• 马克思兄弟创立了他们的闹剧品牌,拉里、莫伊克里这个活宝三人组紧随着他们的脚步,现今的喜剧巨头亚当·桑德勒、马丁·劳伦斯蒂姆·等人则荧幕继承前辈们的传统

    Nowadays, comedy masters such as Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence and Tim Allen carry on the tradition in big-screen comedy features.


  • 生命晚期,民俗学伦洛马克录制了一系列这位钢琴家访谈

    Near the end of his life, folklorist Alan Lomax recorded a series of interviews with the pianist.


  • 这样一个问题受损组织如何自愈问题,现在田中与其组员所在的,位于德累斯顿的“马克普朗克研究所”目前的课题。

    One such question, that of how damaged tissues regenerate, is being studied in salamanders by Elly Tanaka and a team of colleagues at the Max Planck Institute in Dresden.


  • 2005年罗伯特·律师在写给希利的信中声称封信事实上一位马尔科姆雇员马克名义口气写的。

    In 2005 Robert Ivey wrote Healey and claimed that the letter had in fact been written by an employee named Malcolm under Mark's name and in his voice.


  • 事发当天马克·欧文斯驾机弗森克里斯托弗以及巡防队员伦敦•卡维勒一起公园里一个偏远地点

    On the day of the shooting, Everson said, Mark Owens flew him, along with Christopher and the scout, London Kawele, to a remote location within the park.


  • 这项优惠促销活动所提供的度蜜月物品包括:一瓶斯达起泡葡萄酒柏姿身体舒缓护理套装,一扁草莓一盒巧克力普里马克牌男女睡衣各一套。

    The offer includes a bottle of Asda sparkling winea hamper of Boots spa treatments, a punnet of strawberries or a box of chocolates and his and hers nightwear by Primark.


  • 还是李前任马克·赫德拼命削减成本结果。

    And all this was in spite of severe cost cutting by Mark Hurd, Apotheker's predecessor.


  • 杰西·森伯格去年金球奖最佳影片<社交网络>中饰演天才傲物马克·扎克伯格的台词。

    That's Jesse Eisenberg playing a supersmart and supercilious Mark Zuckerberg in last year's Golden Globe winner for best picture.


  • ·佳斯里尼恩是研究婚姻同居问题的专家,她帮助研究者德国罗斯托克马克·普朗克协会做了这份报告。

    Aiva Jasilioniene, an academic specialising in marriage and cohabitation studies, helped produce the report for the Max Planck Institute in Rostock, Germany.


  • 麻省理工学院的马克·伦在介绍该成果时说:“如果把这种电池衣物,它们就能为一系列高科技设备手提收音机GPS装置以及个人数字设备提供电源。”

    The batteries, once woven into clothing, could provide power for a range of high-tech devices, including handheld radios, GPS devices and personal digital assistants.


  • 这本小说尾声,读者看到亚力康德罗·塔不止个,许多个:本性浪漫神明马克同样信奉的马塔;

    By the end of the novel, the reader sees that there is not one Alejandro Mayta, but many: Mayta the die-hard romantic, equally eager to worship God and Marx;


  • 德国消费者保护部部长伊尔莎纳向25岁Facebook创始人马克扎克伯格发起挑战中,很难说大卫王,谁是歌利亚。

    IN THE challenge by Ilse Aigner, the German minister of consumer protection, to Mark Zuckerberg, the 25-year-old founder of Facebook, it is hard to say who is the David.


  • 世界第十马克·以5-2败给斯图尔特·宾厄姆,后者一局中的杆142分漂亮杆让印象深刻。

    World number 10 Mark Allen lost 5-2 to Stuart Bingham, who impressed with a clearance of 142 in the first frame.


  • 已有两个孩子马克·普洛斯基(MarkPlotsky)今年四月份刚刚丢掉了市场分析员职位,他贝斯小组,仅为了自己不寂寞。

    Mark Plotsky, a Stamford father of two who lost his job as a marketing analyst in April, said he went to the Temple Beth El group just to escape being home alone.


  • 根据弗森的回忆,马克欧文斯3留在地点后便独自返回总部

    According to Everson, Mark Owens left the three men in the park and returned to his headquarters.


  • 茱莉亚•查兹、马克•特拉普曼,德国劳动问题研究所,《德国基本收入保障工作

    Achatz, Juliane & Trappmann, Mark Exits to Work among Recipients of Basic Income Support in Germany


  • 剧情简介马克·扎克伯格(杰西·森伯格Jesseeisenberg饰)是正在哈佛读本科编程天才。2003年秋天的一个晚上坐在电脑前开始埋首于一个新构思

    Synopsis: on a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea.


  • 格伍兹列奥特斯皮策裘德洛马克桑福特杰西詹姆斯大卫莱特曼

    The Players: Tiger Woods, Eliot Spitzer, Jude Law, Mark Sanford, Jesse James, David Letterman


  • 作为马克·赫德(年前,赫德因为性骚扰丑闻离任)继任者,惠普现任首席执行官指责赫德忽视了上述两大业务,相比于硬件业务,网络和服务业务能带来更高的利润率。

    CEO Leo Apotheker has blamed the regime of former CEO Mark Hurd (who was ousted a year ago amid scandal) for neglecting these areas, which offer much better margins than hardware does.


  • 惠普公司内部消息人士告诉财富》杂志(Fortune),李因为具备前任首席执行官马克·赫德那样数字天赋而饱受折磨。

    Sources inside HP also told Fortune Apotheker suffered for not having former-CEO Mark V. Hurd's aptitude for Numbers.


  • 纽约市法医检验中心女发言人伦·波拉科维,到本周一马克·麦道夫的尸体没有安葬

    Madoff's body hadn't been picked up from the medical examiner's office for burial as of Monday, office spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said.


  • 所以鲍姆文章一句话同时引用了,达尔文主义马克思主义部分解释为什么,的文章读起来那么吃力

    So it is simultaneously in his very first sentence a Marxist and a Darwinian vocabulary that Eikhenbaum is invoking, and that's what partly accounts for the strenuousness of his rhetoric.


  • 比如1949,约翰·洛马克去世年后,莱德·百利的晚安》这首歌就成为民乐组合“纺织”四人合唱团的的主打曲目。

    For example, Lead Belly's "Good Night, Irene" became a huge hit for the folk group the Weavers. That was in 1949, a year after John Lomax died.


  • 湖人2008年2月用夸梅布朗,克里顿,伦迈可马克枷锁选秀熊队换来保罗加锁。

    The Lakers sent Brown Javaris Crittenton Aaron McKie and the draft rights to Marc Gasol to the Memphis Grizzlies for Pau Gasol in February 2008.


  • 罗宾逊提前离职导致bbc高管马克·汤普森任命首席执行官,据报道汤普森拉姆森的关系紧张。

    Robinson's early exit led to the CEO appointment of former BBC exec Mark Thompson, who reportedly had a tense relationship with Abramson.


  • 影片·斯马特《救命下课铃》男演员马克-保罗·戈塞拉出演,是ABC(美国广播公司)家庭频道“25圣诞节”活动系列电影之一。影片几乎可以说比尔·默里主演的《偷情缘》的假日

    Amy Smart and "Saved By The Bell" actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar star in the ABC Family "25 Days of Christmas" movie, which is basically a holiday version of Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day.


  • -马克·发言宣称法国会积极提出建议,条件是以“团结统一”为目的

    In his speech, Mr. Ayrault declared that France was ready to make proposals, but on condition that the objective was "integration solidaire", or integration with solidarity.


  • -马克·发言宣称法国会积极提出建议,条件是以“团结统一”为目的

    In his speech, Mr. Ayrault declared that France was ready to make proposals, but on condition that the objective was "integration solidaire", or integration with solidarity.


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