• 黄河冲积平原黄河文明摇篮河洛地区是传承文明核心

    The Yellow River Alluvial Plain is the cradle of the Yellow River civilization, and the Heluo area serves as the core in inheriting and spreading the civilization.


  • 临汾历史悠久,华夏民族重要发祥地之一黄河文明摇篮

    Linfen has a long history, is an important birthplace of Chinese nation and the Yellow River, one of the cradles of civilization.


  • 由于嵩山处于黄河文明中心地带,得天独厚的优势成为历代帝王们优先祭祀对象

    As Mount Song in the center of the Yellow River civilization, with its unique strengths to become imperial dynasties are priority targets of worship.


  • 所谓中华文明发源地黄河如此污染以至于再也不能提供干净的饮用水

    The Yellow River, the so-called birthplace of Chinese civilization, is so polluted it can no longer supply drinking water.


  • 黄河就是所谓的中华文明发源地被污染的已经无法提供饮用水

    The Yellow River, the so-called birthplace of Chinese civilization, is so polluted it can no longer supply drinking water.


  • 而且这个遗址位于长江上游,对“黄河中华文明唯一起源理论提出了质疑

    And, located on the upper part of the Yangtze River, the site challenges the common idea that Chinese civilization rose from a single source - the Yellow River valley.


  • 西安古称长安,黄河流域国家地区的文明的发祥地之一。

    Called Chang 'an in ancient times, Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the Yellow River Basin area of the country.


  • 我们黄河称为我们母亲河”,我们常把长江比作“父亲”,因为两个河流源头中国人们文明

    We call the Yellow river our "Mother river" and we also see the Chang, jiang river as our "Father river" since these two rivers are the source of the civilization of Chinese people.


  • 靖远中国西部文明古老县份,黄河上游生机蓬勃土地

    Jingyuan, China's ancient civilization, a western counties, the upper reaches of the Yellow River side of the vibrant land.


  • 黄河中游早期文明起源人类生产活动,与本区气候关系很好的耦合性。

    The early civilization origin and human activity of the middle reaches of Yellow River are closely related to the climate in this area.


  • 长江黄河中国最长条河流黄河流域长江流域是中华文明的重要发源地。

    The Yangzi River and the Yellow River are two longest river in China. The Yellow River valley and Yangzi river valley are the birthplaces of the Chinese civilisation.


  • 因此中华文明形成不仅长江黄河等流域有关而且青藏高原剧烈隆起密切关系。

    So, the Chinese civilization is related not only with the Yangtze River and Yellow River, but also closely with the rapid uplift of the QXP.


  • 由于黄河泛滥造成土壤微量元素变化是黄淮海平原文明衰变过程中一只看不见的手。

    The flooding of Yellow River led to the change of soil microelement, which in turn played an invisible role in the disintegration of the civilization of Huanghuaihai Plain.


  • 亚洲有着悠久历史文化黄河流域、印度河流域幼发拉底河底格里斯河流域著名人类文明发源地

    It has a time-honored history and culture. The valleys of the Yellow River, the Indus River, the Euphrates and the Tigris are known as cradles of human civilization.


  • 处在黄河上游古代中国游牧文明农耕文明过渡地带

    Her in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in ancient Chinese civilization to the nomadic farming civilization of the transition zone.


  • 此前观念中国文化只有一个源头黄河中国文明唯一监。

    The belief used to be that there was only one source of Chinese culture, and that the Yellow River was the only cradle of her civilisation.


  • 山东龙山文化黄河下游地区一支重要考古学文化,海岱地区社会文明进程起着承前启后作用

    Shandong Longshan Culture is an important archaeological culture in Haidai region of the lower reach of Yellow River, which had played the role in the process of social civilization in Haidai region.


  • 功业,据说开辟了黄河流域迈向文明道路

    Yu of the Xia Dynasty exploited the road towards civilization in the Huanghe River Basin.


  • 中国古代文明诞生于公元前2800黄河流域,土地肥沃河南省中国文明开始的地方

    Chinese civilization was born on the shores of the Yellow River in 2,800 BC. And the fertile land where Chinese civilization began is Henan Province.


  • 中国黄河长江流域以及印度河恒河流域孕育出人类灿烂文明

    Both the Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys in China, and the Indus and Ganges River Valleys were once the cradles of human civilisations.


  • 洛阳为中心黄河南北地区中国黄河流域农业文明起源地

    Centering on Luoyang, the southern and northern areas along Yellow River are the origin of agriculture culture of Yellow River drainage area.


  • 黄河流域商周时期中国文明中心之一也是春秋时期青铜器纹饰发达地区

    The Yellow River Valley was one of the centers of China in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties as well as the most developed region in bronze ware decoration patterns in Spring and Autumn Period.


  • 黄河流域商周时期中国文明中心之一也是春秋时期青铜器纹饰发达地区

    The Yellow River Valley was one of the centers of China in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties as well as the most developed region in bronze ware decoration patterns in Spring and Autumn Period.


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