• 目的比较不同时相应高张对失血性休克血流动力学参数影响

    Objective to compare the effects of hemodynamic parameters with hypertonic saline solution infused in different times of canine hemorrhagic shock.


  • 要点转运颅内危险儿童高张盐水有效安全降低颅内压方法。

    Bottom line: hypertonic saline appears to be a viable and safe option for use as therapy to decrease ICH during transport of children at risk for intracranial hypertension.


  • 身坐了一凳子

    He hoisted himself onto a high stool.


  • 这时,注意到正坐大红椅子上睡得很安详! 眼前亮,我有了主意

    Then I noticed Cow sitting peacefully on the big red chair, and I got a brilliant idea.


  • 银行一次大规模聚会上独自坐在饭桌上(在一起),其他在挨敬酒,他他们经常记得存在。

    'They never remember that I'm at the dinner table too,' he said, sitting alone (with me) at a big gathering of the bank as other top executives were toasting from one table to the next.


  • 最后他来到个地方,那里摆满了各种珍贵椅子,其中一把是纯金的,上面镶满了宝石,而且其它椅子了,前面还有

    At their center was a seat made entirely of gold and set with glistening precious stones. It stood much higher than the other chairs, and a golden footstool stood in front of it.


  • 令人称奇,鉴别的精确即使每50毫秒的速度下一样这样的播放速率使参与者根本没有机会思考图片

    Even more surprisingly, accuracy rate was just as good when the images were exposed at a rapid rate of only 50 milliseconds, which offered participants no opportunity to consciously process the photo.


  • 网上照片显示其中一个爆炸点上方升腾起了至少100灰色烟雾

    A photo being Shared online showed grey smoke rising at least 100 meters over the site of one of the blasts.


  • 美国可能会很随便钱包里面名片,相反日本管们郑重双手名片以示尊敬

    While Americans might casually flip out a card from their wallet, for example, Japanese executives will carefully present their CARDS with both hands as a sign of respect.


  • 最喜欢作品中,焦点对在棋盘上,非常景深主体照得非常以至于处严重过曝。

    In one of my favorite shots, I focussed on a chess board with a very shallow depth of field, and lit up the subject's face so much that the highlights are all blown out.


  • 指的好像过去一直是这样的情况,自从一拨带着顶礼帽的董事们坐在第一橡木桌子旁开始就是这样了。

    The boardroom has been an arena where power is contested ever since the first top-hatted directors sat around the first burled oak table.


  • 视线未及窗台边,放着一它一样的写字桌,桌上散乱着蓝色笔书写稿件萨缪尔•马纳什正

    This was the first clue that out of sight, level with the window sill, was a writing desk, and that at this desk, on sheets of unruled paper in blue felt-tip pen, Samuel Menashe was writing poems.


  • 年事光仁(音)被迫搬迁了两次丹江口水坝边上种了一小块薄田

    Zhang Guangren, an elderly woman who farms a small plot on the edge of Danjiangkou reservoir, was forced to move twice by dam projects during her youth.


  • 之所以称为“hightea ”,是因为餐桌不是茶桌上吃的。

    It was termed "high tea" because it was eaten at a high dining table rather than a low tea table.


  • 直接汇报安排周围8桌子旁他们脸朝外,但在需要讨论什么事情的时候,可以转向里面。

    The senior executives who report directly to him are arrayed at eight desks around his, facing outwards but able to swivel inwards if they need to discuss something.


  • 不论要的什么- - - - - -浪漫理想工作玫瑰门票- - - - - -借助他人帮助,你得到这些东西的几率非常

    Whatever it is you'd like in this life-romance, a dream job, a ticket to the Rose bowl-the chances are pretty high that you'll need someone's help to get it.


  • Honnold解释道:“1700英尺圆顶西北面的悬崖的照片十分的出名。”

    'There is a famous image of me standing on a ledge around 1700 feet up on the Northwest Face of Half Dome, ' explained Mr Honnold.


  • 家再叫2S,这是所谓的超转移,承诺有四红心支持限牌力通常是有个双

    South rebid two spades, a so-called superaccept promising four-card heart support, a maximum and, typically, a doubleton somewhere.


  • 自然区域的比较厚,温度3英尺之外花开的就没有那么繁盛

    In natural areas, flowers grow thick as they always do here, but a few feet away, where it's three degrees warmer, flowers are not as abundant.


  • 最近导演罗伯特·罗德里格斯(Robert Rodriguez)发布了两展示这位铠甲女武士扮相的概念创作,扮演者是女友·麦(Rose McGowan),这部翻拍的电影预计将于2011年上映。

    More recently, filmmaker Robert Rodriguez produced concept art picturing his girlfriend Rose McGowan as the chain-mailed warrior in a movie slated for 2011.


  • 在一很受欢迎的贴子中,网友大家展示了如何才能钥匙积木上挂上钥匙圈每套钥匙一个

    One popular post shows how you can never lose your keys again by attaching thin Lego bricks to a keyring for each set of keys.


  • 去夏当地媒体报导,头驴那么空中,以致海滩孩童吓哭父母为何只狗降落伞上。

    Local media said in the summer the donkey was so high in the sky the children on the beach cried and asked their parents why a dog was tied to a parachute.


  • 前端轮系手动紧的三角带传动改为自动紧的多楔带传动,运转平稳,可靠性

    Front-wheel system was changed from the manual tension V-belt to automatic tension V-ribbed belts , more smoother operation and higher reliability.


  • 美国公司股东赋予“股东决定薪酬尽管只是带咨询性质的票),可以决定薪水。

    Shareholders of American firms have also been given a "say on pay" vote (albeit only an advisory one) on the remuneration of top executives.


  • 老师坐在桌子旁,那是一餐厅上首台上桌子。

    The teachers sit at the High Table, a table on a raised platform at the front of the room.


  • 身穿黑衣上端是一冰冷、僵硬

    He was a tall, thin man dressed all in black, with a cold, stony face at the top of the column.


  • 曾经摆满电视长桌的屋子里,现在只剩下一桌子了。

    Where the room was once filled with TV trays and long tables, now only one table is set.


  • 曾经摆满电视长桌的屋子里,现在只剩下一桌子了。

    Where the room was once filled with TV trays and long tables, now only one table is set.


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