• 目前为止国内航空公司从不询问食物偏好的身边总是坐着食肉陌生人

    By now this is so well known that internal airlines never even ask what meal preference I have and no stranger sitting next to me orders meat.


  • 阿罗·格斯大学研究父母孩子食物偏好发现学龄前儿童往往喜欢家长喜欢拒绝其家长喜欢的同种水果蔬菜

    A Rutgers study of parent and child food preferences found that preschoolers tended to like or reject the same fruits and vegetables their parents liked or didn't like.


  • 一项老鼠为研究对象所做的实验显示母鼠怀孕乳期食用脂肪糖类浓度过高的食物最终会导致幼鼠类似食物偏好

    An experiment conducted in rats shows that females eating diets dense with fats and sugars while pregnant or lactating ended up with offspring with similar food preferences.


  • 社会学习一个例子获得新奇食物偏好

    One example of social learning is the acquisition of preferences for novel foods.


  • 这些结果证实鸟类可以通过社会学习来发展美味食物偏好

    These results confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning.


  • 味觉一个主观因素,我们通常不会食物对象进行偏好测试

    Taste is such a subjective matter that we don't usually conduct preference tests for food.


  • 我们展示自己独立性早期方式之一就是宣称食物偏好,这并不是巧合。

    It's no coincidence that one of the earliest ways we demonstrate our independence is by asserting our food preferences.


  • 孩子饮食会因为父母饮食偏好而有所调整有可能尝试食物如果他们看到自己母亲父亲

    Dieting in front of your children Kids are tuned into their parents' eating preferences and are far more likely to try foods if they see their mother or father eating them.


  • 斯特雷特认为,虽然南方古猿非洲种多种多样相差很大食物成熟水果偏好其它动植物短缺旱季就可能依赖坚果

    Strait thinks that A. africanus ate a wide variety of foods but could rely on nuts in dry seasons when the ripe fruit and other plants and animals it preferred were scarce.


  • 父母施加很大影响研究表明父母提供食物决定孩子偏好以及肥胖可能性

    Parents also exert a big influence; studies have shown that the foods they offer and eat will predict their child's preferences and chance of becoming obese.


  • 此外压力会促使人们更多摄入自己偏好食物而这些食物大多富含脂肪糖类

    In addition, stress also leads one to higher volumes of comfort food, which in turn often are foods rich in fat and sugar.


  • 首先,他们这些林雀尽情地享用食物, 使其进入到种特状态只要这些饱食一种食物, 那它们就会表现出其他东西的一种强烈的偏好.

    They let the birds eat as much of one food as they wanted, exploiting a condition called specific satietyonce the birds are full of one food, they show strong preference for something different.


  • 虽然肥胖在关于儿童健康全国性讨论中占主导地位,但很多家长同时担心孩子饮食偏好食物面条可能会导致营养不良

    Although obesity dominates the national discussion on childhood health, many parents are also worried that their child's preferred diet of nuggets and noodles could lead to a nutritional deficit.


  • 食物稀缺需要动物消耗体力捕食时,增加偏好渴望能帮助动物吃下他们获得的食物,即使尝着味道真的不怎么样

    When food is scarce and animals exert energy to retrieve food, increasing the desirability of less tasty food would help animals eat what they had caught, regardless of its inherent tastiness.


  • 课程所讲授话题包括:口味偏好厌食饥饿饱足感调节食物种安慰友谊社会仪式饮食食品问题的社会规范原因

    Topics include taste preferences, food aversions, the regulation of hunger and satiety, food as comfort and friendship, eating as social ritual, and social norms of blame for food problems.


  • 可能由于口味早期青春期偏好糖和脂肪的食物

    This may be due to tastes acquired in early adolescence and preferences for sugary and fatty foods.


  • 越来越多研究表明对一些奇怪食物偏好——厌恶——可能是出于保护胎儿的缘故。

    Growing research suggests that odd food yearnings - and food aversions - may protect the fetus.


  • 满足所有学员食物个别偏好需求可能的,因此希望学员接受这里提供简单素食

    It is not possible to satisfy the special food preferences and requirements of all the meditators. Students are therefore kindly requested to make do with the simple vegetarian meals provided.


  • 越来越多研究表明对一些奇怪食物偏好——厌恶——可能是出于保护胎儿的缘故。

    Growing research suggests that odd food yearningsand food aversionsmay protect the fetus.


  • 一个趋势消费者日益偏好脂肪含量食物某些农产品需求因此发生变化,奶油和蔬菜需求的此消彼长。

    One trend is consumer preference for food with low fat content, which has changed demand for specific products. For example, there is less demand for cream and more demand for vegetable.


  • 一个趋势消费者日益偏好脂肪含量食物某些农产品需求因此发生变化,奶油和蔬菜需求的此消彼长。

    One trend is consumer preference for food with low fat content, which has changed demand for specific products. For example, there is less demand for cream and more demand for vegetable.


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