• 抱怨另一个方面是,救援中心因为没有足够食物分配一个人,就拒绝帮助他们。

    Another complained that centres turned it away because it did not have enough food for everyone.


  • 他们发现如果其中个人分到一个人更多婴儿关注食物分配时间会更长。

    They discovered that babies spent more time looking at the allocation of food if one person got more than the other.


  • 主要应对机制就是地下市场交易网络应付饥馑、打破国家食物分配体系,它们如雨后春笋纷纷出现。

    The chief coping mechanisms are the informal markets and trading networks that sprang up to cope with the famine and the breakdown of the state food-distribution system.


  • 营养不良大规模流行不恰当食物分配有关,然而很多时候,营养不良起初是由于痢疾的高发而流行起来的。

    While high prevalence of malnutrition is associated with inadequate food rations, in some situation malnutrition developed primarily because of the high incidence of diarrhoeal diseases.


  • 考虑资源分配不平等高原印加需要获得海拔较低较温暖区域产品扩大食物的种类数量

    Given this unequal resource distribution, highland Incas needed access to the products of lower, warmer climatic zones in order to enlarge the variety and quantity of their foodstuffs.


  • 如果雏鸟双亲根据雏鸟乞食叫声响亮程度食物分给叫声响亮的健康雏鸟的话,那么鸟类双亲就是根据雏鸟乞食声音来决定如何分配食物的。

    If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspring capable of vigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions on the basis of their offsprings' calls.


  • 志愿者们分配瓶装食物药品,帆布,塑料布其他能用的一切东西都被拿来搭建临时宿营地

    Ducking into the makeshift shelters that residents have built from plastic sheeting, parasols, matting, and anything else that came to hand, volunteers distribute bottled water, food, and medicine.


  • 大象人口的数目在激增,这土地利用和食物资源分配形成了新的挑战

    Both elephant and human populations have been booming, thereby creating challenges on land utilisation and a fight for access to water and food resources.


  • 这个数百亿美元项目背后构想:通过发放身份证,提供更好安全保障,使食物发放分配更加公平,提供更加公平就业机会

    The idea behind the multi-million dollar scheme is to provide better security, fairer distribution of food handouts and more equal employment opportunities.


  • 技术在很多领域已经起到核心作用,如:战胜疾病分配食物改善教育等。苹果在这些领域都担当领头羊的角色。

    Technology has become central to fighting disease, distributing food, improving education, and Apple should be a leader.


  • 他们这样食物男性得到食品抵卷时分配平衡。

    They said the food would be more likely to be divided equitably within the household this way than if men got the vouchers.


  • 萨默维尔博士:“婴儿认为食物应被公平分配,因此当他们看到其中个人一个得到更多饼干牛奶时,感到很惊讶。”

    Dr Sommerville said: 'The infants expected an equal and fair distribution of food and they were surprised to see one person given more crackers or milk than the other.'


  • 合适的分配享受剩余食物可以节约时间尤其是详细食谱(其中许多反而是第二品尝更加美味)。

    Making larger portions and enjoying leftovers saves time, especially with more elaborate recipes (many of which taste better the next day anyway).


  • 用来使食物水化厨房烤箱是用来加热食物达到适当温度

    The water dispenser is used for rehydrating foods, and the galley oven is for warming foods to the proper serving temperature.


  • 如果考虑我们时间多么宝贵—光是分配工作家庭朋友都已经不够了—那么分一部分出来清扫公园或者派发食物就确实是一个非常有价值的贡献

    Given how precious our time iscramped by demands of work, family and friends — setting some of it aside to clean parks or deliver meals seems like a valuable donation.


  • 每一种情况分析过了可能什么呢?我们不能什么呢?我们如何分配食物呢?

    Every situation was analyzed. What was possible to do? What can we not do? How should we distribute the food?


  • 我们需要找到新的方法分配食物孩子们不会饿着肚子睡觉

    We need to find new ways to distribute food so no child goes to bed hungry.


  • 牛津饥荒救济委员会GrahamMackay指出大部分自然灾害发生天后,援助机构可以建立救援物资分配体系分配食物临时住所

    In most natural disasters, points out Graham Mackay of Oxfam, by day four the aid agencies expect to have set up distribution systems for food, water and temporary shelter.


  • 食物分配以及儿童营养津贴不会受到影响

    The distribution of food stamps and other child nutrition benefits, would not be affected.


  • 呼吁改变食物生产方式全世界分配的方式。

    It called for changes in the way food is produced and distributed around the world.


  • (包括“法本公司”西门子”)[见:译注1]。在那里盟国犯人被绑架外国劳工分配食物很少劳动强度非常大,以致每周多达三分之一的人死亡

    G. Farben and Siemens among others, where Allied prisoners and kidnapped foreign laborers were fed so little and worked so hard that as many as one-third died every week.


  • (包括“法本公司”西门子”)[见:译注1]。在那里盟国犯人被绑架外国劳工分配食物很少劳动强度非常大,以致每周多达三分之一的人死亡

    G. Farben and Siemens among others, where Allied prisoners and kidnapped foreign laborers were fed so little and worked so hard that as many as one-third died every week.


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