。

    It is a deep black colour and one senses a strong structure around the silky tannins.


  • 口感 扑鼻醋栗香气结合口中质感使优雅的感觉十分明显。

    The silky texture combined with powerful aromas of blackcurrant and blackberry gives this wine a noticeable elegance.


  • 香味醋栗等深色水果独特芬芳口味更加衬托出漫妙的香草摩卡咖啡香气肉桂与橡木清香。

    This wine starts with distinct flavors and aromas redolent of deep, dark fruit blackberries and cassis only to reveal subtle vanilla, mocha notes and hints of spicy cinnamon and nutty oak.


  • 此款融合了醋栗的香味,又带有一辛辣,口感充斥着红桑果的味道饱满的单宁。

    The nose is driven by raspberry and blackberry aromas with some spice. An approachable wine with lingering ripe mulberry fruit flavours and rounded tannins.


  • 此款融合了醋栗的香味,又带有一辛辣,口感充斥着红桑果的味道饱满的单宁。

    The nose is driven by raspberry and blackberry aromas with some spice. An approachable wine with lingering ripe mulberry fruit flavours and rounded tannins.


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