• 此次食物污染从二月爆发,如今47州都有人感染。

    The outbreak was first reported in February and now includes cases in 47 states.


  • 长期储存以及不当处置这种材料可能导致二恶英泄漏环境中,导致人类动物食物污染

    Long-term storage and improper disposal of this material may result in dioxin release into the environment and the contamination of human and animal food supplies.


  • 尽管细菌引起食物污染仍然是造成疾病的主要原因消费者们仍然非常担心食物中的化学残留

    Although microbial contamination of food continues to account for the majority of instances of illness, consumers still have a high level of concern about chemical residues in food.


  • 近年来,食品安全跟踪追溯对于控制疫情防止食物污染食物中毒、反恐意义越来越大。

    In recent years, the tracing and traceability of food safety are more and more significant to the epidemic control, the precaution of food pollution and anti-terrorist.


  • 文件包括之前事故报告食物污染控告这些文件可以通过发现过程获得或者通过公共记录阅读申请得到。

    Documents may include reports of prior incidents or accusations of food contamination, and those documents can be acquired through the discovery process or through public record requests.


  • 近年来,美国消费者连珠炮似报告食物污染花生酱菠菜沙门氏饼干面团牛肉的大肠杆菌。

    U. S. consumers have been bombarded with reports of contaminated food in recent years, from salmonella in peanut butter and spinach to E. coli in cookie dough and ground beef.


  • 看起来问题的焦点不太在于食物在地上停留的时间长短,在于地被细菌污染到了什么程度。

    It looks like what's at issue is less how long your food stays on the floor and much more how contaminated with bacteria that patch of floor happens to be.


  • 我们知道食物污染表面接触时间长短是否会影响细菌转移食物速度

    We wanted to know if the length of time food is in contact with a contaminated surface affected the rate of transfer of bacteria to the food.


  • 一个有关食物都市神话声称如果食物地上停留秒钟,灰尘细菌有可能污染

    An urban food myth contends that if food spends just a few seconds on the floor, dirt and germs won't have much of a chance to contaminate it.


  • 由于害怕污染婆罗门其他种姓不会他人分享食物,不会与他人共用一个盘子甚至不会接受来自种姓食物

    Because of the fear of pollution, Brahmans and other high-ranked individuals will not share food with, not eat from the same plate as, not even accept food from an individual from a low-ranking caste.


  • 所在的实验室集中研究食物如何污染的,我们已经做了一些工作来研究人类智慧

    Research in my lab has focused on how food becomes contaminated, and we've done some work on this particular piece of wisdom.


  • 化学污染威胁农业食物进而危害人类健康

    Chemical pollution will bring about a threat to agriculture and food chain, and consequently to human health.


  • 日常摄入食物各类能量输出的污水、固体废物空气污染能源经过某种转化的物质相匹配

    A daily input of water, food, and energy of various kinds is matched by an output of sewage, solid waste, air pollutants, energy, and materials that have been transformed in some way.


  • 污染会导致不健康的食物

    Soil pollution causes unhealthy food.


  • 食物浪费有助于解决饥饿问题并减少污染

    Control on food waste can help deal with hunger and cut down that pollution.


  • 你自己种植水果和蔬菜时,你就可以帮助减少污染,因为不需要大卡车把你的食物运送到商店里去。

    When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you help cut down on pollution because big trucks don't need to take your food to shops.


  • 这方面例子范围包括食物供应污染空气噪音高度污染化学事故疾病暴发自然灾害

    Examples range from contamination of the food or water supply, to high levels of air or noise pollution, a chemical accident, a disease outbreak or a natural disaster.


  • 霍乱主要通过污染水源食物传播,初步症状是急性腹泻严重可能几个小时内因脱水和肾衰竭造成死亡

    Cholera, transmitted mainly through contaminated water and food, begins with acute watery diarrhea that in severe cases can cause death by dehydration and kidney failure within hours.


  • 可能他们开始就没有去深根究底,就像人们完全忘记几个星期的,受污染食物抛在脑后,农场工厂丝毫没有因此受到影响,照样生产

    There is a good chance they may never pin down the cause as people forget exactly what they ate weeks ago, contaminated food is thrown away and farm and factory equipment is disinfected.


  • 避免尾气排放的环境中行走使用杀虫剂购买有机食物关闭窗户避免外部污染空气进入,在房间空气过滤器

    She avoids walking through exhaust, doesn't use pesticides, buys organic foods, shuts her Windows to keep air pollution outdoors and USES air filters in her home.


  • 气侯模式改变一些人口稠密地区面临特大洪灾的危险之而来的是食物水源污染

    Changing weather patterns may also put densely populated areas at risk of deadly flooding, along with the resulting contamination of food and water supplies.


  • 谷物碳水化合物足迹最小食物释放3温室气体几乎没有污染

    Cereals and carbohydrates had the smallest footprints, with each pound of food releasing only 3 lb of greenhouse gases and almost no nitrogen pollution.


  • 甲型肝炎通常人与人之间传播,即受感染者食用了由病毒携带者粪便污染食物饮料

    Hav is usually spread from person to person when an uninfected person ingests food or beverages that have been contaminated with the stool of a person with the virus.


  • 印度人惧怕食用污染食物而被告知不要日食期间吃东西

    Indians have also been told not to eat during an eclipse for fear of consuming impure foods.


  • 日益增长廉价食物需求导致了另形式的污染

    The need to produce ever-increasing quantities of cheap food leads to a different kind of pollution.


  • 专家新的法规不仅为了保护消费者污染不洁食物的危害,同时通过设立可接受脂肪含量参数防止慢性疾病

    Experts say the new regulations aim not only to protect consumers from contamination and poor hygiene, but also from chronic diseases by establishing parameters for acceptable fat content.


  • 沙门氏菌是如何污染食物的?

    How does Salmonella get into foods?


  • 食物耗尽时,他们就靠喝灯油以及硫磺污染过的苦苦支撑,最终成功获救

    When the food ran out, they subsisted on lamp oil and sulfur-tainted water until their eventual rescue.


  • 食物耗尽时,他们就靠喝灯油以及硫磺污染过的苦苦支撑,最终成功获救

    When the food ran out, they subsisted on lamp oil and sulfur-tainted water until their eventual rescue.


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