• 这时骄傲美国人发出声明——对抗病毒战斗获得了胜利,开始帮助盟友英国重建家园

    At this time, the proud Americans issued a statement - the battle against the virus to kill won, and began to help rebuild the British Allies.


  • 一个骄傲美国人我对国会所作所为而感到羞愧,因为他们一味地责怪中国,说他们对我们国内乃至全球经济都构成威胁。

    I am a proud American but I am ashamed of our Congress who has constantly blamed China for either our domestic economic problems or the global economics.


  • 对于只能说英语的这个事实,美国依然很顽固,甚至还有些骄傲自得,相比门外语而言,他们关心如何保护英语的学习。

    Americans are still stubbornly—even proudly—monolingual, more concerned with protecting English than with learning another tongue.


  • 虽然如此,却有上亿支且象征着亚洲国家筷子出产于美国一点确实令美国人骄傲啊!

    But millions of the Asian nation's iconic chopsticks are proudly made in the U.S.A!


  • 作为美国人我们理由我们文化、我们的国家我们的国旗感到骄傲所以每天自豪升起国旗!

    As Americans, we have every right to be proud of our culture, our nation, and our flag. So raise the flag today and every day with pride!


  • 下面请看今年夏天美国骄傲100件事明年同一时间,同一地点,我们将再次相见……

    Please enjoy the summer, and enjoy 100 Great Things about America (use the list in the top left to click and scroll through all 100). See you next year, same time, same place, with 100 more….


  • 美国、捐钱,帮助受害者家属美国各地参加各种祈祷活动,手国旗,自己国家感到骄傲显示团结

    Americans donated blood, and gave money to help the families of victims. People went to prayer services all over America, and raised flags to show their pride and unity.


  • 美国以为彼此不同并且其它国家不同感到骄傲自认为他的同胞更好。

    Americans are proud to be different from each other. And from the world. He is better among Americans.


  • 我们分享这些伟大的美国骄傲,这些美国人为了我们伤害而奉献自己一切

    We share their pride in these wonderful Americans who have given everything to protect our people from harm.


  • 凯迪拉克也许会为美国人努力工作感到骄傲不屑欧洲生活方式但是不停地工作会对我们造成伤害而不会有益,甚至可能我们行为失控

    Cadillac may be proud of how hard Americans work and disdainful of the European way of life, but we may be hurting, not helping, ourselves with our out-of-control ethic.


  • 要求武装力量保持警惕。因为美国采取行动时刻即将到来,你们美国人骄傲

    I have called the armed forces to alert, and there is a reason. The hour is coming when America will ACT, and you will make us proud.


  • 多数美国人当然否认点,虽然他们认为通过努力工作赚取财富值得骄傲

    The majority of Americans would certainly deny this, though most feel proud to amass wealth and possessions through hard work.


  • 过去年里每周六早晨一直通过电台广播向美国演说骄傲

    For the last eight years, I have had the honor of speaking to the American people Saturday mornings through this radio address.


  • 阵亡将士家属全体美国人一道,都应该为阵亡生活他们提供服务以及他们为之战斗拯救国家感到骄傲

    He said the families of the fallen, along with all Americans, should take pride in the lives the military members lived, the service they provided and the nation they fought to save.


  • 很多时候正如我们所了解到的,仅仅是两个山洞里就能把美国人骄傲粉碎了。

    And many time as we know, American pride get shred by one or two person who lives in the cave.


  • 叫他们非裔美国”,即使他们根本来自非洲并且遇见所有的来自非洲,后来成为美国人,都非常骄傲自己一名美国人”。

    "You have to say" African American "- although they are NOT from Africa, and every person I've met from Africa that has became an American is proud to say they are an" American.


  • 事实上美国人都为自己动手成绩骄傲而且愿意花费大量业余时间做家务琐事。

    In fact, Americans take pride in do-it-yourself accomplishments and may devote a great deal of their leisure time to projects around the home.


  • 埃里克·埃里克森以及那废话连篇的博客回应国家,我自己是美国人骄傲

    This is in response to Erick Erickson and his pointless blog: I love my country, I love being American.


  • 身为美国人所以值得骄傲份原因,我们有着与世界上其他国家不同之处—国家的创立基础理想

    Part of what we take pride in as Americans is that almost uniquely to any country around the world... we were started on the basis of an idea.


  • 身为美国人所以值得骄傲份原因,我们有着与世界上其他国家不同之处—国家的创立基础理想

    Part of what we take pride in as Americans is that almost uniquely to any country around the world... we were started on the basis of an idea.


- 来自原声例句

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