• 希腊本土背后是同种马其顿色腊基

    In the rear of the Greeks proper came the kindred Macedonians and Thracians.


  • 今年可能塞尔维亚马其顿人重新提出签证的要求。

    Visas could be re imposed for Serbs and Macedonians this year.


  • 他们热切希望欧盟能在今年赋予马其顿人免签旅行权利(在之后开启入盟谈判)。

    They dearly want the European Union to grant visa-free travel to Macedonians this year (and then open membership talks).


  • 许多马其顿斯洛文尼亚仍然塞尔维亚-克罗地亚第二外语,进行交流。

    Many Macedonians and Slovenes still speak or understand what used to be called Serbo-Croat as a second language. Within most of the region, people can travel freely using just their identity CARDS.


  • 德国的塞尔维亚公民提出了10,412份申请马其顿人则达到6,012。

    Serbian citizens in Germanymade 10,412 applications and Macedonians 6,012.


  • 夜间异象现与保罗。有马其顿说,请你马其顿帮助我们。

    9during the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."


  • 万一马其顿去,见你们没有预备,就叫我们确信反成了羞愧;你们羞愧,更不用说

    For if any Macedonians come with meand find you unprepared, we— not to say anything about you— would beashamed of having been so confident.


  • 徒十六9夜间象现保罗:有马其顿,请你马其顿帮助我们

    Acts 16:9 and a vision appeared to Paul during the night: a certain man, a Macedonian, was standing and entreating him and saying, Come over into Macedonia and help us.


  • 摩尔多瓦可以轻松地(如果不是总是合法地)罗马尼亚工作马其顿人可以轻松地在保加利亚工作

    Moldovans can work easily (if not always legally) in Romania, as can Macedonians in Bulgaria.


  • 因此欧洲委员会近期建议2010年开始塞尔维亚黑山马其顿人免签,应当是个好消息。

    So a recent recommendation by the European Commission to scrap visas for Serbs, Montenegrins and Macedonians from the start of 2010 should be good news.


  • 十九29满城都混乱起来,抓住保罗同行马其顿亚里达古,同心合意剧场里去。

    Acts 19:29 and the city was filled with confusion; and they rushed with one accord into the theater, seizing Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, Paul's traveling companions.


  • 葬礼竞技会》里,公元前4世纪征服波斯印度北部马其顿亚历山大英年早逝,小说续写帝国崩裂历程。

    In 'Funeral Games, ' Alexander, the Macedonian who conquered Persia and northern India in the 4th century B. C. , dies early on and the novel goes on to describe the breakup of his empire.


  • 创建过方阵全部马其顿组成,总共有一万六千命名为“亚历山大方阵”,所有武器的设想装备;

    He organized a phalanx composed entirely of macedonians sixteen thousand strong named it "alexander's phalanx" and equipped it with the arms that warriors had used in his day;


  • 科索沃边界行动一周马其顿来经过这个国家卡车数量表明科索沃在从塞尔维亚那换货因此遇到的麻烦。

    A week after Kosovo's move on the border, the number of lorries crossing into the country from Macedonia suggested that Kosovars were not having much trouble replacing goods from Serbia.


  • 一些强硬希腊认为Skopjans无耻斯拉妄图抢走马其顿这个名字。他们声称马其顿地区过去、现在将来都永远希腊不可分割的一部分

    Hardline Hellenes think that the "Skopjans" are cheeky Slavs trying to hijack the name of Macedonia, which was, is and will always be an inalienable part of Greece.


  • 希腊马其顿这个名字暗含希腊北部马其顿领土要求

    The Greeks say that the very name Macedonia implies territorial claims to a part of Greece.


  • 随后马其顿声称斯科普里中心亚历山大大帝铜像,起初很多以为一个为了抨击希腊玩笑话,为了讽刺希腊总自诩为历史文化中心

    So when the Macedonians said they planned to put up a statue of Alexander in the centre of Skopje, many assumed it was a joke to rile the Greeks, who see him as central to their history and culture.


  • 因为马其顿乐意凑出捐项,耶路撒冷圣徒中的

    For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.


  • 希腊立场(大概列出来)马其顿这个名字应当属于a)古代马其顿地区b) 希腊北部马其顿

    The Greek case (crudely stated) is that Macedonia is a title properly belonging a) to ancient Macedonia and b) to the northern Greek province that bears that name.


  • 最终让感到尴尬,(南斯拉夫马其顿最好的葡萄酒却是“T’ga zaJug”,翻译过来的意思则是“渴望州”。

    Awkwardly, the best-known wine from (the former Yugoslav) Macedonia isT’ga za Jug”, which translates as “longing for the south”.


  • 如果马其顿英雄雕塑方式得以纪念,当然它们占总更多阿尔巴尼亚也应该享有更多的空间(土生土长的特雷莎修女中世纪英雄斯坎德培已经代表建筑了)。

    And if Macedonian heroes are to be celebrated in statue form, surely space can be found for a few more Albanians (Skopje-born Mother Teresa and Skanderbeg, a medieval hero, are already represented).


  • 十九22 于是从服事中,打发提摩太和以拉都马其顿去,自己暂时留在亚西亚

    Acts 19:22 And having sent into Macedonia two of those who served him, Timothy and Erastus, he himself stayed in Asia for a time.


  • 保加利亚塞尔维亚马其顿以及罗马尼亚知道怎样进行培养细菌,怎样保护繁殖它们

    Bulgars, Serbs, Macedonians and Rumanians knew how to make cultures and how to preserve and multiply them.


  • 保加利亚塞尔维亚马其顿以及罗马尼亚知道怎样进行培养细菌,怎样保护繁殖它们

    Bulgars, Serbs, Macedonians and Rumanians knew how to make cultures and how to preserve and multiply them.


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