• 1993年,该法统一货币不会欧盟变成一个联邦国家前提基础签署马斯特里条约

    The court in 1993 endorsed the Maastricht treaty on the grounds that a single currency did not turn the EU into a federal state.


  • 爱尔兰尴尬处境说明必须我们重审马斯特里条约这样能用应对寻常性质的衰退能应对资产负债表衰退。

    The Irish predicament has indicated that the Maastricht Treaty must be revised so that it can deal with both ordinary as well as balance sheet recessions.


  • 不幸的是,马斯特里条约私营部门储蓄的情况从未加以注意

    Unfortunately, the Maastricht Treaty pays no attention to what is happening with private sector savings.


  • 这些观察观点并不新鲜:早1992年马斯特里条约启动欧元项目刚才所说东西就广为人们

    These observations aren't new: everything I've just said was well known by 1992, when the Maastricht Treaty set the euro project in motion.


  • 1991年欧洲峰会荷兰马斯特里举行同时实现经济货币联盟计划写入新的欧盟条约,但是稍后有待于成员国批准

    Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.


  • 种方式(马斯特里条约合法性可疑)欧洲金融稳定基金欧洲央行借钱央行的反对使一建议搁浅了

    One possibility (of doubtful legality under the Maastricht treaty) was for the EFSF to borrow from the ECB, but opposition from the central bank seems to have killed it off.


  • 首先在法国财政部崭露头角,1992年达成作为欧元基础马斯特里条约会谈就一直特里工作

    Mr Musca cut his teeth at the French Treasury, working for Mr Trichet during the talks that led to the 1992 Maastricht treaty, the foundation of the euro.


  • 丹麦的选民已经先后投票反对加入欧元区1992年马斯特里条约举行的全民公投,一在2000年要求重新予以考虑时投了反对票。

    The Danes have twice voted against joining, once in a referendum on the Maastricht treaty in 1992 and again when they were asked to reconsider in 2000.


  • 所有这些国家没有一个在近期内能满足加入欧元区所要求马斯特里条约标准

    None of these will meet the Maastricht treaty's criteria for euro entry any time soon.


  • 当时负责欧洲事务的部长PietDankert起草了一份马斯特里条约,就卢森堡人都觉得过于联邦主义了(版本最终拒绝了)。

    Piet Dankert, then Europe minister, drafted a version of the Maastricht treaty that was too federalist even for Luxembourg (it was rejected).


  • 如果财政政策制定者往常一样被允许采取措施,那么财政赤字可能达到马斯特里条约规定的上限GDP3%,一个非常危险的水平。) 这句的翻译有点问题,能否改进下:如果允许财政稳定机制发挥作用——它们几乎肯定被允许——已经处于接近马斯特里限度(即GDP的3%)的财政赤字会进一步提高。

    If fiscal stabilisers are allowed to operate, as they almost certainly will be, the budget deficit, which is already dangerously close to the Maastricht limit of 3% of GDP, will rise further.


  • 人们认为经济健康标准附近而且符合通常被忽略为了管理欧洲债务签署的《欧洲联盟条约》(即《马斯特里条约》)制定比例

    This is around the level considered healthy and is also the ratio set by the widely ignored Maastricht agreement, which is meant to govern debt in the European Union.


  • 考虑到欧元区状况,第五个问题便不可否认:《马斯特里条约不足之处。

    Given the state of the eurozone, it is no longer possible to deny a fifth problem: the insufficiency of the Maastricht Treaty.


  • 欧盟委员会欧洲中央银行坚称成员国必须严格恪守“马斯特里条约标准才能加入欧元区

    The commission and the European Central Bank insist that they must be rigid in applying to new eu members the "Maastricht criteria" before they can join the euro.


  • 1992年签署马斯特里条约》禁止为挥霍的成员国提供紧急措施,此举就是打算避免这样问题出现

    The Maastricht treaty of 1992 proscribed bail-outs of improvident member nations, which was meant to avoid such issues ever arising.


  • 马斯特里条约批准让1999年资格国内实行欧洲货币联盟的到来势不可挡地进入了倒计时

    The ratification of the Maastricht Treaty also started an irrevocable countdown toward implementation of EMU among qualifying countries by 1999.


  • 1991年,荷兰小城马斯特里召开欧盟峰会制定欧元运作诸多基本准则德国坚持将该条款加入条约

    That clause was inserted in 1991, at the insistence of Germany, at the eu summit in Maastricht, the Dutch town where many of the ground rules for the euro were set down.


  • 1992年签署的《马斯特里条约确立了这样一个框架,并修正道:没有国家可以得到财政援助

    The Maastricht Treaty (1992), which established the framework, mandated that no country would be eligible for a bailout.


  • 欧盟致力于区域一体化欧洲共同体为前身,1993年马斯特里条约签订而宣告成立

    Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 upon the foundations of the European Communities.


  • 1992年《马斯特里条约签署欧洲共同体转变为欧洲联盟,同时发行欧元铺平道路。

    The Maastricht treaty is signed turning the European Community into the European Union and paving the way for the euro.


  • 最近一项民调显示如果今天重新进行公投,64%法国公民将会拒绝签署《马斯特里条约》,1992年,该条约法国微弱优势得以通过

    A recent poll suggested that, if the referendum were re-run today, 64% of the French would reject the Maastricht treaty, which the country approved in 1992 only by a whisker.


  • 德国现在马斯特里条约当成一部圣典修改严格遵守

    Germany now wants to treat the Maastricht Treaty as the scripture that has to be obeyed without any modifications.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是,根据马斯特里条约的标准,少数国家资格加入欧盟

    It is ironic to note that only a handful would any longer qualify for European Union entry under the Maastricht criteria.


  • 欧盟的《马斯特里条约如下规定:禁止央行直接购买成员国国债但可二级市场购买。

    The European Union's Maastricht treaty is in keeping with these arrangements: it prohibits the ECB from buying bonds directly from member governments, but not from buying them on the secondary market.


  • 认为俄罗呼吁建立G20条约是个“有趣选择。该条约被指与规定了欧盟成员国财政目标的《马斯特里条约类似

    He described Russia's call for the founding of a G20 treaty similar to the EU's Maastricht treaty, which defines the fiscal targets of EU members, as an "interesting" alternative.


  • 例如,2003年违反马斯特里特条约》(Maastricht Treaty)德国法国很轻松就予以了否认,没有支付任何罚金

    After violating the Maastricht Treaty in 2003, for example, Germany and France easily reneged and no fines were paid.


  • 这样约翰?梅杰应对《马斯特里条约社会政策成功先例。

    The model is the opt-out from the social chapter that John Major secured in the Maastricht treaty.


  • 认为俄罗呼吁建立G20条约是个“有趣选择。该条约被指与规定了欧盟成员国财政目标马斯特里条约类似

    He described Russia's call for the founding of a G20 treaty similar to the EU's Maastricht treaty, which defines the fiscal targets of EU members, as an interesting alternative.


  • 认为俄罗呼吁建立G20条约是个“有趣选择。该条约被指与规定了欧盟成员国财政目标马斯特里条约类似

    He described Russia's call for the founding of a G20 treaty similar to the EU's Maastricht treaty, which defines the fiscal targets of EU members, as an interesting alternative.


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