• 马里工作生涯涵盖60非常惊人的多产活跃的。

    Marini's working life covered more than 60 years of prodigious and prolific activity.


  • 说这话里卡多•马里尼一位纺织品厂家老板,兼意大利实业家组织(Confindustria)在普拉分部

    They're not like other immigrants, who can be pretty thick,” said Riccardo Marini, a textile manufacturer and the head of the Prato branch of Confindustria, the Italian industrialists' organization.


  • 国王的第一,弗朗索瓦就马里尼雅诺赢得了一意义非凡军事胜利重新控制米兰公国——法国通往意大利的门户。

    In his first year as king, François won a significant military victory at Marignano, regaining control of the Duchy of Milan, the French gate to Italy.


  • 法国化学家吉洛·马里于1863年创造的。

    It was created by a French chemist, Angelo Mariani, in 1863.


  • 这类流行药用饮料中的种叫做文·马里,是一种法国产品古柯提取物红酒混合而成。

    One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani, a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine.


  • 2004年末2005年,共有10个以前无脊髓灰质炎国家重新受到感染(马里印度西亚也门安哥拉埃塞俄比亚乍得苏丹马里厄立特里亚喀麦隆)。

    In total, 10 previously polio-free countries have been re-infected in late 2004 and 2005 (Somalia, Indonesia, Yemen, Angola, Ethiopia, Chad, Sudan, Mali, Eritrea and Cameroon).


  • 因为我们测量方向并不是指南针或者尺子而是移,所以呈现的方向会有畸变,”马里·

    "The apparent orientation is biased because we measure orientation not with a compass or with a ruler but with redshift," Marinoni says.


  • 印度西亚马里开展了广泛宣传运动,对公众进行有关假冒产品危害教育劝阻人们不要购买黑市上的药物来治病。

    Indonesia and Mali have begun wide communication campaigns to educate the general public on the dangers of counterfeits and to dissuade people seeking treatment from buying on the black market.


  • 我们经常听到马里海岸袭击现在还有报道称孟加拉国日利亚印度西亚海岸的船只遭到海盗袭击。

    We're becoming accustomed to hearing about attacks off the coast of Somalia, but reports of pirate attacks are coming from vessels off the coast of Bangladesh, Nigeria and around Indonesia.


  • 美国负责非洲事务助理国务卿约翰卡尔森表示,青年党马里以及整个周边地区威胁”。

    The Shabab, says Johnnie Carson, America’s top diplomat for Africa, is “a threat to all of Somalia’s regional neighbours”.


  • 今天,有望继卢斯科欧盟反垄断专员马里奥·蒙蒂,在离开宾馆时被等待已久记者团团包围。

    This morning Mario Monti, the former European commissioner who many expect to succeed Mr Berlusconi, emerged from his hotel to find a group of reporters waiting for him.


  • 美国负责非洲事务助理国务卿约翰卡尔森表示,青年党马里以及整个周边地区威胁”。

    The Shabab, says Johnnie Carson, America's top diplomat for Africa, is “a threat to all of Somalia's regional neighbours”.


  • 奥拉基其他追随者包括胡德堡枪击者达尔马里克·哈桑圣诞节爆炸案犯阿卜杜勒·穆塔拉布克,时代广场恐怖案犯费萨尔·哈扎德。

    Al-Awlaki's other followers include the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.


  • 托里西意大利特色菜馆的老板马里·卡博一边端详餐馆景象,一边惊叹道:“……太棒了!”

    "Ooh, I love it!" Mario Carbone said, surveying the scene outside his restaurant, Torrisi Italian Specialties.


  • 今天马里我们共发了17补充蛋白质花生酱至少2550个人提供了一餐饱饭,还发放一些重要医药

    Today in Mariani we are distributing 17 cases of reinforced protein peanut butter giving a meal to at least 2, 550 people together with vital medicines.


  • 1901年,意大利数学家马里·拉扎里理论进行实验尝试,一共掷出了3408根得出的π3.1415929…,这个数值准确小数点六位

    The theory was put to the test in 1901 by Mario Lazzarini, a mathematician who dropped 3408 needles to get a value of 3.1415929…, correct to the first six decimal places.


  • 莫西学院自然科学系马里·西阿博士(Dr . MarioCiani)表示,产生愉悦感平均用量通常在13克之间

    According to Dr. Mario Ciani, chair of Mercy College's Natural Science Department, average recreational doses average between 1 and 3 grams.


  • 阿波利斯市苏达州(CNN)——位苏马里男孩在11月底离开苏达州返回自己祖国,然后杀害

    MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (CNN) — a Somali teen who left Minnesota to return to his native country last November has been reported killed.


  • 8个国家过去6个月里报告了输入性脊髓灰质炎病毒传播安哥拉乍得埃塞俄比亚印度西亚泊尔日尔马里也门

    Eight countries have reported circulation of imported poliovirus in the past six months: Angola, Chad, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nepal, Niger, Somalia and Yemen.


  • 导致人扩散到马里登以外地区

    This would lead to the proliferation of Amanin elsewhere beyond Maridun.


  • 阿明·约瑟夫沃·阿莫库饰演与敢死队交锋马里海盗小队队长

    Amin Joseph and Senyo Amoaku as the leaders of a group of Somali pirates that challenge the Expendables.


  • 来自马里大学帕克分校古普塔指出这些市场都是世界上最麻烦市场

    Anil Gupta, of the University of Maryland at College Park, points out that these markets are among the toughest in the world.


  • 意大利球星马里奥·莫罗西葬礼故乡贝加举办

    The funeral of Italian footballer Piermario Morosini is to be held in his hometown of Bergamo.


  • 马里邪恶想出了一个非常有趣现代设计理念孩子卧室不论年龄

    The wicked folks from Mariani came up with a very interesting set of contemporary design ideas for your kid's bedroom (no matter the age).


  • 2010年,叙利亚诗人阿多位列很多投机榜单头名,秘鲁作家马里·巴尔加萨·略萨最终令人惊喜地获奖

    In 2010, the Syrian-born poet Adonis topped many speculative lists, and instead the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa came away a surprise winner.


  • 马里创作目标不是重新塑造古老世界也不是表现一些零碎的视点,而是把神话的元素当作适合表现自己复杂情感语言

    Mariani's aim is not to reconstruct the ancient world, nor does he present a fragmentary view of it. He embraces myth as a language which he finds best suited to express his most complex emotions.


  • 马里·普索著名小说教父》中给我们塑造了两个英雄人物:维克多·科里昂他的儿子。

    Mario Puzo has produced us two heroes Don Vito Corleone and Michael Corleone in his famous novel.


  • 个位于亚特兰大市疾病预防与控制中心另一个马里兰州弗雷德里克美军传染病医学研究所以及一个位于加拿大(温伯的新建中心)不够的。

    CDC in Atlanta, and the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, Maryland and one in Canada at the new center in Winnipeg is not enough.


  • 个位于亚特兰大市疾病预防与控制中心另一个马里兰州弗雷德里克美军传染病医学研究所以及一个位于加拿大(温伯的新建中心)不够的。

    CDC in Atlanta, and the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick, Maryland and one in Canada at the new center in Winnipeg is not enough.


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