• 胡赫马士流亡多年

    Al-Mabhouh has lived in exile in Damascus for years.


  • 马士通信公司的伯特·贝克

    My name is Burt Baker and I'm from Thomas Communications.


  • 高贵多于欢快马士提夫正确风度

    Dignity, rather than gaiety, is the Mastiff's correct demeanor.


  • NourAli马士记者化名

    Nour ali is the pseudonym of a journalist based in Damascus.


  • 网络拓展及公共关系总裁但恩.马士代表USANA接受奖项

    Dan Macuga, USANA Vice President of Network Development &Public Relations, accepted the statue on behalf of the company at the black-tie affair.


  • 马士联合体在世界范围内提供质量遗传基因技术产生最大的价值

    The Semex Alliance develops and markets high quality genetic technologies, products and services to benefit livestock producers around the world while creating value for its owners.


  • 昨晚带到邻近的汤马士医院医生帮医治断掉肋骨

    Last night, he was taken to nearby St. Thomas Hospital, and doctors treated him for six broken ribs and a broken collar bone.


  • 当地其他地区包括,位于首都马士郊区)的许多人民限制行动

    Scores of people there and in other areas, including Douma, a suburb of the capital, Damascus, have been locked up.


  • 马士沙拉末。卡斯塔里被认为桩劫持飞机撞击新加坡樟宜机场阴谋策划者

    Mas Selamat Kastari was the alleged mastermind of a plot to hijack a plane and crash it into Singapore's Changi Airport.


  • 今天我们试着面对以下案例,来看看莎莉如何欢迎他们的成员马士先生

    Today, let's try to face the following case, and see how Sally welcome to their new member, Mr. Thomas.


  • 此外,其馀人-队长马士卡路也、布莱斯曼乔伊斯均曾参加单日国际板球赛

    In addition, four players in the squad – captain Dimitri Mascarenhas, Darren Maddy, Tim Bresnan and Ed Joyce – have one day international experience.


  • 司仪:汤马士·施拉姆曾《仁心仁术》、《时间白宫群英赢得最佳编导奖!

    MC: Thomas Schlamme has previously won Emmys for his direction of ER, Tracy Takes on and The West Wing!


  • 不用问,这次意义非凡皇家聚会中,当然兰普取代了维拉斯盖兹画作中那马士提夫獒犬

    Naturally it is Lump who replaces Velázquez's noble mastiff in this extraordinary, parodical royal assemblage.


  • 远足中途乌云密布并且大雨倾盆而马士鼓励孩子们继续前行从而能够看到下面风景

    In the middle of the hike, dark clouds rolled in and even after the rain started to pelt down on them, Maeshiro encouraged his kids to keep on so they could see the sights below.


  • 下巴肌肉猎犬爱好者们可以通过马士提夫獒犬只罗威那制造一只完全合法令人讨厌的犬种来绕开法律

    Fanciers of muscular hounds with big jaws could circumnavigate the law by crossing, say, a mastiff with a pit bull, to create a perfectly legal canine nasty (as, indeed, has happened in Britain).


  • 切雷托,来自马士菲,据称独自放下包裹,被摄像头拍到带着大量径直走入房客旅店,裤子蹲下并排便。

    He was allegedly captured on camera walking to the tenant's restaurant with a ream of toilet paper, pulling his pants down, squatting and defecating.


  • 62的呆家里——1只是尔济斯,1只是jersey后来我们又养了一只大马士提夫犬猎犬

    I have six dogs, two small ones at home - one Maltese and one small jersey - and then we have a big mastiff and three dogs for hunting.


  • 此外马士礼格银行推出款“自拍信用卡。持卡人可将手机自拍照片上传给银行,银行将照片她们信用卡上。

    The bank also came out with a "selfie" credit card, which allows users to upload photos of themselves from their phones and have them printed on their cards.


  • 丹麦养犬俱乐部统计,国家格斗狗斗牛马士提夫獒犬罗威那犬数量过去年里1,000上升到了20,000。

    According to the Danish Kennel Club, the kingdom's population of fighting breeds such as pit-bull terriers, mastiffs and rottweilers has risen from 1, 000 to 20, 000 in the past five years.


  • 丹麦养犬俱乐部统计,国家格斗斗牛犬,马士提夫獒犬罗威那犬数量过去年里1,000上升到了20,000。

    According to the Danish Kennel Club, the kingdom's population of fighting breeds such as pit-bull terriers, mastiffs and rottweilers has risen from 1,000 to 20,000 in the past five years.


  • 如果说Wichelstowe不幸展示斯文顿房市冷却,那么位于附近不远的马士本田汽车厂就说明了生产业遭受

    If Wichelstowe is Swindon's unfortunate showcase for the retreat in housing, the nearby Honda factory at South Marston exemplifies the gravity of the manufacturing setback.


  • 马士我们我们的员工骄傲他们拥有勇往直前工作态度,精益求精客户寻求可靠最有效解决方案,使承诺成为现实。

    In Damco, we pride ourselves with having people who have the energy to go the extra mile to find the most reliable, efficient solution for our customers-and deliver on our promises.


  • 今年三月发现了年级有一名不喜欢学习孩子抄袭关于明天战争开始了》的读后感。 这本小说创作者是约翰·马士登(JohnMarsden),讲述的是澳大利亚孩子们打败入侵者故事。

    In March one of her most reluctant seventh graders plagiarized a journal entry aboutTomorrow, When the War Began, ” a novel by John Marsden about children coping with an invasion of Australia.


  • 乡下来的小、威尔还有许多漂亮的

    There were young horses from the country, little Welsh ponies and many beautiful horses too.


  • 此时威尔关于自然选择阐述一无所知事实上直到《物种的起源发表这两人一直默默无闻

    At this time he knew nothing of Wells's and Matthew's accounts of natural selection; indeed, both accounts languished in obscurity until after the "Origin" was published.


  • 海岸小镇基尔克距东部90分钟路程大街两侧商铺餐馆以及一家小医院

    Kilmarnock, a small coastal town, 90 minutes east of Richmond, with a main street flanked by small shops and restaurants and a small hospital.


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯郡乔治·大学研究幸福感心理学副教授托德这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯郡乔治·大学研究幸福感心理学副教授托德这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


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