• 但是说,要正确看待这个问题,他指出假如一个人日本人通常的饮食习惯连续饮用这种牛奶一整积累下来放射也只相当于CT检查的量。

    But to put this in perspective, he pointed out that if someone on a typical Japanese diet drank this milk for a whole year, the accumulated radiation would equal that from a single ct scan.


  • 早期报告中持续提出并展示一项预测假设——高智商群体低智商群体频繁饮用大量酒精

    In an earlier post, I show that, consistent with the prediction of the Hypothesis, more intelligent individuals consume larger quantities of alcohol more frequently than less intelligent individuals.


  • 每周针对各种健康话题例如安全饮用重要等问题主持一档电台节目

    He also hosts a weekly radio show on a variety of health topics, for example on the importance of safe drinking-water.


  • 尼泊尔实现饮用安全目标,目前正稳步实现初等教育中等教育领域比例相同目标降低5岁以下儿童死亡率目标。

    Nepal has achieved the goal on access to safe water, and is on track to meet the goals on gender parity in primary and secondary education and on reducing under-5 mortality.


  • 饮用安全存疑时,将水烧开,或者不能做到一点时,利用可靠缓释消毒剂(通常药店可以买到)对水进行消毒

    When the safety of drinking water is questionable, boil it, or if this is not possible, disinfect it with a reliable, slow-release disinfectant agent (usually available at pharmacies).


  • 由于放射物质水平升高,日本建议不要婴幼儿饮用自来水条新闻全世界发出了警报,美国率先禁止部分日本食品进口

    News that Japan advised against feeding tap water to infants due to higher radiation levels sounded alarms globally, with the U.S. being the first nation to block some food imports from Japan.


  • EWG担心的是其余那些没有联邦强制安全标准制约的化学物质公众长期饮用被后可能会产生混合

    EWG frets that the remaining chemicals, which have no mandatory federal safety standards, can come in potentially toxic combinations for long-term consumption.


  • 福岛县饮用这些放射元素含量如果再增加三倍,水不再适于饮用

    The amounts of such elements were roughly one-quarter the levels that will make the water unfit to drink, Fukushima prefecture said.


  • 福岛饮用发现了- 135铯- 137放射物质。

    Also in Fukushima City, radioactive elements, including iodine, cesium-135 and cesium-137, were found in drinking water.


  • 如果报告反应水中化学物质甲烷含量过高化,饮用净化器,因为过高的化学物质含量导致流产的可能增加。

    If the test reveals high levels of chemicals known as trihalomethanes, install a water purifier; high levels may be linked to an increased risk of miscarriage.


  • 放射碘积存牧草中,然后集中在牛奶中进而儿童饮用

    Radioactive iodine was deposited in pastures eaten by cows who then concentrated it in their milk which was subsequently drunk by children.


  • 宣誓忠于4电台播出6部分组成的关于饮用历史纪录节目。

    I pledge allegiance to Radio 4 documentaries about the history of drinking water, told in six parts.


  • 有的提供医疗救助,有的给人们提供遮风挡雨的地方,有的提供食品饮用一些组织倾向于做长期短期重建工作,还有一些组织只是帮助为另外的非营利组织募捐。

    Some are providing medical assistance, some shelter, some food and water. Others will be more focused on either short term or long term rebuilding efforts.


  • 饮用咖啡的对象相比每日饮用6以上咖啡的,其罹各种前列腺癌的风险相对低,这种效果在致命前列腺癌上更为明显。

    Men who consumed six or more cups per day had a lower adjusted relative risk for overall prostate cancer compared with nondrinkers. The association was stronger for lethal prostate cancer.


  • SimonCrowe教授表示咖啡这样含有咖啡因其他饮料剂量饮用,“可能会增加产生幻觉的可能。”

    Coffee and other caffeinated drinks such as tea and energy drinks can 'increase tendencies to hallucinate' when taken in large doses, said Professor Simon Crowe.


  • 如果感觉口渴饮用白开水一些没有刺激茶水

    If feels thirstily, may drink the water and some does not have the irritant tea.


  • 但是一项新的研究显示饮用适量咖啡实际上能够降低心脏衰竭可能这项研究发表循环杂志上。

    But a new report suggests that moderate coffee drinking could actually lower the odds of heart failure. The findings are in the journal Circulation.


  • 能量饮料不能儿童青少年饮用因为刺激物质可能健康构成威胁

    Energy drinks should never be consumed by children or adolescents, because the stimulants they contain pose potential health risks.


  • 生物标记——制备出与重度酒精消耗酗酒易感生理依赖强迫饮用行为有关生物标记。

    Biomarkers - research that yields biomarkers of heavy alcohol consumption, the liability to alcoholism, biomarkers of physiological dependence on alcohol and compulsive drinking behavior.


  • 由于放射碘含量很高工厂附近村名嘱咐不要饮用自来水

    Villagers living near the plant have been told not to drink tap water because of higher levels of radioactive iodine.


  • 项系统研究回顾作者应该鼓励肝病患者饮用咖啡因为咖啡似乎降低他们的死亡风险

    And the authors of one systematic review of studies said that coffee consumption should be encouraged in people with chronic liver disease because it seems to lower their risk of dying.


  • 结论聊城市绝大部分地区属于适区;部分地区存在流行,由于居民饮用高碘食用加碘盐共同作用结果。

    Conclusions There is a prevailing tendency of high iodine goiter in Liaocheng, due to combination of drinking high iodine water and taking iodized-salt.


  • 志愿者饮用微量放射元素标记的药物——剂量没有伤害只有量的百分之一。

    Volunteers are given tiny traces of a radioactively labelled drug-too small to harm them, and typically just one-hundredth of the estimated full dose-in a drink.


  • 结果,长期饮用高度白酒后形成酒精中毒患者肝脏增大者占54%,而且其肝实质不同程度的脂肪声象图。

    Results: in the patients with chronic alcoholism caused by lastingly drinking high degree wine, 54% had hepatomegaly and liver parenchyma showed lipoidal-change acoustic image at varied degree.


  • 饮料——与年份葡萄酒相反酒体质量力度(以及价格)都处于平均水平,适合日常生活经常大量饮用

    Beverage wines - Opposed to vintage wines. Wines of average quality and strength (and price) suitable for drinking in large quantities and regularly.


  • 而且饮用硬度溶解固体(TDS)和当地居民心脏病死亡率确定正相关

    It has been found from some investigations that TDS and hardness of drinking water correlate with the lethal rate of heart disease of the local population.


  • 而且饮用硬度溶解固体(TDS)和当地居民心脏病死亡率确定正相关

    It has been found from some investigations that TDS and hardness of drinking water correlate with the lethal rate of heart disease of the local population.


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