• 附近名城古都遍布,形成一个山岳湖泊黄河文化并举的景区

    Water current of the river is cut off and level of water is raised, which has formed a scenic spot with both hills and lakes and Yellow River culture.


  • 古往今来,记述黄河典籍专著十分丰富,黄河文化重要组成部分

    Since the ancient times, the large number of descriptive books and monographs has been playing an important role in the Yellow River Culture.


  • 产品具有鲜明的地域文化特色厚重黄河文化底蕴深受游客欢迎业内人士好评

    Its product has the bright region culture characteristic, the sincere Yellow River culture inside story, the depth is welcome the tourist with the professional high praise.


  • 借助文化地理学视野与相关理论,将齐鲁文化再次细化为鲁东兵学文化、鲁中南儒家文化鲁西黄河文化,从特色各异文化地理空间着眼解读齐鲁 武术。

    The paper again divided Qilu culture into three parts, they are military culture in east of Qilu, Confucius culture in south-middle of Qilu, and the Yellow River culture in west of Qilu.


  • 首先黄色一种意味深长颜色黄河中国母亲河,是中国文化发源地

    First, yellow is a meaningful color. The yellow River is China's Mother River and the cradle of Chinese civilization.


  • 黄河流域文化渊薮之一,陇右文化中国文化上占有十分重要地位

    Longyou is one of the inhabited places along Huanghe valley culture. It has a very important position in China's culture history.


  • 黄河流域史前动物雕塑作为一地区史前文化有机组成部分其自身功能内涵

    As part of the organic components of Neolithic culture in this region, the Neolithic animal sculpture along the Yellow River Valley had its functions and contexts.


  • 黄河水利职业技术学院坐落历史文化名城中国优秀旅游城市开封

    Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute is located in the famous historical and cultural city and China's Excellent Tourism city Kaifeng.


  • 黄河三角洲区域蕴藏着丰厚历史文化资源,富聚着博大精深的优秀文化传统

    There are abundant historical culture resources with great tradition in the Yellow River Delta.


  • 黄河中游山西地区前仰韶时代文化缺失,很可能同山西地区独特地理位置自然环境有关

    Lack of Pre - Yangshao Culture period in Shanxi area of the middle Hunghe River valley probably relates to the unique geographical position and natural environment of Shanxi area.


  • 以此起点之内推行全国中华自然养生文化播撒长江黄河两岸长城内外。

    This as the starting point will be implemented nationwide within two years, to spread Chinese culture to natural health Yangtze River, Yellow River and at the Great Wall.


  • 黄河三角洲源自新石器时代的悠久历史,留下丰厚且颇具区域特色文化遗存。

    The Yellow River Delta originates from the New Stone Age. It remains rich and generous ancient culture which has regional features.


  • 亚洲有着悠久历史文化黄河流域、印度河流域幼发拉底河底格里斯河流域著名人类文明发源地

    It has a time-honored history and culture. The valleys of the Yellow River, the Indus River, the Euphrates and the Tigris are known as cradles of human civilization.


  • 黄河三角洲隶属齐国大一统作为区域性文化仍然存在

    It still existed as regional culture when Huanghe Delta was under the jurisdiction of Qi state and was unified after Qin.


  • 黄河流域文化长江流域文化构成华夏文化的两大源头

    Zhou Culture of Huanghe valley and Chu Culture of Changjiang valley are the headstream of Hua Xia Culture.


  • 此前观念中国文化只有一个源头黄河中国文明唯一监。

    The belief used to be that there was only one source of Chinese culture, and that the Yellow River was the only cradle of her civilisation.


  • 本文区域研究角度出发,把诗词国度划分为边塞地区、黄河流域长江流域三个诗词文化地理区域。

    From the Angle of study on region, the state of classical poems is divided into three distract including frontier fortress, the Huanghe River Valley and the Changjiang River Valley.


  • 半坡文化属于黄河中游原始文化显示出北方地理环境特色

    Banpo the middle reaches of Yellow River culture of the original culture, show that the North geographical characteristics.


  • 山东龙山文化黄河下游地区一支重要考古学文化海岱地区社会文明化进程起着承前启后作用

    Shandong Longshan Culture is an important archaeological culture in Haidai region of the lower reach of Yellow River, which had played the role in the process of social civilization in Haidai region.


  • 黄河三角洲民歌体裁众多内容丰富,产生流传演变过程中,不断吸纳、融合和积淀了丰厚黄河三角洲地方文化

    The Delta Songs has richful genres and vivid contents. During the process of generation, spread and evolution, it has absorbed, melted and accumulated richful culture of the Yellow River Delta.


  • 黄河中下游地区目前已知龙山文化遗址分析,龙山文化时期没有发现文化断层

    Analyses into the Longshan Culture known to us at present have found no big cultural faults.


  • 新石器时期黄河中、下游地区出现仰韶文化龙山文化

    The Neolithic period, in the Yellow River in the lower reaches, there has been Yangshao and the Longshan culture.


  • 黄河中游地区新石器时代仰韶文化位于陕西省西安半坡

    Banpo culture of the Neolithic age in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is the Yangshao culture, located in xi 'an Banpo village in Shaanxi Province.


  • 泰山所蕴含文化内涵世界上任何一座山都没有的,像长江黄河一样,泰山现在已经成为了中国人的象征。

    It contains the culture on other mountain in the world is compilble . Just like the Yellow River , Great wall.


  • 河南省地处黄河流域,很早就有人类在这里繁衍生息,赋予了此地悠久灿烂历史文化

    Henan is located in the Yellow River valley and in a place where people of ancient times grew and developed.


  • 河南省地处黄河流域,很早就有人类在这里繁衍生息,赋予了此地悠久灿烂历史文化

    Henan is located in the Yellow River valley and in a place where people of ancient times grew and developed.


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