• 飞速抬眼看了然后双眼

    She gave him a quick, upward look, then lowered her eyes.


  • 爱德华赞扬心情飞速增长

    His admiration for Edward was growing by leaps and bounds.


  • 我们朋友飞速扩大

    Our group of friends is enlarging by leaps and bounds.


  • 独木舟飞速地冲入急流

    The canoe shot the rapids.


  • 的脑海里飞速地许多治疗感冒的方法,包括滚烫桉树

    She remembered faster than lightning many a cold-remedy including steaming eucalyptus oil.


  • 什么也不必也能知道,那种尊重并非因为飞速地成长、成熟。

    He never even had to say it - I knew. Not that I had matured by leaps and bounds.


  • 可以毫不夸张嵌入式系统正在飞速地改变着人们生活方式

    Can it is no exaggeration to say, embedded system is rapidly changing people's way of life.


  • 情人希望宛如童话的那豆子——一旦生了飞速成长

    A lover's hope resembles the bean in the nursery tale, -let it once take root, and it will grow so rapidly.


  • 这么年轻时候获得英超联赛经验水平在过去几年飞速提高。

    To get Premier League experience at such a young age has made my game improve leaps and bounds over the last couple of years.


  • 直到最近多数民调还显示,麦凯恩支持率高于对手,领先优势却在飞速减小。

    Until very recently, most polls put him narrowly ahead in the state, but his lead has been shrinking fast.


  • 轰隆隆声,过山车突然直角飞速地下面轨道滑行起来

    Only 1 that listens to "bomb Long Long" led a mountain car to suddenly turn a right angle to bend and flew soon to underneath of the orbit skidding get up.


  • 正在经历他的第六次大灭绝事件许多物种甚至我们认知之前飞速地消逝了。

    Earth is experiencing its sixth mass extinction event, species winking out of existence before we even know them.


  • 根据威特莫尔教授的话,尽力确定最早鸟类还没有得到半点的确认,但新的发现飞速改变前景

    According to Prof Witmer, little is certain in trying to determine the earliest bird and new findings can rapidly change perspectives.


  • 点头。这的思绪飞速搜寻着,想对这位可爱的年青妇人什么,随便什么都行。

    I nodded stupidly, my mind racing for something, anything, to say to this lovely young woman.


  • 分析师认为,美洲豹路虎正在飞速地成为新兴市场几千万纪念性品牌”,欧洲大陆得到越来越多的欢迎

    Analysts said Jaguar and Land Rover were fast becoming "a trophy brand" for tens of millions of people in emerging markets and were becoming increasingly popular in continental Europe.


  • 手机还是无线业务最大的部分,但是类似平板电脑上网本电子阅读正在飞速地增长即使,也是运营商一部分。

    The wireless business is still largely about phones. But devices such as tablet computers, netbooks and e-readers are a fast-growing, if tiny, part of carriers' operations.


  • 乡村小镇奥卡罕加,有尘土飞扬的马路和历经风雨吹打的小店。小镇突如其来出现在我们面前,飞速地被火车在后面。

    Okahandja, a country town of dusty roads and weather-beaten stores, appears suddenly and is quickly left behind.


  • 双肩圆润,大手大脚,衣着松垮,正从其貌不扬丫头片子飞速一个漂亮俊俏的大姑娘这恰恰她顶不喜欢的。

    Round shoulders had Jo, big hands and feet, a flyaway look to her clothes, and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who was rapidly shooting up into a woman and didn't like it.


  • 鞭炮声音最大雷王小心翼翼点燃雷王的引线飞速地开,轻轻捂上耳朵,目不转睛的盯着雷王,嘴里喊着放炮了!”

    Firecrackers sound the largest is the thunder king rai-oh, I carefully lit thunder king rai-oh lead, fast run, covering the ear, gently staring thunder king rai-oh, mouth shouted "shooting!"


  • 不必动物狩猎一般大师杰作飞速地一览而尽,而是可以找出那些口味的作品,然后慢慢消化吸收,让你的博物馆之旅变得个性化

    Rather than check master works off a list as if on a scavenger hunt, you can make a sprawling museum digestible and personal by seeking out only those works that dovetail with your interests.


  • 然而随后研究带来了一个噩耗:阿尔·伯克下水储量远远没有看上去那么而且正在飞速地消耗,其消耗速度要远远大于降雨融雪下水的补充

    But then studies revealed startling news: Albuquerque's aquifer was nowhere near the size it once appeared to be and was being pumped out faster than rainfall and snowmelt could replenish it.


  • 然而令人惊奇,黄哲伦这位美籍华人剧作家极其出色捕捉飞速变化中国以及转变中的全球秩序种种微妙之处

    But what is surprising is just how well Mr Hwang, a Chinese-American playwright, manages to capture the nuances of rapidly changing China and a shifting global order.


  • 造成这种情况最主要原因在于,伦敦矿业商业公司的所在自然资源价格飞速上涨。

    The main reason is that London is home to eight mining and commodity companies at a time when natural resources prices have been soaring.


  • 互联网应当不断飞速提升人们生活品质,帮助他们更多时间集中重要事情上,帮助他们建立更深厚更具意义的关系

    It should be improving people's lives by leaps and bounds, helping them spend more time on what's important, helping them establish deeper, more meaningful connections.


  • 世界范围内牡蛎栖息调查中,这种多肉多汁的软体类动物飞速消亡,此同时由于病害与过量的捕捉85%的(牡蛎所赖以栖息的)群礁在消亡。

    A survey of oyster habitats around the world has found that the succulent mollusks are disappearing fast and 85 percent of their reefs have been lost due to disease and over-harvesting.


  • 命令正确无误飞速执行,因为这样迅速正确街垒轮船特别需要的,只有在这两个逃跑才成为可能。

    Enjolras' order was executed with the correct haste which is peculiar to ships and barricades, the only two scenes of combat where escape is impossible.


  • 纸板40 000英尺空投下跟踪200英里它嗖嗖飞速移动,让我想起百货商店里气压管道声音

    The pipe, which can be dropped from 40, 000 feet and tracked for 200 miles, makes a whoosh on its descent, reminding me of the sound of those old pneumatic tubes in department stores.


  • 道路开辟森林飞速采伐,导致原本因为过于偏远无法进行探索的生物栖息现在开始门户大开了。

    Why now? New roads and rapid deforestation are opening up habitats once too remote to explore.


  • 随着计算机技术管理技术飞速发展,计算机控制系统越来越用于石油工业中。

    With the development at full speed of computer technology and administrative skill, the computer control system is used in the petroleum industry more and more.


  • 随着计算机技术管理技术飞速发展,计算机控制系统越来越用于石油工业中。

    With the development at full speed of computer technology and administrative skill, the computer control system is used in the petroleum industry more and more.


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